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Marsha Sherman

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Marsha is a resident of the State of Florida. She graduated from Miami-Dade CC in 1975 when college was so low cost that it was not hard to work & pay her own way. She has always been a strong advocate for democracy for all, and have always been opposed to racism of any kind. I believe the time is right to make major corrections to the U.S. Constitution so that the polarization that has been occurring in our country for many years, but very much more so in recent years can be addressed with some degree of success. Voting right must be a Constitutional right for all Americans, even those in jail. Today, it is not. Laws governing lobbiests, how they can conduct themselves either publicly or privately, must have guidelines. And no lobbiest should ever be allowed to hold any government office. Money in politics should never be allowed to be the linchpin under which our courts make decisions. School systems nationwide should be required to teach nothing but the truth. Slanted educations from one state to another in a country where moving from one state to another is a common occurrence is unfair to a young mind. Each state has its own history which should be taught fairly, but as to governmental history, the history should not be allowed to change factually from one state to another. She had the advantage of living under the New Deal and can promise anyone who did not have that advantage that it does, indeed, work. It worked very well. Taxes are not and never have been the culprit in this economy. It is the lack of taxes and rigging of the democratic system by both parties causing the great divide between the haves and have nots.

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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 4, 2016
Chris Hedges Debates Robert Reich This is a debate the way a debate should be allowed to proceed. The video is followed by a full transcript. And it's a window into just how messed up all of us are this election cycle.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Choosing between Cholera and Gonnorhea Julian Assange explains all he knows and what he thinks of the DNC, the misconduct by party officials, and the choice between Trump and Clinton. No one says it better.
From ImagesAttr
(21 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 23, 2016
This is what fascism looks like in real time House leadership has turned off cameras in an attempt to deny C-Span viewers from viewing protesting Democrats from being heard. He has attempted to take over complete control of what the public is allowed to see. Our civil rights have never been in more jeopardy than they are now.
Donald Trump, From FlickrPhotos
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Seems Republicans Are Championing A Communist Sympathizer! Republicans from day one of this election kept spewing all over the media that Bernie Sanders was a Communist. Whether they used "Socialist" without the "Democratic" in front or not, the implication was there. So what are they going to say about reports coming out now about their own nominee for president of this country? Will they be able to connect the dots?
M-Pesa acceptance is proudly displayed at all businesses., From FlickrPhotos
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 30, 2016
M-Pesa - No More Banks Safaricom is a revolutionary economic system being utilized right now in Kenya with amazing success, economic growth, and most importantly, NO NEED FOR BANKS.
The Cat That Wants to Eat the Canary, From FlickrPhotos
(35 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 26, 2016
The End May Be In Sight For Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Reign It's a good thing Sanders stood fast, because now it appears that the impossible may be possible. Two things are now happening: (1) he's able to make part of his platform a part of the DNC Party Platform, and (2) DNC Chair may lose her seat by stepping down or getting kicked out.
Ike Eisenhower, left of Obama and both Clintons,  would never be electable as a republican today, From FlickrPhotos
(48 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 9, 2016
It's Time We Come Together Weighing the choices between destroying the Democratic Party by dividing it up or repairing it from the inside, from the bottom up.
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 2, 2016
Hillary Clinton and The Democratic Party - Our Own Home Grown Terrorists? Most important in this article is the narrative report Abby Martin details about just how corrupt the Clinton Empire is, and just what the American people may truly be subjected to if she wins the Democratic Nomination. The only word missing from this report is "blackmail" but the inference is there, just not spoken.
(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, April 14, 2016
Paper ballots work best! Say no to online voting! After all is said and done, paper ballots have proven to be far more reliable than any punch cards or electronic forms of voting. But now President Obama thinks online voting will provide the American people with a fairer voting system. But the question is "fairer" to whom?

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