A Military Draft is surely coming, even though it is BushCo's worst nightmare. That's obvious by their silence on the matter in the face of tremendous troop shortages. They know the public wouldn't stand for wars of convenience if everyone's kids faced the draft. In fact the public is getting sick of the current arrangement too.
It will probably be left to the Democrats to call it, just to mop up after Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.
From my layman's view they seem to be playing at war. "Realpolitik" ...expecting to nab the Iraqi oil fields for their Texas friends and incidentally base a permanent division or two into Iraq to neutralize the Middle East. Just that easy. As if. It's just too bad for thousands of our grieving U.S. families, our wounded troops, and several hundred thousand dead and maimed Iraqis that Bush and his NeoCon cronies were so ignorant of history and the real world.
We're still over there only because they can't figure out how to hold onto the oil fields. But they'll go down trying, and drag the rest of us with them. Both Junior and Cheney seem stubborn that way.
And apparently they're only now learning the difference between play acting with a big PR budget including Junior making an ass of himself on that aircraft carrier, and the real thing, as in Mess-o-potamia (aptly named by the Daily Show). It's been an expensive history lesson for these dopes.
Of course in a necessary war we'd be fighting for something besides Exxon and make-work for the millionaires who own Blackwater, CACI, and Haliburton, Inc. And all those plump dandies and fair weather patriots currently in D.C. would be cowering under some corporate rock... but no doubt still be trying to make some money out of all the action.
Iraq isn't necessary unless you're worried about controlling oil. Instead of thinking our way out of our energy crisis these thieves naturally want to steal what isn't theirs. So the brains at BushCo are terrified of a military draft. They don't know much about bravery, but somewhere behind their piggy little eyes they know a real democracy will never put up with gratuitous, shameful wars of convenience like Iraq, and attacking Iran.
And that's the "inconvenient truth" for these crooks.