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Dr. David Leffler, a United States Air Force veteran, is the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). David served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College and is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute. Dr. Leffler teaches Invincible Defense Technology and is available at: http://www.StrongMilitary.org.
(87 comments) SHARE Friday, January 24, 2025 High-Ranking Military Back David Lynch's Call to use TM to End War
Before his passing, moviemaker David Lynch proposed a unique solution to end the war in Ukraine; one backed by extensive scientific research and actual military field-tests. His proposal involves the military applications of the Transcendental Meditation - technique along with its advanced programs to end wars and prevent enemies from arising. Such proposals are now beginning to be taken seriously by the United Nations (UN).
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 15, 2024 A Better Idea for Israel: Invincible Defense Technology (IDT)
IDT's effectiveness is based on the "Maharishi Effect," which has been validated in multiple real-world situations. When a sufficiently large group practices TM and its advanced technologies of consciousness together, decreases in negative trends such as violence, crime, and fatalities occur. Applying this concept to the Israel/Gaza conflict, a dedicated group of individuals practicing IDT could create a positive influence.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Open Letter to Herzi Halevi, Commander-in-Chief, Israel Defense Forces
Proven approach will end conflict while building stable future for Israel & its neighbors Reputable journals Journal of Conflict Resolution Journal of Social Behavior and Personality Social Indicators Research Medicina & World Journal of Social Science show reduction in war-related fatalities, improved economic conditions, heightened quality of life, decreased levels of crime, violence, accidents drug-overdose deaths & illness
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 12, 2023 Evidence-Based Technique to End War
Peer-reviewed study 17 years in the making adds further support that Invincible Defense Technology prevents crime, war, terrorism & conflict. Eminent scientist Dr. David Orme-Johnson describes study published in World Journal of Social Science showing that group practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi techniques by 1% of the US population decreased multiple stress indicators in US. Scientists call for a group to create world peace.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 30, 2022 Military Veterans to Putin: Russian Troops Near Ukraine Can Become a Force for Peace
President Putin could take a portion of the 100,000 troops deployed on the border of Ukraine to create a powerful and profound global influence of peace that very few may have anticipated. We urge President Putin to use these troops to establish what is called in military circles a Prevention Wing of the Military by immediately training them in Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).
(22 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 15, 2021 A Humane Approach Towards Peace
The first nation to permanently deploy a Preventative Wing of the Military (consisting of 10,000 - 15,000 military personnel practicing IDT twice a day) could actually become the catalyst for creating lasting world peace. The leader of such a group would likely achieve great fame and the Nobel Peace Prize for applying this human resource-based, non-lethal, and non-destructive approach.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Cruise Ships for Peace in The Middle East
Revolutionary idea for ending terrorism and creating world peace, based on advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation. Advanced TM meditators practicing in groups twice a day create a field which uplifts the collective consciousness of all within proximity. Charter cruise ships, offer free luxury cruises to meditators volunteering their services, station these cruise ships in proximity to trouble spots around the world.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 9, 2019 A Valuable Tool For Ending Middle East Violence
Violence, war and terrorism are intractable problems worldwide. Current events have shown without a doubt that new responses are needed now. This article has been published at the following locations: ISRAEL: Israel Faxx, MEPeace, [Middle East Peace] MIDDLE EAST: Change Now! The Arab Network for the Study of Democracy, and GREECE: CBRNE Diary (CBRNE stands for "Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive).
(14 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 5, 2018 Attn: President Putin - No Enemies = No Nuclear War
President Vladimir Putin asserts Russian scientists have developed an "invincible" cruise missile. While scientists have sought invincibility by applying ever-advancing technologies, history has shown us this approach does not work. Adversaries inevitably devise ways to counter any system of offense or defense. However, there is a scientifically-validated way of achieving unquestioned invincibility for any leader who seeks it.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Thirty Years From Now ...
