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Alan Dechert

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Alan Dechert is the CEO of Open Voting Consortium.

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 1, 2007
Blow Struck Against Machine with Secret Voting Software and Invisible Ballots My first reaction when I found out the machine was available on eBay 6/15 of last year was "take a sledgehammer" to it!It turns out we did get the machine,but several friends talked me out of smashing it--for the time being.This was a good thing because it helped us make some other points.We examined the machine in some detail and reported on various faults we found. In March of this year,AP cited us:why Diebold might want t
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 27, 2007
San Francisco or New York -- which will be first with open source voting system? San Francisco officials have voted several times in favor of open source where the issue has come up this year. Now, New York City has a proposal on the table which strongly favors open source for voting systems.It looks like this is moving in the right direction. One-third of the City Council signed on as sponsors the day it was introduced. Congratulations to our friends in New York for getting this far with the idea.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 22, 2007
SF Again says "No" to Sequoia Yesterday, San Francisco supervisors again held firm and told Sequoia no deal without disclosure. The Sequoia contract was number 2 on the agenda, and took very little time. There wasn't that much to say after last week, and only a few of us got up and spoke during the public comments time. It will be on the agenda again next week. This can't continue very long before Sequoia will be forced to walk away.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 22, 2007
AB 852 - New OVC-Sponsored CA Assembly Bill It's called the SAFE Elections Bill. It will be on the website next week. Like AB 2097 last year, it would require disclosure of source code (and details about all related hardware and software) upon state certification. Unlike AB 2097, it will only apply to new certifications.Also, we want to provide an incentive for vendors that use true open source (free) software. I have proposed a break on certification costs.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Video on Electronic Voting We'll show you how students from a respected university easily hacked a voting machine. It's a sobering look at electronic voting - and a series you must watch before visiting the polling booth. Catch the entire series on every single GoTV channel on Sprint/Nextel.

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