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Mike Kirchubel is a retired R.N. Op Eds are usually written to bolster or undermine a person or cause; always to the detriment of truth. 'History is mostly guessing, the rest is prejudice' - According to Ariel and Will Durant, whose mammoth collection, The Story of Civilization, defined world history for generations. Writers invariably have a reason for writing and discerning their motive is the key to interpretation and understanding. I claim nothing more here, other than this honesty: You will find my feelings open and transparent, not disguised in twists or spin, or hiding behind the patently deceptive mask of 'Fair and Balanced.' Judge accordingly.
'We cannot understand the role of the people in history unless we also understand the historical illusions which misrepresent history in order to serve the interests of privileged classes.' 'Man cannot fully master his present without reconquering his own history, repossessing the hidden heritage of the past.' John Howard Lawson, The Hidden Heritage, 1950. Your history has been hidden from you. History is written by the winners and these winners, these privileged few, do NOT want you to know their history. Our ignorance enhances their power and knowledge undermines. It is class warfare and truth is the weapon. Wealthy people control your money, mind, and future."
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, April 6, 2018 Why we vote against our interests
History books are filled with humanity's repetitive madness, but learning, correcting, and moving forward seems ever receding goal. "Next time we won't make that same mistake." Until we do. Why? Because there is a tremendous advantage in not evolving, maybe not for you or me, but for a powerful few. There is big money to be made from lies, fights, and panic.
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, September 8, 2017 A way forward to decrease abortions
I am writing about abortion today because, in Republican red states, women's reproductive rights are running frantically backwards these days. Many states are trying as hard as they can to make it impossible for a woman to obtain a safe abortion.
SHARE Saturday, November 19, 2016 Yet another 2016 election post-mortem
Sure, every pundit and Bob, your uncle, has weighed-in on this election, but these election post-mortems are near-sacred rituals and since we're facing harrowing political headwinds, we all need to dearly embrace our established and revered cultural traditions, such as this.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, August 26, 2016 A Democraic voter conspiracy?
Republicans have focused on the alleged importance of photo voter I.Ds. With I.D. zealots, it doesn't seem to matter that tens of thousands of legitimate voters would be denied their Constitutional right to vote, so long as one irrational person is kept from voting twice. Republicans call this "voter integrity" or "truing the vote," nice-sounding terms, but what they are actually trying to do is not so nice, steal elections.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 18, 2016 Death of the Trickle-Down Theory
In the entire history of the United States, there has never been so much money stuck way, way up there, available for trickling. If the Republican's Trickle-Down Theory had any validity at all, our economy would be going gangbusters, but as they delight in pointing out, our economy is growing very slowly, thereby nullifying their own absurd "theory."
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, July 15, 2016 Republican hypocrisy on parade
The Republicans leading the attack against Hillary Clinton's Benghazi and email "scandals" better not look in the mirror.
SHARE Thursday, January 28, 2016 Soft Core Terrorism
Fear and hate have been used since the beginning of oral history to control people and promote agendas. We see them used today by terrorists, the Republican Party, and by Fox News.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 4, 2014 Crimea river; I really don’t care
The Soviet Union broke apart a mere twenty or so years ago into more than a dozen various independent nations. Things are still shaking out over there and as the dust settles, there are bound to be some second thoughts and aftershocks to such an extraordinary political tectonic shift. If you've ever purchased a globe, it's likely out of date.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, December 23, 2013 Happy Birthday, Federal Reserve
Monday is the Federal Reserve's 100th Birthday. We should all take a moment to understand what that means to us all.
(15 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 9, 2013 Are we, in fact, a welfare nation?
This week, conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly blessed America with an article titled: "We are, in fact, a welfare nation," putting forth the theory that there are more people in America today who are on welfare than have full-time jobs. I agree with him, but have a slightly different focus than his.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, October 18, 2013 Ted Cruz, King of the Lemmings
The government shutdown is over. Let's take stock of the cost and look to the future.
SHARE Monday, October 14, 2013 More helpful hints for Republicans
Citizens United, Part Two. How can we influence the government? Simply purchase the elections. Does money corrupt the government? Gee, let's ask the Supreme Court.
(11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 2, 2013 The death of debt free money
As you watch the evening news or read of the endless arguments in Congress, about whether or not they should pay their bills or raise the debt ceiling, realize that these battles are absolutely unnecessary. Very few people understand that our nation can move forward to a better and brighter future by simply having our U.S. Treasury issue our nation's money without debt, rather than continuing to "borrow" it
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 21, 2013 The eternal curse of debt money
Last week, I promised to tell you about a better way to create money, by having our own government make it, without debt. Now this isn't some wild idea I just thought up, it's actually part of our Constitution: "Only Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof." Unfortunately, private bankers have always issued our nation's currency and have charged us interest for the privilege...
(24 comments) SHARE Monday, September 16, 2013 Mommy, Where Does Money Come from?
I would guess that for many people in the U.S., perhaps most, money plays an extremely important role. For something as ubiquitous and all-consuming as money, why isn't its story, its history, taught to every school kid in America?
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 8, 2013 Debt money and the buzzing of flies
Our national currency is based on debt because every penny in circulation is loaned to us by bankers, rather than being issued, debt-free, by our Treasury Department. Usually, this system works just fine. Day to day, we labor at our jobs, make money, buy a home, raise our families, and grow ever older. But, there are problems with this system...
SHARE Wednesday, September 4, 2013 What going on with the banks' excess reserves?
For the past two weeks, in this Daily Republic column, we've been examining Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders' four questions for the next Federal Reserve Chairman. This week's question is: "What would you do to divert the $2 trillion in excess reserves that financial institutions have parked at the Fed into more productive purposes, such as helping small- and medium-sized businesses create jobs?"