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I am a retired engineer whose has been studying macroeconomics for many years. I have developed an original and logical (scientific) theory to explain what it is and how it works. And I wish to share this information about how the social organization of this world can be better described and understood by the use of this theory, before such sensible and logical changes that are implied or discovered are implemented.My research has resulted in a published book of 310 pages. Write to me for an e-copy of "Consequential Macroeconomics", chesterdhAThotmail.com
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 20, 2022 Book Review, "Consequential Macroeconomics--How Our Social System Works"
Book Review This review is intended for use by students and teachers of the present difficult subject of theoretical macroeconomics. Although this topic was formerly seen as a pseudo-science, the work by this author turns it into a true one. It makes this subject much more logical and easier to properly follow and understand.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 31, 2014 Sudan--Child Slavery
In this remarkable speech Simon Deng, an ex-child/slave from Sudan explains that what has been going on in the genocidal situation of this part of North Africa is a far truer expression of what Arab terrorists seek to achieve, than the small scale of the hostities and loss of life that is getting all the world's attention in Gaza.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 18, 2010 The Keynes of our Discontent
Have you ever wondered what the Keynesian Theory is leading to. This gem of an article explains....
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, July 13, 2009 How the Economy Responds to Governmental Attempts to Overcome Slumps and Depressions
A review of 7 ways that might resolve the current economic crisis shows that only two of them can help and one of these is limited in its practical use. The cure for the crisis is similar to its cause, elimination of land speculation. The replacement of production-based taxes by the introduction of an incentive tax to increase opportunities to earn, is shown to be how our crisis should be eliminated and the instability halted.