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(2 comments) SHARE Monday, May 16, 2022 Bought to You by Pfizer: Scammed & Betrayed
Twitter Nazis have a forum that is being used to drown out some voices, while elevating others. It is has chosen to remove dissenting voices to the detriment of real dialogue and democratic principles. It is a privately held company, but it should be held to a moral standard that is not governed by the agendas of a powerful minority. Article 230 is being challenged, and that's good news. All power to the people.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 31, 2011 The MSM Continues to Perpetuate Fallacies About Haiti
Haiti is the scene of an ongoing international crime. It's to be expected that the worst sort of buzzards would be picking its bones clean. The NGOs supported by USAID are expected to return over 90% of the money spent in Haiti back to Washington.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 3, 2011 The UN, NATO and Cannibals in Washington want the people of Somalia, Haiti and Libya to die quietly
Water is life. Destroying a country's water supply is a crime against humanity
In 1998, the U.S. prevented the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) from going through with disbursing approved loans (targeted for building water infrastructure) to the Haitian government in order to destabilize the Aristide government. The IDB was following orders from Washington.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 27, 2011 If Duvalier Can Return to Haiti, Why Can't Dr. Aristide?
A saga of terrorist & priests, Ninjas & zoombies. The terrorist are the "Duvalierist" who want the return of the brutal dictator. The Ninjas are...shhhh! Shut your mouth! Martelly was one--wish one of his victims would come forward. The priest is Aristide; his eminent return. The zoombies are the millions made homeless, slavish and destitute by it all. Of course the pimps(NGOs) and neos (liberal/cons) pull the puppet strings.
(18 comments) SHARE Friday, August 20, 2010 Dark Controversy Surrounds Miss Haiti 2010 Sarodj Bertin
The ugly truth is that Miss Haiti's mother Mireille Durocher was deeply involved with a death squad. FRAPH's weapon of war against Haitians (for their family's political affiliations) was the signature atrocity of sexual violence against women.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 18, 2010 The Heritage Foundation Warns Haiti to Stay Clear of Candidates Who Are in Hugo Chavez' Camp
The Heritage Foundation is at it again. Last time they urged militarization of aid to Haiti, on fear of drugs being trafficked from Venezuela. They pushed for "bi-partisan" politics that saw Bush & Clinton heading relief efforts. Now the HF urges U.S. control over Haiti's elections - to prevent a dreaded (Aristide-like?) candidate from being elected foiling Hugo Chavez' "evil" plan to make Haiti a part of his "camp."
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 19, 2010 Haiti's Calamity Is a Windfall for Everyone, Except Haitians-Part II
The sweet trade deal that their Washington lobbyist has worked out for Brazil is good for 10 years. Brazil also HOPEs to become a member of the UN Security Council as a result of their tenure as head of the Haiti UN occupying force MINUSTAH.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Haiti's Calamity is a Windfall for Everyone, Except Haitians- Part I
The plan for Haiti has always been to put it under a trusteeship. This has been in the works since 2000, but the devastating earthquake of Jan. 12 was a "stroke of luck." The U.S. State Department, which has made the case to Congress over the years is evidently anxious to get this done. But are they making a tactical error in alienating their old allies-the black overseers?
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 9, 2010 The HOPE Deception of Haiti
Charlie Rangle is the major sponsor of the HOPE Act. The act may have Haiti's name on, but the real beneficiary is the DR. The bill mentions that factories, ports, roads, communications...etc. were destroyed by the quake. In other words, why do business in Haiti, when the best deal is in the DR? The bill sped through Congress in record time. Rangle can retire to his vacation home in the DR without a care in the world.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 6, 2010 Monsanto seeds in Haiti: Haitian farmers' epic struggle for survival
Experts say that agrarian reform is what a newly revitalized Haiti needs. However, Monsanto's "gift" of "suicide/terminator seeds" to Haitian farmers is counter-productive and will not only contaminate the land, but will forever preclude farmers from growing organic food, making them dependent not only on Monsanto for more seeds, but on pesticides, fertilizers and growth other regulators.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 21, 2010 URGENT ACTION ALERT: Haiti Camps Report a Diptheria Outbreak
A diphtheria outbreak in Haiti in the camps is an unfortunate and foreseeable occurrence, but the medical community in Haiti and NGOs are not prepared, nor are they treating this as the urgent medical crisis that it is. Observers like Sean Penn (who watched 15 year old Oriel die last week of the curable disease) and Journalists Georgianne Nienaber are sounding the alarm.
(15 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 9, 2010 Oil Developers want the Island of La Gonave: Is Haiti For Sale?
In reality, the promise that an energy company can run an island with just a security force and no local or central civic authority, while preserving the environment is ludicrous, given the BP oil spill and the conflict of interest and oxymoronic implications of running a so-called green "industrial plantation" for "huge profits" and like a "business."
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 8, 2010 "The Quake"- Haiti Through The Distorted Lenses of PBS' Frontline
Frontline producers of "The Quake" offer a documentary that while it is accurate about the immediate aftermath of the devastating earthquake, gives an inaccurate historical, political, and economic perspective on what has made Haiti so desperately poor and therefore vulnerable to this "natural" disaster
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, February 5, 2010 Sowing Panic on the Streets of Haiti
The UN Destabilizing Mission to Haiti (MINUSTAH) has acted as a proxy for the US and it's allies in assassinating and criminalizing President Aristides' Fanmi Lavalas members since the US backed coup of '04. Their goal: marginalize FL in order to keep political control of Haiti in the hands of people they control. Haitians want the return of Aristide and the UN out.
(7 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 17, 2010 Aristide Haiti Return- Clinton, Bush & Obama of One Mindset
The Obama Doctrine is The Bush Doctrine-- a corrosive mindset that got us into Iraq and the "war on terror." This is evidenced by the appt. of Bush & Clinton to head Haiti relief. Obama also continues US policy of political interventions in Haiti.
SHARE Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Sacred Avatar "Hometree" is the Mapou Tree in Haitian Vodun
The movie Avatar is a heterogeneous blend of indigenous cultures that evokes the worship of and the connection to that humans to the environment. In the Haitian culture, the closest to Africa in the Western Hemisphere, the practitioners of Vodun religion worship the Mapou tree as a way to connect with the spirits.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 8, 2009 Blacks Deserve Reparations for Slavery
Do African-Americans Deserve Reparations for Slavery? Yes! They also deserve reparations for the hell they've been catching since "legal" slavery ended.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 3, 2009 Momment of Zen: Palin "Going Rouge"
GMA's Chris Cuomo mistakenly calls Sarah Palin's memoir "Going Rouge" instead of "Going Rogue." This Freudian slip is understandable on many levels.