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David Basora is an aspiring author who is currently working on his first novel. He writes about politics and life desperately trying to make sense out of the chaos around him. He presently lives in Miami, Florida
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 16, 2009 We Haven't Done Enough
Education and protection for our youth, all youth, is needed.
(121 comments) SHARE Monday, March 30, 2009 Why Are We Not Giving The Man A Chance?
Many people are angry with President Obama. Many people are complaining about President Obama. They need to give the man a chance.
(34 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 3, 2009 As Nero Fiddles, Rome Burns
While the politicians are jumping in front of every live mic available, The American Family are killing themselves
(52 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 11, 2009 The Gay Community Needs to Re-Focus
Ranting and raving for its own sake will solve nothing. We have better strategies available to us and we need to use them now.