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Bill Bucolo

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Bill has trained and worked in newspapers, public relations and magazine publishing since the 60's. During the Viet Nam War he was active in the Southern Student Organizing Committee and Students for a Democratic Society, and one of the publishers of the Florida Free Press which eventually prevailed in a 1st Amendment case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Since November 2004 he has been active in the fight for election system reform and against conservative excesses and writes frequently on these issues.

OpEd News Member for 961 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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Sunday, February 24, 2008 SHARE More Sharing Obama, Bombers and Bullsh*t Painting Obama with the broad brush of 60's radicals will backfire on the right wing. After all, everything they ever said that was good about Civil Rights and wrong with the Viet Nam War have come to pass. Now we have a society that can actually contemplate electing a black American to the White House, and we're trading with and touring a peaceful, united, commie/capitalistic Viet Nam.
Saturday, April 21, 2007 (24 comments) SHARE More Sharing Military Draft is BushCo's Biggest Nightmare A military draft means a citizen's army, and that's just what BushCo's, the government planners, and the oil industry DON'T want.
Sunday, March 25, 2007 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Are U.S. Corporations Loyal American Citizens? To whom are very well paid U.S. based private corporate armies loyal? Are they loyal to the U.S. Constitution first, or their corporate paymasters?

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