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(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Why Fox News Loves the (Other) N-Word
Fox news undermines the distinction between propaganda & news by degrading the language, deepening ignorance & disfiguring just about every standard which defines what was once known as Journalism. An over-riding result is the acceleration of our decent into oligarchy.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, November 8, 2010 America: The Incredible Shrinking Nation
Republicans & submissive Democrats are shrinking America into a gated community for the bad guys, betraying the history & egalitarian values of our democracy.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 2, 2010 Hope for Esperanza in 2010
All it takes is one Esperanza to put the lie to the Glenn Becks, the Lou Dobbs, and other purveyors of bigotry and racism who would build a barricade of hate between the hopes of new arrivals and the opportunities of this country.
(11 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 25, 2009 Our own Sarah Palin - Kirsten Gillibrand
At a time when our nation needs more progressives and fewer right wing hacks, Governor Paterson of New York lays an egg in appointing blue dog Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand to the vacant Senate seat.
What a bold move Gov.
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, November 3, 2008 A GODLESS VOTER FOR LIDDY DOLE
In this ad Ms. Dole or her surrogate pretended that Ms. Hagan gave a shout out "There is no God." Miss Hagan, a former Sunday school teacher and Presbyterian in good standing naturally took umbrage at Ms. Dole's ad.
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, October 10, 2008 The dangerous McCain/Palin character assassination of Obama
The last best hope of McCain's campaign is to appeal to the racism that still lives on in this country. This isn't playing hardball, its hate-ball.
The fascist playbook begins by demonizing your opponent as "the other" – or "that one" or "the friend of the terrorist." In Hitler's case it was the Jews (read elite, or cosmopolitans), the Gypsies and the Socialists who were demonized and then victimized by this rhetoric...