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Steve Brant is an independent researcher, theorist, and Corporate Social Responsibility brand-building consultant. His mission is to help the Corporate Social Responsibility movement transform the global sociopolitical economic system so that sustainable peace and prosperity for all becomes a reality. Through Trimtab Management Systems, Steve offers an innovation-based synthesis of the systemic redesign principles developed by Drs. Russell L. Ackoff, W. Edwards Deming, and R. Buckminster Fuller as the most powerful approach for achieving that global transformation. Key innovation leverage points for Steve are the CSR movement's potential capability to make war obsolete by advocating a "one world/one human family" political reality, and the entertainment industry's ability to communicate a hopeful vision of the future to the public at large. Such a vision is essential if humanity is to live together in peace. Steve has participated in The UN Global Compact since 2001 and is currently writing his first book, entitled "A World Beyond War In Our Lifetime".
(8 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 28, 2008 Bill Clinton On Barack Obama's Potential Greatness
Bill Clinton spoke of Barack Obama today as being a great man in the future... once he is president and starts doing great things for American and the world. This is a perfect, future-focused endorsement which I agree with 100 percent.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 27, 2008 About The Debate: It's The Emotional Maturity Factor, Stupid!
John McCain showed no respect for Barack Obama - not even looking at him - which suggests McCain is not mature enough to bring new people with innovative ideas into his administration. McCain will hold back the future, not lead us to it.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 25, 2008 What Did Bush&Co Know And When Did They Know It?
Based on the revelation that the Bush Administration was working on this bailout legislation for "months" but only told Congress about it last week, I ask the question "Were they governing or plotting and scheming?"
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, September 19, 2008 "Celebrating Capitalism's Death? Not So Fast..."
Today's actions by the government amount to stopping something bad while not starting something new that is good. I address the challenge of developing a sophisticated - rather than 800 pound gorilla - approach to solving this crisis.
(32 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Capitalism Is Dead. Now What Do We Do?
The bailout of AIG Insurance is the starting point for an essay on (a) how Capitalism no longer exists in America and (b) on the systemic redesign process needed to come up with a New Economic system appropriate to today's world.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 29, 2008 Barack Ends His Relationship With Rev. Wright
Barack Obama has set himself up as believing the opposite of what he now knows Rev. Wright believes (now that Rev. Wright's "dark side" has come out). This may be a positive, defining moment for Sen. Obama.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 27, 2008 Barack's Choice: Yes To Fox News; No To Hillary Clinton
This is about the contrast between Barack appearing on Fox New Sunday today and his decision to refuse to debate Hillary Clinton. I frame it as the difference between talking to people who can potentially be part of a dialogue for creating a collaborative future for America - using diplomacy to give them the chance to prove they can be part of such a dialog - and not talking to people who have demonstrated that they cannot u
(15 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Why, To The Mainstream Media, Does Hillary's 9.4 Victory Margin Equal "Double Digits"?
I've written about the crazy fact that the mainstream media is saying Hillary won by "double digits".
She didn't. She won by 9.4 percent.
Because my undergraduate degree is in civil engineering, this kind of stuff drives me nuts. And, of course, the psychological aspect of the MSM using the phrase "double digits" (even the AP is saying that) is huge.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 20, 2008 Stupid Is As Hillary (and Charlie, George, and Tim) Does
This essay is on the lack of intelligence (from an awareness of what's really going on... or emotional intelligence perspective) of mainstream media journalists... and Hillary. Using my background in management and organizational development theory, I make the case for how they are all doing what they are doing because they cannot see the new world that is being born - a world based on collaboration rather than domination.
SHARE Thursday, April 17, 2008 The ABC News Debate: As Bad As FEMA's Response To Katrina
In my opinion piece on last night's debate, I liken what happened to FEMA's response to Katrina... and detail how America is being hit by a "perfect storm" of socioeconomic issues. I come down very hard on ABC... and end by issuing a call for "heroic television journalism" - perhaps demanded by a bi-partisan group of civic leaders - to save America from the worst effects of the "storm" that is just not coming ashore.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, April 14, 2008 Is Hillary Or Barack More Faithful To Their Religious Principles?
The Compassion Forum on CNN Sunday night was an opportunity to see how Barack would handle the "bitter" comments before a faith-oriented audience. I write about how well I believe Barack met this challenge, but first I have to say that what surprised me was that - based on specific comments Hillary made about her own religious beliefs - I found myself unexpectedly measuring how in touch she is with religious people as well.