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Requiem for a Nation, or a Call to Rebirth?

By David Diego Martinez de Lopez  Posted by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   1 comment

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
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Just as the nation is divided evenly between "red states" and "blue states" so too are both political parties. Polarization has crept into the Democrats with one side being "progressive democrats" (those far to the left), and one side being "traditional democrats" (those with whom JFK would feel at home with).

On the other side of the isle, the Grand Old Party has found itself not immune to this polarization infection either. George Bush who once told Americans "I'm a unite(r), not a divided" has in fact done just that - divided his party.

And what's the flash point within the Republican Party; immigration. To modify an earlier campaign slogan; It's immigration stupid!

In Arizona, the party of Lincoln should heed Lincoln's advice: "... a house divided cannot stand."

At the recent meeting of the Arizona State Republican party, this division could not have been more visible. It was the party elite marching in lock step with their orders from John McCain falling in behind Lisa James, verses the traditional Republican grassroots falling in line behind their leader Randy Pullen.

Both were candidates for the Chairmanship of the state party, and both are worlds apart.

To those with allegiances to the party elite, John McCain is the President who'll save America against a Hillary Presidency. To those of the party of Barry Goldwater, John McCain is nothing more than a worn out version of the worst that Hillary represents.

In fact, both Hillary and McCain will continue to escalate the War on Terror. Both will continue GW's foreign policy in Iraq. Both will continue to escalate Homeland Security to the point that Americans will no longer be either free or secure. Both will continue pushing the North American Union until we are no longer a single nation but a conglomeration of states under a single European Union type of banner. And lastly, both will continue the out of control spending until, as Jefferson once said; "..."If the American People EVER allow the banks to issue the currency, their children will wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers established." To whom is the National Debt owed? From whom do the major political parties receive their financial support?

McCain? Hillary? A dime's worth of difference. At the highest levels where presidential candidates are selected, who pulls the purse strings?

It was against this tide that the grassroots of the Arizona Republican Party pulled. And, it was against this tide that they won the election for Chairman of the state party; by only four votes.

Elected men and woman are to serve, not be served. This is a basic tenant of a free people that seems to be fading with each passing election. An election is not a sporting event! But that's how the elite of our country want us to view elections: us versus them; red states versus blue states. In other words, a house divided. All the while, the players and the elite globalists and corpracats at the top of the pyramid scheme are interchangeable. Meanwhile it is they who continue to reshape our lives and our world. Meanwhile we are busily engaged in the sporting event called "free elections."

Haven't you noticed that with the passing of each president, with the changes in Congress, nothing has changed? Crime continues to increase, drugs continue to ravage our land, pollution continues to choke our air and water, houses are no longer affordable, freeways are congested, health care is no longer affordable, we seem to always be "at war" ... why?

We look to our leaders for solutions and what have we gotten? Rulers issuing edicts.

This was no more graphically illustrated as on January 27th at the annual meeting of the Republican Party of Arizona when the ruling elite tried to strong arm the party into electing "their" candidate for state chairman. They were opposed by the rank and file grassroots of the Arizona Republican party and the core issue was borders and immigration.

Since Reagan was president there has been a Bush always nearby. And, since 1980 what has happened to our borders? Since 1980 what has happened to our country, our freedoms, and our security? Since 1980 what has happened to our jobs and our children's education?

Bill and Hillary? They were just a change of window dressing to give the illusion that we make a difference. The agenda begun during the Vice Presidency of George Bush continued. For over a generation now the same elite have dominated our government at the highest levels.

Senators McCain and Clinton simply want to continue the progressive march begun a generation ago; it's their turn at the wheel. Nothing will change unless the grassroots of all political parties stop their sporting event mentality and turn their anger and efforts to the task of turning out those who've been in power for so long now.

Nothing will change unless the grassroots of all political orientation stand up to the ruling elites, as did those Republicans on Saturday January 27th and vote the bastards out once and for all.

The Biblical prophet Ezra again has a message for us to heed:

"But see, we are slaves today, slaves in the land you gave our forefathers so they could eat its fruit and the other good things it produces. 37 Because of our sins, its abundant harvest goes to the kings you have placed over us. They rule over our bodies and our cattle as they please. (Ezra 9:36-37)
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Melinda Pillsbury-Foster is the author of GREED: The NeoConning of America and A Tour of Old Yosemite. The former is a novel about the lives of the NeoCons with a strong autobiographical component. The latter is a non-fiction book about her father (more...)
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