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Method and apparatus for load balancing trapped solar energy
OTEC Counter-Current Heat Transfer System
Global Warming Mitigation Method
Subductive Waste Disposal Method
Nuclear Assisted Hydrocarbon Production Method
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, October 26, 2020 Global-warming Placebo versus the Remedy
It is established science that 93 percent of the heat of global warming is going into the ocean.
Less well understood is the fact that this heat will eventually come back to bite us, if not outright do us in. Even less well understood is the fact that the only way to safely remove heat from the ocean is to convert a portion of it to the work required to sustain 10 billion people who will live on the land by 2050.
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 26, 2020 The tech-fix that gives mankind from between 3 and 11 thousand years
Thermodynamic geoengineering is that techno-fix that can sustain mankind, at at least current population levels, for a least the next three thousand years. Which is a good an answer as any to the question posed by the Jeff Gibbs in the opening frames of Michael Moore's documentary Planet of the Humans, how long do you think humans have?
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 2, 2019 The energy trifecta; entropy, economy, environment.
The energy trifecta is energy too cheap to meter that provides the jobs and social benefits that a carbon tax, fossil fuels or energy privation can't. In short it is the only energy that makes winners of us all.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 26, 2018 Energy legitimately too cheap to meter
At $2.3 trillion less than and 39 percent more energy than is currently provided by current energy sources, it would be cheaper and less bureaucratic to simply provide energy produced by heat pipe OTEC platforms for a flat fee or even free and make a profit from the associated services, which include reduced surfaced heat loading, sea-level rise, storm surge, atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, November 3, 2017 Climate mitigating energy production.
The jobs, taxes and international prestige that flow from solving the climate problem are going begging
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 21, 2016 Channeling the Inertia of Global Warming
The energy paths confronting the next two generations couldn't be starker. A "business as usual" case that assumes 4 degrees of global warming is inevitable. An "off-the-shelf" case that uses existing technologies that will get us to between 3 and 4 degrees. And a case for lowering the ocean's heat load that lowers atmospheric temperatures 1 degree each decade. The choice we should chose seems self-evident.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 2, 2015 Science and politics disregard the climate lessons of Nature and mankind is failed as a consequence.
Scientists have discovered, measured and explained the slowing of atmospheric warming this century and a decline in sea level rise in 2010. The practical implications of these events however seems to have escaped them; with the result policy makers are deprived of the information that would enable them to address climate change with the least cost and greatest benefit.
(21 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 19, 2014 The Practical Implication of the Global Warming Hiatus.
Global warming is arguably the most compelling problem this and future generations is likely to face. We can calmly and adequately address it by using the climate pause as a learning exercise.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 15, 2011 The Willie Sutton/Will Rogers Approach to Energy
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) converts accumulating ocean heat to energy and could produce renewable energy 24/7 and reduce the intensity of future hurricanes.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, July 23, 2010 A change for the better
The time is ripe for America to use its greatest strength, its entrepreneurial energy and ability to raise capital, to its benefit as well as the rest of the world.