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(11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 11, 2009 "Empire, Elitism, Externalities, and Extinction"
The real choice for informed Americans is not French socialism vs. American democracy, but rather peoples success with European/Japan, and world-wide 'social democracy' vs. tyrannical ruling-elite 'corporate financial Empire'.
SHARE Thursday, January 17, 2008 Abu Ghraib was not about 'a few bad apples' and neither is our two-party Vichy regime.
With all the recently hyped euphoria about 'change' in the 2008 election campaign there is, unfortunately, the same suspension of disbelief that allowed Americans to look beyond the ugly Abu Ghraib torture and hope, against the reality of lies, that "it's just a few bad apples".
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 25, 2007 "With Their Own Rope": non-violent overthrow of the global corporate/financial Empire
The global corporate/financial Empire hides behind a virtual "Vichy America". But ordinary citizens have the power to non-violently solve this deadly control by guileful Empire both through our remaining voting rights, and by turning a new era of democratic and 'socially responsible' capitalism upon the imperial capitalists themselves.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, March 19, 2007 "Economics of Empire"
The pathology of Empire really has more to do with economics than with politics. All traditional empires have been at heart a project of economic advantage only affected by political rationalization, and ultimately the military power to carry out the seminal goal of economic advantaged status.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, February 26, 2007 "Vichy America"
As American people, we will very soon be faced with confronting the fact that we no longer live in either a supposedly 'exceptional' country, or even a normal country. We will be faced with the reality that we live in a virtual "Vichy America" which has been fully taken over by a guileful and disguised global Empire ---- just as France in WWII had been taken over by the Nazi Empire which installed the faux gov
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 25, 2007 The Cuban missile crisis was dramatic ---- The Iran EFP scare is pathetic
When it was definitively verified in photos and publicly proven by Adlai E. Stevenson in the U.N. that the Soviet Union had pointed missiles with proven nuclear warheads at the U.S. homeland from Cuba, that 'clear and present danger' required strong action by JFK --- and yet, he still did not launch aggressive war, and his diplomacy saved the world.
"Mr. Bush, you're no Jack Kennedy."
SHARE Wednesday, January 31, 2007 The most important question for '08 candidates ---- "Where do you stand on EMPIRE?"
The very most important question that the American people should be asking (and looking for) in any candidate for president in '08 is not, "Where do you stand on the war?", but, "Where do you stand on the EMPIRE that has taken over our country --- an Empire of which the war in Iraq is only the biggest and most visible crime?"
SHARE Friday, January 19, 2007 Cheney incites fear of "existential" threat on TV --- but existential for whom?
This week on FOX TV Cheney tried to elevate fear levels among Americans, saying that withdrawing from the war in Iraq would be very dangerous because, "This is an existential conflict" for America. But the reality is that the only "existential threat" of withdrawing from the Iraq war would be to the Empire that Bush and Cheney represent --- because their Empire would lose the oil they went there to loot.
SHARE Monday, January 15, 2007 Fighting the pro-war Hydra-Empire
Despite the apparent differences in fighting pro-war forces enflaming and expanding the Iraq war to Iran and the whole Middle East, there is a common denominator to these dark forces, and it is named --- Empire.
SHARE Monday, January 8, 2007 President can't wage war without support of people?
We are constantly told, "The president can't wage war without the support of the American people" --- and yet he is both waging and escalating such war today.
This contradiction can only be explained by realizing that Bush is not a president, but has become a non-democratic Emperor.
And this problem for democracy can only be solved by the American people themselves.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 24, 2006 Real Victory over Empire
The hope for real victory in Iraq is that this will be the straw that breaks the lies of empire, and that the US people will simply refuse to follow the dictates of this global elite militarist empire.