What will war and terrorism look like in 30 years? Perhaps if we wake up to the Power of the Mind, via TM and Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), war and terrorism could become obsolete due to the absence of enemies. An excellent piece of speculative fiction (and a fun read), written and meticulously researched by Dr. David Leffler, Exec. Director of CAMS, an organization dedicated to implementing IDT in militaries worldwide.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 4, 2016 Peace Through Meditation? An Unconventional Solution for the South Sudan Mess
"War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses." Thomas Jefferson. South Sudan is turmoil. UN peacekeeping soldiers want to help but the nation doesn't want to be "taken over." The anger of PTSD triggers violence. A non-threatening, cost-effective, evidence-based PTSD-reduction approach is needed. Find out about a new next-generation peace-creating strategy.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 10, 2016 A Scientific Means for Islamic Military Alliance to Collaborate and Deploy
Islamic military alliance states that terrorism "should be fought by all means and collaboration should be made to eliminate it." Invincible Defense Technology is the best means. It's part of Brazil's Elite Police force training. Field tests by other militaries and 23 peer-reviewed studies carried out in developed and developing nations show it works. Independent scientists and scholars endorse it based on 25 years of research
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 31, 2014 Preventing Future Boko Haram Attacks
Violence & conflict plagued mankind throughout history. Boko Haram's attacks are a current manifestation. How can Nigeria protect itself from future attacks? The best way to guard against terrorist threats is to have no enemies. No enemies = no terrorism! An effective approach called Invincible Defence Technology could help Nigeria's military create lasting peace by preventing enemies from arising.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, March 24, 2014 A New Proven Way to Create Peace in Ukraine
Tensions rise as Russia intervenes in Crimea. World leaders search for ways to prevent tensions from further escalating. What can be done to find a peaceful solution to this serious crisis? Countries around the world have shown growing interest in a novel, but scientifically verified, militarily field-tested approach to reducing turmoil. Among military circles worldwide this approach is known as Invincible Defense Technology.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Reducing Tension in the Middle East
History shows that political resolutions cannot be achieved while tensions remain high. Deep-rooted ethnic and national stresses embedded in the collective consciousness are at the basis of the Israel and Hamas conflict, as in all other conflicts worldwide. Unless these stresses are rooted out, destruction and killing will continue, as they have for millennia. Now there is hope because a proven peace technology is available.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 1, 2011 Combating Stress in Police Work and Preventing Crime, Terrorism, and War
""in a very dangerous part of New York City. While walking in an alley, they were ambushed. A shot rang out, and his partner fell wounded to the ground. This officer drew his revolver and quickly shot five assassins, killing four and disabling the fifth"if it were not for his regular TM practice, he would have been killed. Despite the overwhelming odds"the policeman said he was able to maintain his composure under fire..."
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, September 9, 2011 A 'New Idea': Application of Vedic Defence Technology in Peacekeeping Missions
Since the Nepalese Army began United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions, troops have followed some Vedic traditions in operational areas. However, there has been no widespread application of Vedic Defence Technology (VDT) in peacekeeping missions to create social coherence. Since the goal of VDT matches the goal of UN missions to achieve sustainable peace in the world, the authors urge UN leaders to support its implementation
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 21, 2011 The Best Way to Fight Terrorism
Violence and conflict have plagued mankind throughout history, and the terrorist attacks in India's financial capital of Mumbai are their most recent manifestation. How can we protect from these dangers? Ideally, the best way to guard against terrorist threats would be to have no enemies. No enemies = no terrorism! An unusual approach called Invincible Defence Technology helps militaries by preventing enemies from arising
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Combating PTSD
This article offers a scientifically verified time-tested solution to help our military personnel, veterans and their families.
In a new pilot study (under review), Iraq and Afghanistan veterans experienced a 50% drop in PTSD symptoms by the fourth week of TM practice, and greater improvements by two months and three months. This study is summarized in the new book The Resilient Warrior: Healing the Hidden Wounds of War.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Learn from Latin America: How to End Tensions with North Korea
Due to the Cheonan sinking, tensions rise again between South and North Korea. Technically at war since the 1953 ceasefire, their long-term struggle is a "cold civil war" with periodic "hot flashes." Protracted "civil wars" in Latin American countries followed similar patterns. However, the latter situation is changing, and both Koreas could learn from Latin American countries who are implementing Invincible Defense Technology