As a gay man, I have absolutely no problem with her answer or beliefs. Almost half the country agrees with her and what she said wasn’t new, it wasn’t derogatory, it was just what she believes. Do I agree with her? No. Do I think she’s right? Of course not. Do I believe she has the right to her opinion and to voice that opinion where she pleases? Yes, just the same way I and those who disagree with her have the right to say she’s wrong.
But to vilify her, to call her a dumb b--- and to continue ridiculing her has done nothing but make her a martyr. And if there’s one thing the religious right loves it’s a good martyr. She even got a gig as the spokesperson for the National Organization for Marriage. You know, the “rising storm” people.
Then the semi nude photo, or photos as we’re now being told, came out. And right away Ms. Carrie jumps on the soapbox and says she’s being attacked for her beliefs. Unfortunately the fact that people keep hammering away at her and calling her all sorts of names does nothing but support that line of bull.
The one name, the one true name I have yet to hear anyone call her, however, is LIAR.
She signed a statement with the Miss California USA pageant that stated she did not appear in any nude or semi nude photos. Doing so would be cause for being denied a chance to compete. And while the argument can be made that the Miss USA contestants show more skin in the swimsuit competition than she did in her photo, or once again as we’re now being informed, photos, she is still topless.
I’ve made mention twice of multiple photos because the person who released the first says there are more and yes, another one has been circulated. This wouldn’t ordinarily mean much except that Ms. Prejean opened her mouth and inserted foot after the release of the first photo by saying “this was the only one I took”.
It is easy for The Gay Community to get up in arms over what this girl has said. After all she’s saying that she believes in discrimination and supports inequality and intolerance. But they are, for better or worse, her beliefs. And just as we want respect it needs to be given. Until now she hasn’t tried to paint all homosexuals as evil or sexual deviants or anything remotely related to this. So why are we berating her for this especially when in doing so we’re losing sight of the fact that she has lied repeatedly? That’s something to speak about, not her beliefs.