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Kenneth J. Theisen is veteran activist of movements opposing U.S. imperialism, its wars and domination of countries throughout the world. He wrote his first op-ed piece against the Vietnam war when he was only 12 and has been writing on various political and social causes ever since. For many years he has been an advocate against domestic violence in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is currently a member of the steering committee of The World Can't Wait! More of his articles can be seen at worldcantwait.org.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 14, 2009 Iran, the "silent war," heats up
The U.S. is using diplomacy, sanctions, propaganda, and even the threat of war to put pressure on Iran to do its bidding. We must expose and oppose all of these moves.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 10, 2009 Winning "hearts and minds" or committing war crimes?
Is the U.S. "winning hearts and minds" in its counter-insurgency war or committing war crimes while claiming to protect the people?
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 21, 2009 It is Now Obama's War as He Orders 17,000 Additional Troops to Afghanistan
With the latest surge or troop escalation, Obama now is responsible for the war in Afghanistan. This war in not in the interest of the people of that country or of the people of the world. We must demand immediate withdrawal of all imperialist troops in Afghanistan.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 15, 2008 Obama's Role Models: Bush I, Reagan & Kennedy - This is Change?
Obama is playing the role of pied piper leading the masses to believe that he stands for change. But will he bring us more of the same that we have seen during the years of the Bush regime?
(58 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 11, 2008 "Supporting the troops" = Supporting U.S. Imperialist War
The author believes that the slogan "support the troops" objectivley also supports U.S. imperialist wars. This is unacceptable to any one who really opposes U.S. hegemony throughout the world. We must not support U.S. troops who are part of a world-wide killing machine.