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I am deeply saddened and ashamed of what our country has come to stand for, as we are losing our civil liberties each and every day. The Bush Administration's history of corruption, abuse, and lies are no longer being tolerated by the majority of the public. The only true remedy for this is for everyday people like you and me to stand up and voice our concerns about America's downward spiral. If we all stand together, WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
SHARE Sunday, January 14, 2007 Bush's Disastrous Iraq Policy
This article concerns Bush's call for 20,000 more troops and funding for Iraq's civil war. It is a huge mistake!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 26, 2006 Corrupt Republicans Ruin Democracy
The current 109th Congress has come to a historical low in performance, attendance, and proper conduct.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 8, 2006 Rampant Voter Fraud in America
This article deals with the fraudulant voting machines that are still being used to count our election results. There are several sources cited in this article about how notoriously simple it is to tamper with a machine to change its outcome. Even the receipts show that one has the correct vote until one who uses their polling card to retrieve tha actual results; they were for the opposite party...
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 7, 2006 The RFID- Micro-chip Privacy Problem; No End in Sight
This article concerns the upcoming problems associated with the RFID chips that will be installed in US Driver's licenses in 2008;some U.S Troops have already had them inserted under their skin, near the collarbone.
(32 comments) SHARE Friday, October 6, 2006 Texas Governor's Debate Got Touchy at Times
This article concerns the debate that was just held between Gov. Rick Perry,Kinky Friedman, Chris Bell, and Carol Strayhorn.