Dear Friends of Open Voting:
Feel free to pass this around:
Chris Hood is great in this report. Thanks to Brad Friedman for getting me
involved. Thanks also to Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg for letting us use
her office for some of the taping. Carter Evans did an excellent job.
We still need to hear more about solutions, but, with luck, we'll hear more
about that after Election Day.
Alan Dechert
p.s. This is from Carter Evans of GoTV
Sorry for all the emails, but we finally have link with all four parts...
please watch and let me know what you think. Part four is especially
important, because it gives some solid tips to help protect your vote this
Here's the lowdown:
This Tuesday millions of voters will cast their ballots electronically. But
some say using this new technology is a step in the wrong direction.
"Hack The Vote" is an in-depth look at the still-unsolved problems with
electronic voting. Reporter Carter Evans secured the first-ever exclusive
on-camera interview with a former employee (now turned whistleblower) of
Diebold, one of the companies making these machines.
Among the revelations in this series:
A whistleblower admits on-camera that he and a team secretly inserted
"patches" into election machines before an election was held in Georgia.
A computer programmer admits before Congress he wrote programming code that
would "switch" an election.
We'll show you how students from a respected university easily hacked a
voting machine.
It's a sobering look at electronic voting - and a series you must watch
before visiting the polling booth. Catch the entire series on every single
GoTV channel on Sprint/Nextel. If you don't have a video enabled phone,
GoTV is posting the segments for free. Please share this with all your
friends before they visit the voting booth: