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Ed Meek writes poetry, fiction, articles and book reviews. Luck, a collection of his short stories, came out last year. His most recent book of poetry is Spy Pond. He has written articles for The Boston Globe, The Boston Review, CounterPunch, etc. He reviews books for The Arts Fuse and Digboston.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 25, 2020 The Lure of Trumpism
Why does anyone follow Trump? In Twilight of Democracy, Anne Applebaum provides us with some reasons.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 25, 2020 The Lure of Authoritarianism
You may wonder how anyone can possibly still support Trump. Anne Applebaum, in her new book, Twilight of Democracy, provides us with a few clues. And we're not the only country inching towards a one party state.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 21, 2019 Deplorable All Over Again
Calling Trump and followers racist is just another way of calling them deplorable. It doesn't work. We must attack him for his ideas and policies.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, December 31, 2018 Seven Deadly Symptoms of Our Current Malaise
Here are seven symptoms of our malady: our declining lifespan, the rise in suicides, the opioid crises, the endless overseas conflicts, gun-related incidents and school shootings, mass incarceration, and the depression, anxiety and stress from all this.