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Marsha Sherman

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Marsha is a resident of the State of Florida. She graduated from Miami-Dade CC in 1975 when college was so low cost that it was not hard to work & pay her own way. She has always been a strong advocate for democracy for all, and have always been opposed to racism of any kind. I believe the time is right to make major corrections to the U.S. Constitution so that the polarization that has been occurring in our country for many years, but very much more so in recent years can be addressed with some degree of success. Voting right must be a Constitutional right for all Americans, even those in jail. Today, it is not. Laws governing lobbiests, how they can conduct themselves either publicly or privately, must have guidelines. And no lobbiest should ever be allowed to hold any government office. Money in politics should never be allowed to be the linchpin under which our courts make decisions. School systems nationwide should be required to teach nothing but the truth. Slanted educations from one state to another in a country where moving from one state to another is a common occurrence is unfair to a young mind. Each state has its own history which should be taught fairly, but as to governmental history, the history should not be allowed to change factually from one state to another. She had the advantage of living under the New Deal and can promise anyone who did not have that advantage that it does, indeed, work. It worked very well. Taxes are not and never have been the culprit in this economy. It is the lack of taxes and rigging of the democratic system by both parties causing the great divide between the haves and have nots.

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