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Author's Biography
Eugene Elander has been a progressive social and political activist for decades. As an author, he won the Young Poets Award at 16 from the Dayton Poets Guild for his poem, The Vision. He was chosen Poet Laureate of Pownal, Vermont for his poem Pownal People. His three new verses for America the Beautiful:September 11, 2001 were widely acclaimed and read into the Congressional Record by U.S. Senator Chris Dodd.
Dr. Elander has authored four volumes of poetry: The Right Click, The World Click, Journeyings, and Philosophy over Fika, all written from 2004 to now, in the U.S. and Sweden -- as well as two published novels: The Goat of God, and Turning the Tides, both available via Signalman Publishing on Amazon.com in Kindle and electronic pdf editions. A self-help book titled Empowerment:Taking Charge of your Life was recently completed and is available via Amazon.com KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing.
Dr. Elander is a freelance columnist who published a newspaper for ten years in New London, CT. He is an economist and college lecturer, and has been an agency executive director, emergency management consultant, investigator; and former animal control officer, deputy code enforcement and health officer for Farmington, New Hampshire. He and his wife Birgit, who co-authored The World Click, divide their time between Georgia and her homeland, Gotland, Sweden.
Several other books are underway, including a sequel to The Goat of God, and a public version of his doctoral dissertation on Cooperatism, a new economic system he developed which includes all stakeholders (workers, consumers, and the public as well as stockholders) in crucial decision making. Dr. Elander has been a member of the Stonepile Writers group in Georgia and the Poetry Society of New Hampshire. He is president of his own Elander Press.
(21 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 8, 2016 Why is the Left helping Donald Trump to win the Presidency?
The only candidate helped by all of the Hillary Hatred coming from the Left is the Despicable Donald Trump. It would be tragic for this horrid man to achieve the presidency through use of all the dirt some alleged progressives throw at Hillary.
(41 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 5, 2016 Who Will Watch the Watchers -- at OpEdNews.com?
OpEdNews.com appears to have recent and strong policies governing comments on articles, which limit the content of such comments via some kind of unspecified monitoring combined with some highly-specified threats. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ALL THIS REGULATION OF OUR FREE SPEECH?
(56 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 30, 2016 Fuhrer Donald Trump and His New America First Movement!
America and all Americans, but especially progressives, must see through Donald Trump's misguided America First trumpetings. This article provides some history on the comparable America First rhetoric of the 1930s and early 1940s, which was not only offensive to the world, but to American interests as well. We absolutely should not repeat those mistakes -- rather, we must learn from them!
(14 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 28, 2016 Why Progressives Risk Losing -- Again!
The case for the Democratic candidacy of Hillary Clinton is made in this article, which focuses on why progressives must support her, and defeat Donald the Despicable.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 22, 2016 A 2016 Passover Message on the World Refugee Crisis
Just as Passover celebrates freedom and renewal, the present world refugee crisis requires a worldwide commitment to make the freedom and renewal of the lives of wartorn and terror-torn refugees a top United Nations priority. In simple humanity and common decency, we must do no less -- and should try to do even more.
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, March 4, 2016 The Upcoming Decline and Fall of the Donald J. Trump Republican Presidential Campaign!
The superficial successes to date for Donald J. Trump's Republican Presidential campaign mask his fundamental weakness, and indeed disqualification, as a candidate. One plausible scenario for Trump's decline and fall is outlined in this article.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Donald J. Trump: Constitutionally Disqualified from Ever Becoming President of the USA
Donald J. Trump may be the first presidential candidate in history to ever violate the presidential oath of office in advance. Were he to ever be elected, God Fobid, he would be unable to honor his own Oath of Office. Those who have made him, temporarily, the leading Republican candidate, need to take a good, hard look at those realities. The Donald is not only crude and rude, he also appears unglued!
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, February 8, 2016 Help the AARP lose its undeserved IRS tax-exempt status now!
The AARP, once the American Association of Retired Persons, no longer advocates significantly for the elderly here. Instead, it partners with a host of purveyors of commercial stuff to our senior citizens. That decline is shameful enough -- getting tax-exempt status for selling often-unneeded stuff is even worse. This article offers an opportunity for seniors to strike back!
(12 comments) SHARE Friday, February 5, 2016 "The Bern" or "The Hill"? After the New Hampshire Debate, I'm still with The Hill!
The recent New Hampshire Democratic Town Meeting, and then Debate, between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders sheds considerable light on those two candidates, one of whom should be the next American President. This article makes the case for Hillary Clinton to win that crucial position in 2016.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 4, 2016 Who Won and Who Lost in the Iowa Caucuses?
An analysis of the results of the Iowa caucus process, which leads to some guidance for the upcoming presidential campaign primaries. The future of America is at stake.
(41 comments) SHARE Monday, February 1, 2016 One More Strong Endorsement: Hillary Clinton for President in 2016
This well-reasoned comparison between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton as presidential candidates leads to a strong endorsement for Hillary, while much praise for Bernie is in order too. Both of them, of course, are far better than anyone that the opposition has to offer.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, January 25, 2016 The Muddled Maundering on Stock Market Malaise!
The major securities market volatility since the start of 2016 has been blamed on the decline in oil prices -- which actually should be "fueling" a rising market. This article focuses instead on the growth of so-called program trading: trades carried out automatically, particularly in falling markets, which are very destabilizing and dangerous as well. Enhanced regulatory rules are needed immediately to control such trades.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 20, 2016 The Two Worst Governors in the United States!
Governors Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Snyder of Michigan, both Republicans, are indeed The Two Worst Governors in the United States. While the situations may be different, what they share is a complete disregard for the wellbeing of their citizens, and complete failure to honor their oaths of office.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 15, 2016 The Republican 2016 Candidates: A Field of Fantasies from a Field of Fanatics
This analysis of the first Republican so-called Presidential Debate casts severe doubt on the judgment of nearly all of the participants, and even more severe doubt on their capability to serve as our President.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 14, 2016 A Most Misbegotten STATE OF THE UNION for Seniors: The Union of AARP and The Hartford Insurance Companies!
By highlighting the defects in the well-known AARP The Hartford insurance program for senior citizens, this article hope that either major improvements will occur, or America's seniors will go elsewhere for their insurance -- while establishing an activist agency to really meet our needs. The cause is just and urgent; the time is now!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 14, 2016 A Letter to Hillary Clinton
Recent attacks by Hillary Clinton on Senator Bernie Sanders mainly damage her own presidential campaign. Using her daughter Chelsea to make such attacks should be beneath her, particularly when the attacks are not truthful.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 2, 2016 Donald Trump and Ethan Couch: Two Peas in the "Affluenza" Pod!
Comparing the misbehavior of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump and teenage drunk-driving killer Ethan Couch shows similarities in their sociopathy, as outlined in this article. So-called "affluenza" is no excuse for either.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 31, 2015 A 2016 Agenda for America's Senior Citizens!
So far in the 2016 presidential campaigns, neither major party has addressed the needs of America's growing population of Senior Citizens -- and the many ways in which seniors can contribute to the nation. This article is intended to motivate such discussions now.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 23, 2015 "Disgusting" Donald Trump turns the 2016 presidential campaign into bad bathroom humor!
As silly and offensive as Donald Trump's recent attacks on Hillary Clinton appear to be, they do cast some light on The Donald's own serious psychological issues and misguided proclivities. He appears to badly need professional help, rather than any high office at all.