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(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 31, 2016 A Brief and Cheery History of an American Future
Besides the entrenched power of the rich, powerful and well-armed, there's no reason we can't have the country we want and deserve. Steve Breyman daydreams about what that world might look like, and how it might come about.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, February 12, 2016 Paris Climate Summit: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
World leaders gathered in Paris in December to replace the expiring Kyoto Protocol. What emerged is not even close to sufficient to prevent global catastrophe. The main culprits? Republicans in the US Senate who deny the scientific consensus about the causes and consequences of global warming. The clock is ticking, time is short. The simple truth: the world must do more faster.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 10, 2015 In and After Paris: A Climate Justice Agenda
The Paris climate change agreement will be a disappointment. But that's no reason for climate justice campaigners to despair. Here's what did and didn't happen in Paris, why it matters, and what comes next.
SHARE Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Baked Alaska: Obama, Climate Change and the Arrogance of Power
President Obama's approach to politics led directly to his inadequate climate policies. It's not too late for the president to embrace climate justice, and broker a strong agreement at the climate talks in Paris next month.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Fracking Fraud: Natural Gas Dodgery
Frackers promised lower natural gas and electricity rates. We've yet to see them in any sustained way in Upstate New York.
SHARE Friday, July 3, 2015 Being David Brooks: Onward, Christian Soldiers
David Brooks actually sympathizes with social conservatives bemoaning the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage. He then proposes a new culture war Christian conservatives might wage: on the "dysfunctions" of poor people ground down by corporate capitalism.
SHARE Tuesday, June 3, 2014 What's Wrong with Cuomo's Energy Plan?
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo's draft Energy Plan fails to face up to the urgent problems of global warming, health effects from air pollution, or the dangers of nuclear power. The Governor misses the opportunity to build a 21st century energy system, create tens of thousands of well-paying jobs, innovate green technology, or assist those displaced by a green energy transition. Howie Hawkins and Steve Breyman set him straight.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 1, 2014 The New York Times and Obama's Afghanistan Draw Down: Selling the Never-Ending War on Terror
Mark Landler of the New York Times failed to ask a single question of his sources in a recent article about President Obama's plans to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan by 2016. He also failed to interview a source from a pro-peace (rather than pro-war) perspective. The report did a disservice to Times readers.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 3, 2014 Inside the Fanciful World of Stratfor: Robert D. Kaplan's Geopolitical Bunkum
Robert D. Klaplan, "chief geopolitical analyst" for Stratfor, is a shill for American Empire. His recent tour of global political hotspots for Time magazine is full of bad history, obvious oversights, and banal observations. Kaplan's bunk matters, nonetheless, for it informs the people who manage American hegemony.
SHARE Thursday, May 1, 2014 Climate Change Messaging: Avoid the Truth
Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger present themselves as contrarian environmentalists. They're "so serious" about fighting climate change that they embrace nuclear power and fracking for natural gas. Perhaps even worse, they advise pulling punches about the connections between climate change and extreme weather in order enroll "conservatives" in the movement. As if that's ever going to happen.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, February 14, 2014 Zen Over Zinn: Avoiding Unpleasant Truths with David Brooks
New York Times columnist David Brooks is a pseudo-intellectual soft right victim blaming reality dodger. His latest target that can't hit back? The American “precariat.†Steve Breyman cuts through Brooks’ truth avoidance and moralistic rubbish with the real story about the death for many Americans of the American Dream.
SHARE Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Governance as Sadomasochism: Obama from the IRS to the Associated Press
The Obama administration is sadomasochistic. It enjoys the pain inflicted on it by Republicans and the conservative media (see the controversy over the IRS and the Tea Party) so much, that it voluntarily ups the pain (see AG Holder's criminal investigation of the IRS). And it revels in meting out punishment to whistleblowers and civil servants caught doing their jobs.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, May 6, 2013 The Elizabeth Colbert Busch Campaign: Tilting at the Wrong Windmill
Wouldn't it be great were Elizabeth Colbert Busch to defeat Mark Sanford in the special election for the First District congressional seat in South Carolina? Not really. Steve Breyman explains why a Colbert Busch victory would be a pyrric victory.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, April 29, 2013 Most Dangerous Waste of Your Tax Dollars This Year? The Case of the B61 Nuclear Bomb
Believe it or not, the Obama administration is planning yet more new and refurbished nuclear weapons. Among the most dangerous is the B61, a bomb designed decades ago to stop Soviet tank divisions from rampaging across Europe. Since the end of the Cold War, the two hundred B61 bombs stationed on US airbases in NATO Europe have had NO military mission. It's past time to dismantle them.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, April 22, 2013 Obama v. EPA: Constructing His Environmental Legacy
Contrary to Margaret Thatcher's claim, alternatives abound. The Green Party is a good place to find a load of them. A Green EPA would confront the polluters, and privilege human and ecosystem health over corporate profits. This is especially clear in the case of Obama's proposed cleanup standards following a nuclear disaster. Think the government will protect you? Think again.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, March 25, 2013 The Mostly Mainstream Foreign Policy of Rand Paul: Washington Can Sleep Easy
Guardians of the Washington foreign policy consensus fear Rand Paul, not least for his allegedly isolationist foreign policy. Steve Breyman looks closely at the Rand's policy and fights it mostly moderate and non-threatening to foreign policy elites.
SHARE Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Why the War on Terror Endures: Spawning Terror Over There
The War on Terror spawns further terror. This is very clear from the Global Terrorism Index which reports that in 2011 the world witnessed four times the attacks it did in 2002. Why continue it? Because terrorism's victims today are almost exclusively non-Americans. Preventing their deaths is someone else's problem.
SHARE Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Crackpot Pragmatism: Richard Cohen and Torture
Even after the horrors of the War on Terror, Richard Cohen remains conflicted and confused about torture. Steve Breyman develops the concept of "crackpot pragmatism" to explain how this could be so.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, January 28, 2013 The Times Does Gaza (Again): Oh, no you don't, Ismael Haniya
The New York Times does not like Hamas or its leaders, including Prime Minister Ismael Haniya. It shows in articles like that about the Malaysian Prime Minister's recent visit. Unsure whether it's a news article, news analysis, or op-ed, the piece is sure about how it feels about Haniya and Hamas.