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Thinking About Science Literacy

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Thinking About Science LiteracyThe Florida Humanist Journal: Issue 1 The Humanists of Florida Association is pleased to announce its first annual journal. This year’s topic is the state of science education in Florida. In publishing the Florida Humanist Journal, HFA sets out to create high quality, thought-provoking periodicals on important issues affecting the state of Florida from a definitively Humanist perspective.

Because the members of HFA believe science is a conduit for improving our quality of life and that scientific literacy leads to rational thought and respect for free inquiry and enlightened behavior, this first journal paints a very clear picture of the state of science education in Florida. More importantly, it provides constructive ideas on how science education can be improved.

Gin Kohl Lieberman, the editor of the journal, former secondary education science teacher and designer of the educational program for the Carl Sagan Academy in Tampa, considered this project a personal odyssey: “There were so many things to address – from the effects of high-stakes testing on science instruction to textbook publishers’ nods to Intelligent Design as part of a biology curriculum.”

The journal contains essays and articles from authors and scholars who provided commentaries on: the importance of science standards, issues in accountability testing, the partisan takeover of biology and how scientific illiteracy is affecting our quality of life and our economy here in Florida. The journal is available as a benefit of membership in the Humanists of Florida Association ($40). Copies are also available to journalists and academics involved in considering the state of science education in Florida. ###

The Humanists of Florida Association is a statewide association of groups and individuals that affirm the Humanist worldview. The Humanists of Florida Association promotes freedom and democracy by inspiring people to create a more compassionate society through the use of reason and science. Our focal issues are: Science, Democracy, Education and Community.

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Jennifer Hancock is the Associate Director for the Humanists of Florida Association. Jennifer has a degree in Cognitive Linguistics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She became an atheist at the age of 17 and has been involved in the Humanist (more...)
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