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He has taught in MBA programs for almost 35 years in 2002 he left academe to work for Home Depot where he witnessed the absurdity of corporate life. He is now semiretired and serves on the faculty as an adjunct professor at several institutions. He holds a doctorate in psychology from NYU and completed two postdoc's: The Institute for Social and Policy Studies at Yale, and the Post Graduate Center for Mental Health in psychoanalysis. He is a member of a unique group of scholars and consultants who apply psychoanalytic thinking to organizations. He has written two books and is writing his third, an attempt to understand executive greed and self-destruction.
(17 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 22, 2012 Two for the Price of One: The 60 hour work week
Article discusses the ever growing workweek for employees and how business school professors and business writers educated today's executives to think about employees as expendable resources to be used to maximize profits.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 3, 2011 Creative Destruction-The demise of the brick and mortar university and the looming college debt bubble
I examine the growth of cost of obtaining an undergraduate degree in America and how the current business model followed by college presidents along with mismanagement and misplaced priorities will destroy the brick and mortar universities. I also explore why a new generation of students seriously question the "Return On Investment" of the brick and mortar education, and why these Gen Y's will embrace the online model.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 15, 2011 The Income Gap and the Egyptian Revolution
The income gap in the US is greater than in Egypt and the price of goods is increasing. Will a revolution occur in the US.