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Eric Nelson
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Eric Nelson is freelance writer, an editor at OpEdNews, and a spiritual progressive from Minnesota who has become more politically active. The reasons for this should be obvious to most; rising poverty, a broken health care system, and a growing global environmental crisis. Eric's writings are as "fair and balanced" as those of FOX news. Eric is also a web informatics expert, former intelligence analyst, and biathlon olympian.

OpEd News Member for 879 week(s) and 4 day(s)

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Armed Guards in Penokee Hills of Wisconsin, From ImagesAttr
Monday, July 8, 2013 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing GTAC Mine and Scott Walker Finally Produce Some Jobs ... for Out of State Mercenaries Over the 4th of July weekend, private military contractors begin patrolling the Penokee Hills of Northern Wisconsin. Gogebic Taconite and Scott Walker's economic development is taking off. First new jobs since Scott Walker's budget deal passed go to out of state military mercenaries.
George Meyer to speak on Metallic Mining Zoning, From ImagesAttr
Sunday, June 30, 2013 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Iron County Residents Urged to Protect Themselves from Possible GTAC Mining Abuses by Former Wisconsin DNR Head George Meyer, a former Wisconsin secretary of the DNR, recently spoke to Iron County citizens on effective metallic mining zoning. He urged local residents to make sure they protect themselves with appropriate mining ordinances from potential mining abuses and accidents. Gogebic Taconite (GTAC), owned by Florida based Cline Group, has proposed to create one of the world's largest open-pit iron ore mines in Northern Wisconsin.
Location of GTAC mine in Penokee Hills, From ImagesAttr
Monday, June 10, 2013 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Wisconsin Inc., for sale to Top Donors like GTAC, Koch and Cline Industries Republican Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republican legislators recently passed and signed into law a corporate written mining bill for Gogebic Taconite (GTAC) to begin mountaintop removal iron ore mining in the Penokee Hills of Northern Wisconsin. The Penokee Hills rise up at the headwaters of a watershed and environmentally sensitive wetlands that drain into Lake Superior and pass through a Native American reservation
2007 Defense Spending, From ImagesAttr
Sunday, November 20, 2011 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Super Committee Failure Not a Bad Thing: Why Doing Nothing May Prove Beneficial Super Committee failure may prove to be the first event in decades to force a slow down in runaway spending on behalf of the military industrial complex. The United States defense budget already exceeds that of all other military budgets in the world combined. Americans would see after the forced cuts in military spending that the world would not end, we would not be invaded, and life would go on.
Waukesha County Anomaly, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 (10 comments) SHARE More Sharing Whats Wrong with Waukesha Wisconsin? More Anomalies in Prosser and Kloppenburg Race More possible anomalies discovered in Waukesha county in the Prosser and Kloppenburg election.
Saturday, April 9, 2011 (16 comments) SHARE More Sharing How Wisconsin GOP and Kathy Nickolaus Could Have Stolen the Supreme Court Election if They had Wanted to A spring statewide election in Wisconsin for a state supreme court justice postion pits incumbent David Prosser, sympathetic to Governor Walker, against challenger Joanne Kloppenburg who is sympathetic to worker's rights and unions. After first appearing to have been won by Kloppenburg a late breaking error throws the election back to Prosser .... or does it?
Saturday, March 12, 2011 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing The 14 Wisconsin Democratic Senators Return to Madison for Heros Welcome Wisconsinites came out in historic numbers to thank the 14 Wisconsin Democratic Sentors that returned to Wisconsin from the land of Lincoln and who stood up to the Republicans Union-busting legislative efforts.
Sunday, March 6, 2011 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Michael Moore Comes to Madison Wisconsin and Punches Back at the GOP Led War on the Middle Class The protesters of Madison Wisconsin are winning the battle of public opinion and the hidden ugly political agendas of the GOP and FOX news are being revealed through the window of an embattled Republican Governor named Scott Walker.
Figure 1, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Teaparty Uses Dirty Tricks to Reverse Public Narrative in Wisconsin Over Scott Walker Assault on Workers Rights Grassroots protests in Wisconsin gain steam and outside groups like the Tea Party look to use dirty tactics in an attempt to change the public narrative.
Monday, September 27, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Republican Michele Bachmann Calls Ron Schara a Liar and Continues to Prove She Is Totally Clueless Michele Bachmann calls Minnesota sportsman legend, Ron Schara a liar and then refuses to apologize once she is called out on her lie. Male voters and hunters in her district are not happy with her.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Announce Joint Rally at the National Mall in Washington DC Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Announce a Joint Rally at the National Mall in Washington DC to counter Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers
Thursday, September 16, 2010 (34 comments) SHARE More Sharing Why are Progressives mad at themselves and not rightly at the Republicans? It is time as progressives to start aiming our energy and anger in the right direction.
From ImagesAttr
Sunday, May 2, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Is the Minnesota and National GOP Overplaying their Tea Party Hand? The Minnesota Democratic DFL convention recently made history by nominating its first female gubernatorial candidate to replace outgoing GOP governor Tim Pawlenty. Minnesota's Republican party is placing their bet on Tea Party favored candidate Tom Emmer who was also recently endorsed by Sarah Palin. Do the extreme politics of Tom Emmer, similar to that of Michele Bachmann, have a chance of resonating statewide in Minnesota?
Sunday, April 18, 2010 (12 comments) SHARE More Sharing Republicans say Hell with the Tea Party and Side with Wall Street Banksters Republican kick the Tea Partiers to the curb and side with Wall Street. Same game new name, in the past it was death-spiral financing and naked short selling and now it is packaging toxic CDOs and then betting against their success
From ImagesAttr
Monday, December 21, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Some Rational Perspective on the Charts of the Health Care Stocks The short term swings of the health insurance stocks like WLP and UNH are not telling the whole story.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing Democrats Baucus and Conrad Alone Prevent Passage of Public Option Amendment in the Senate Public option amendments offered by Senators Jay Rockefeller and Charles Schumer to the Senate Finance committee are defeated in votes closer than expected. The debate provides public option proponents new insights into what form a public option might ultimately need to pass in a final health insurance reform bill.
Friday, September 25, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Opposition to the Public Option by Republican Chuck Grassley May End His Political Career Politicians will pay a price in the coming elections for siding against the American people in favor of their big corporate donors and lobbyists.
Friday, September 25, 2009 SHARE More Sharing The Senate Finance Committee Will Vote on Public Option Amendments Today The legislative battle in the Senate for quality, affordable and comprehensive health care reform starts today with two votes on amendments reinserting the public option into the Max Baucus Health Reform bill.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Axelrod to Maddow, Obama will Fight for the Public Option Obama's speech to the joint session of congress laid the groundwork for passing comprehensive health care reform in 2009, including in it a public option plan.
From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing The AFL-CIO and the Public Option Plan: A Big Line in the Sand The AFL-CIO has taken a page out of history when FDR so famously said, I argee with, I want to do it, now make me do it. The AFL-CIO and its 11 million members are sending a strong and clear message to President Obama, pass the public option plan.

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