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Ahmed Salkini is the Spokesperson of the Syrian Embassy in Washington and a political advisor to the Ambassador. His work has been published in several places including the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, the Financial Times, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Syria Today, and Forward Magazine. He has appeared on different American, European, and Arab news outlets including Fox News, BBC, Aljazeera International, Al-Hurra, Radio Sawa, Russia Today; as well as given interviews to all major American and Arab newspapers and magazines. Mr. Salkini holds a B.A in Economics and History from Ohio Wesleyan University, and an M.A. in International Relations from the American University in Washington D.C.
SHARE Sunday, May 16, 2010 A Tale of Two Trilateral Meetings
While some analysts and politicians attempt to naively, or maybe maliciously, simplify Syria's political stances as one dimensional, Syria's regional role is far more nuanced. In short,while in the absence of peace Syria unequivocally supports resistance, peace remains its strategic choice.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 31, 2010 "Facts are stubborn things"
As the Syrian-American rapprochement takes front stage in American foreign policy debates, especially with the nomination of a new ambassador, this is an opportune time to scope the contours and nature of this relationship. much has eminated from the American side, while not much from the Syrian. here is our percpective on this issue, in the hopes of enriching the debate and furthering this important/historic relationship.