The issue of impeaching Bush and/or Cheney was famously taken "off the table" by Nancy Pelosi over a year ago. She made this announcement prior to the 2006 mid-term elections hoping the statement would appease "centrists" and help Democrats win a majority in Congress.
Coincidentally, a 2006 win for Democrats also meant Pelosi was destined to be named the first woman Speaker of the House. So, we are guessing she may have had a bit of self-interest when she made such an untenable promise NOT to carry out her sworn duty to uphold the Constitution.
Pelosi may also be reluctant to initiate impeachment for fear she will be accused of doing so because she is third in line to be President. And right-wing critics are ready to pounce on Pelosi for that very reason. If so, rather than stand in the way of impeachment, she should recuse herself from the decision-making process.
Today “there’s rumors on the Internets” -- here, here and here (and lost of other places) -- that Pelosi will reconsider her no-impeachment stance – IF – she receives 10,000 HAND WRITTEN letters supporting the impeachment of Dick Cheney.
So, if you really want to see Congress – especially the Democrats – start acting like the co-equal branch of Government that they were intended to be – PLEASE write to Pelosi today.
For those of you unaccustomed to the snail mail process, here are 5 easy steps:
- Find a pen and a piece of paper;
- Write your letter;
- Find an envelope and write Pelosi's address on it;
- Put the letter in the envelop and attach a stamp to it;
- Put it in a mailbox.
And to make it even easier – if you do not know WHAT to write, copy this letter that another Impeachment supporter already sent:
“Impeaching a high federal official for high crimes and misdemeanors - and other conduct and misuse of power incongruent with the office held - is not only a power of the legislature, but a constitutional duty. It is not a distraction to the work of Congress; it is the work of Congress. Impeachment by the House is not just an indictment, but the only way to break through the stone wall erected around the White House and enable real investigation of malfeasance and effective oversight to be performed. If the "discovery phase" of hard evidence gathering prior to a Senate trial verifies the alleged wrongdoing, the accused will be convicted. Otherwise the accused will be acquitted. Either way, justice is done and the rule of law is upheld. The founding fathers felt so strongly about protecting our democratic republic from would-be kings usurping Executive powers, they included the provision for impeachment in the Constitution six times. It was not by accident. Please, for the sake of our democracy, impeach Dick Cheney.”
This is a timely issue and needs to be acted upon NOW. There is ample public support FOR impeachment and currently, a resolution for impeaching Cheney (HB333, introduced by Dennis Kucinich) is languishing and under consideration in the Judiciary Committee.
Make sure you WRITE your letter – do not TYPE it. Include your name, address and telephone number so its authenticity can be verified. Write it in BLUE INK so it will not be mistaken for a photocopy.
Send your letter to:
Nancy Pelosi
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Cindy Sheehan is concerned that Pelosi may not accurately count the letters and therefore she is asking that you send them to her instead. We share Cindy’s skepticism but also, as pragmatists, are aware that Pelosi may disregard letters sent to Cindy since she is calling for those letters to be sent to her. Why not write TWO letters and send one of them directly to Pelosi and the other to Sheehan?
Letters to Pelosi via Sheehan should be sent to:
Cindy for CongressTaking the time to do this one little task may be the most important thing you have ever done. And we've given you everything you need except the 5 minutes of time it will take to write and mail the letter, a pen, a piece of paper, an envelope and a stamp.
RE: Impeach Dick Cheney
1260 Mission Blvd
San Francisco, Ca 94103