From the outset, George W. Bush has combined a consistent deficiency in good judgement with a consistent willingness to lie, deceive and promulgate the kind of hatred and bigotry that also recurred in the statements of Jerry Falwell. NOW, however, there can be no doubt that, in light of James B. Comey's testimony that it was George BUSH who deliberately broke the warrantless search laws, IMPEACHMENT seems completely appropriate. Breaking the law is NOT ONE OF THE PERKS of being President. However, will the Senate Judiciary Committee give him a pass, realizing that his "PROTECTORS" can just play for time until Bush is no longer in the Whitehouse? Perhaps. However, it is my considered opinion that he should STILL be held accountable for the crime. One who commits a crime is a criminal. This doesn't end when he is "retired" from current employment. George W. Bush committed a verifiable crime; and my best guess is that's just the tip of the iceberg. We'll find out about others, mark my words. He got away with avoiding combat; he got away with winning a fraudulent election; his appointees have certainly demonstrated THAT BUSH POSSESSES a consistency in poor judgement. And THAT SAME POOR JUDGEMENT combined with an enormously inflated hubris has no doubt seen him break various laws. It goes with the territory. |