I am a Veteran of the US Navy. I was raised in a Republican household. In fact, my father was the first person to ever act as the State Campaign Manager for a major presidential candidate for the entire state of CA in modern political history (previously it was always split between Northern Ca & Southern CA) when he managed CA for the Reagan campaign in 1980. I am now, and have been for some time, appalled at what has happened to our great country since Reagan was elected. The Republican Party has completely lost its way. One one side you have the super rich whose greed is unlike anything we have ever seen in the history of the world. On the other we have the religious zealots who think everything is "OK" as long as you believe in their God. So now, I am looking at what is without question the single most important presidential election in my lifetime. Are we going to finish our transition to a complete and total oligarchy, or are we going to pull back from the precipice of disaster and start moving back toward a democracy?
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