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Kathlyn Stone is a Minnesota-based writer covering science and medicine, health care and related policies.�She publishes www.fleshandstone.net, a health and science news site.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 4, 2009 Novelist Accurately Portrays Semantic Dementia Decades Before Neurologists
SD patients seen at the Memory and Aging Center tried to preserve their vocabulary by making extensive word lists. A patient fills page after page of specific words followed by parenthetical descriptions of the category into which the words belong, such as "cucumber (food)" and "Cincinnati (city)" In the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude," Colombian author and Nobel prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez describes a whole town
(14 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Some U.S. House members withhold unconditional support to Israel
While the U.S. Senate gave unanimous approval to a resolution expressing solidarity with Israel last week, a small group of House members refused to give Israel their unconditional support and warned of growing enmity against Israel and the United States.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 20, 2008 Medical conscience rule blends religion and medicine
The Bush administration's new "medical conscience" rule gives moral rights to health care workers in federally funded institutions but undermines a patient's right to informed decision-making and legal health services.
(10 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 14, 2008 Black women and AIDS. Fix this!
Why is the prevalence of AIDS among African-American women so well hidden in our society?
(10 comments) SHARE Friday, October 3, 2008 Wellstone legacy: Mental Health Parity Bill Signed into Law
The bailout bill was tacked on to the mental health parity bill to help pass the $700 billion "rescue" of financial markets. Mental health parity was championed by Sen. Paul Wellstone during his years in the Senate.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 23, 2008 World's largest super collider taken down for repairs
After an exciting start, a helium leak within the LHC tunnel (likely caused by a faulty electrical connection between two magnets), necessitated taking the project offline for repairs.
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, September 1, 2008 National Guard called in to confront protesters in St. Paul
A rally in St. Paul that began peacefully this morning to protest government policies regarding the war and economy has turn a corner and now includes vandalism against public property. The National Guard has been called in.
(13 comments) SHARE Monday, June 23, 2008 U.S. churches join UN call to end torture
"It is crucial for people of faith to remind the President that the United Methodist Book of Discipline clearly states that "the mistreatment or torture of persons by governments for any purpose violates Christian teaching and must be condemned and/or opposed by Christians and churches wherever and whenever it occurs," according to a statement from the United Methodist Church.
(17 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 9, 2008 Electron filmed for the first time
Until now an electron's velocity of movement prevented it from being photographed. The recent development of laser technology that can capture images at a speed of 1/1000000000000000000th of a second changes that.