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Vermonter living in Woodstock:
elected to five terms (served 20 years) as side judge (sitting in Superior, Family, and Small Claims Courts);
public radio producer, "The Panther Program" -- nationally distributed, three albums (at CD Baby), some runner-up awards;
reporter and columnist (Rutland Herald, Valley News, Vermont Standard, others);
teacher at Woodstock Country School, for which I was commissioned to write the history, "Institutional Denial";
TV writer ("That Was The Week That Was," "Captain Kangaroo," others).
Guiding principle: "nobody really knows anything."
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 (7 comments) SHARE Fukushima Meltdowns Turn 10, Still Getting Worse
Fukushima Daiichi's multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns started 10 years ago. They are not over. They are not even close to over. Nuclear disasters don't ever end.
Saturday, January 16, 2021 SHARE Liz Cheney Has a World Class Sense of Dark Humor
When Cheney, the third ranking member of the House Republican leadership, announced that she would vote to impeach President Trump, she went against higher ranking Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise, who continue to hold the president above reproach.
Thursday, June 4, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE Flyovers Demonstrate America's Massive Psychic Numbing
Failing to take control of the public health situation, what were they thinking in the White House? How about a whole bunch of flyovers across the nation by military warplanes designed to kill millions in moments? Perfect! And no chance of infection of the pilots!
Thursday, December 19, 2019 (2 comments) SHARE Republicans Defend Trump With "Four Facts" That Are Fake
The Republicans' defense of Trump, their ritual recital of "four facts" that are fake, is an unsupportable sham. But for them it doesn't really matter. They've managed to muddy the waters to Trump's benefit.
Sunday, November 17, 2019 SHARE Christians vs. Militarists -- In Clash of Religions Over Nuclear War, Militarists Win
One stark example of American exceptionalism is the nation's official pride in being the first and only country to drop atomic bombs on civilian targets. There was no Nuremberg tribunal for those 1945 war crimes. The US has maintained ever since that it has the right to obliterate civilians with nuclear weapons any time it feels the need.
Saturday, November 9, 2019 (12 comments) SHARE US Policy: Global Climate Crisis Not Our Problem. Really?
The two-party system hasn't stepped up on climate issues and shows no likelihood of doing so in the near future unless Democrats somehow nominate a candidate willing to cope with reality. Even then, we face an uphill struggle to save ourselves in opposition to entrenched narrow interests.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 (9 comments) SHARE Failure to Impeach Trump Is a Way to Reaffirm Him
With no commanding presidential candidate likely to emerge till well after the Iowa caucus on February 3, 2020, the center of Democratic Power is now in the House of Representatives, largely in the hands of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi is so determined to give Trump a pass on impeachment that Trump's lawyers cite her position in their court briefs. That seems like a pretty bad place for a opposition party to find itself.
Thursday, June 27, 2019 (1 comments) SHARE Trump's Immigration Police State Persistently Violates the Law
Committing human rights crimes is the Trump policy for controlling immigration. Not only is it illegal, it's failing. There is outrage over the inhumanity, there are many hands wringing, but where is the outrage at the Perpetrator in Chief? The torture and killing of immigrant children are not only crimes but impeachable offenses.
Saturday, June 22, 2019 (2 comments) SHARE Fukushima's Three Nuclear Meltdowns Are "Under Control" -- That's a Lie
The entire Fukushima site remains radioactive at varying levels, from unsafe to lethal, depending on location. The site includes six reactors, three of them in meltdown, and at least as many fuel pools, some of which still contain fuel rods. The site has close to a thousand large storage tanks holding more than a million tons (roughly 264.5 million gallons) of radioactive wastewater.
Friday, May 24, 2019 (3 comments) SHARE Trump Deserves Impeachment. Does US House Have the Integrity?
As it stands now, Trump is forcing the House to choose between impeaching him and caving in to him. Even if the House calls his bluff and impeaches him, Democrats and the country may lose the election. But if the House caves and allows the president to continue on his law-defying dictatorial path, then the election might well be irrelevant.
Sunday, May 19, 2019 (4 comments) SHARE US Constitution Is Now Officially a Joke As Applied to War or Peace
Congress has the power, theoretically, to defund any military action it doesn't like. But first it would have to find one. It doesn't have to look far. Now would be the time for a resolution against any military action against Iran without express Congressional approval. That would invite another presidential veto. The Constitution's not in tatters, it's just irrelevant. And there's little sign that the American people care.
Monday, April 29, 2019 (7 comments) SHARE NO Biden -- Some of the Reasons Why NOT Biden
Biden can only fake gravitas. He goes on and on about "American values" and "who we are" without naming a specific value or saying who he thinks we are. This is political pandering in the form of a Rorschach blot. This is crude demagoguery that boils down to an appeal to elect a familiar under-achiever just because he's NOT Trump.
Saturday, April 20, 2019 (2 comments) SHARE US Makes Stuff Up to Grease the Skids for War on Iran
With absolutely zero good reasons for waging war on Iran, the Trump administration goes on making stuff up to lie the country into yet another war. The template looks like the Bush administration's successful effort to lie the US into the Iraq War, the catastrophic effects of which keep unfolding.
Saturday, March 9, 2019 (8 comments) SHARE The Sins of Ilhan Omar Start With Challenging Rigid Orthodoxy
Boardman writes: Democrats have gone all atwitter (pun intended), scattering ruffled feathers all over the barnyard as if a fox were after them when the only serious threat to their blinkered preconceptions comes from a bird of different plumage.
Saturday, January 12, 2019 (2 comments) SHARE Court Uses Law's Absurdity to Allow Unfit Kavanaugh to Remain as Justice
There was nothing that could be done legally about the 83 misconduct complaints against Judge Kavanaugh for one reason, and one reason only -- because he had become Justice Kavanaugh. That's the whole argument: that Kavanaugh gets to escape judicial accountability, and his getaway car is his seat on the Supreme Court. This is cultural madness and legal absurdity. What were those Tenth Circuit judges thinking?
Friday, January 4, 2019 SHARE Afghanistan in 2019: Fewer US Troops, More CIA Torture and Killings
The CIA-run death squad campaign isn't new, but it has been seriously expanded during the past two years. Death squad personnel run into the thousands, mostly Afghans, but are recruited, trained, equipped, and controlled by CIA agents or CIA contractors.
Sunday, December 23, 2018 (4 comments) SHARE Climate Crisis Goes Unabated, Nations Most Responsible Still Anti-Future
Take the 100 million barrels of oil the world uses every day. Leaving those 100 million barrels in the ground, day after day after day, year after year, would accrue to the health and welfare of billions of people over decades if not centuries.
Saturday, December 1, 2018 (5 comments) SHARE Climate Change Response Pits Trump Against US Government
Climate change is a dynamic process, driven by human activity that humans have done little to mitigate for a generation. Climate change is happening, it is irreversible, but there is still time to mitigate its worst effects, to save lives, to preserve habitat, to adjust economies, to sustain a somewhat civilized world.
Sunday, November 11, 2018 SHARE US Calls for Ceasefire, Keeps Attacking Yemen
If the US were actually serious about peace and humanitarian aid for Yemen, the US could exercise leadership in the UN Security Council to force a peace process. The US could unilaterally take immediate and forceful actions to stop the war. US policy in Yemen continues to be based on profound lies with no moral justification.