Former Governor Don Siegelman gardening in the Oakdale federal prison in Louisiana
(Image by Free Don Siegelman Campaign) Details DMCA
Yes, I'm back at Oakdale Prison after 49 days of travel.
What might have otherwise been a seven hour car trip to court was 49 days of travel, five buses, five vans and three airplanes, over 70 US Marshals and countless numbers of jail and prison correctional officers to shackle, handcuff, chain, "box" and lock me before and after each trip and for court.
I was taken to Oklahoma twice, Jacksonville Florida and Harrisburg, PA, and Maxwell Air Force Base once, Atlanta twice, the federal courthouse and county jail in Montgomery three times. I was always kept in solitary confinement. In the Montgomery County jail, [solitary confinement] was all steel, except for the cement floor and the lights never went off.
No Change of Underwear for 2 1/2 WeeksThe food was such that while I ate everything, I still lost weight even though I exercised in my cell every day. From the 11th to the 29th of December I had the same under wear and T-shirt and socks that had been given to me in Oklahoma City. [That meant that he had not changed by the time we saw him in court, four days later. And he did not have to tell us that he had not recently combed his hair or shaved. That was apparent.]
Cut Off from EveryoneWith frustration, I would have occasional use of the phone in the Montgomery county jail, but I never could use the phone in the other prisons. So From the 4th of December to the 11th of December
and from the 28th through yesterday I was out of contact with everyone including my lawyers except for their extraordinary effort to fly to Atlanta [for] a two hour meeting [made possible by the new Judge Land.] I was so grateful to see them. Don't Apply for Jobs with Fed ExThe good news is that the US Marshalls who apply for jobs at Fed EX or UPS will never be hired. The seven hour trip to the court house, which could have been done for no cost to the taxpayers (because my lawyers were going to drive me to and from the federal courthouse in Montgomery) has cost the U.S. taxpayers God only knows how much! All because the U.S. Department of Justice objected to my lawyers' request.
More to go see if I can get my job back at landscaping.
Federal Prisoner - 2018
Governor of Alabama, 1999-2003
Elected Twice, Inaugurated Once
Lt. Governor, 1995-1999
Attorney general, 1987-1991
Secretary of State, 1979-1987
Federal Prisoner till June, 2018;
Final Discharge-2021(With Your Help, this will not stand)
FPC P.O. Box 5010
Oakdale, LA 71463