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I am a photographer in Tampa, Florida. I am also currently pursuing a degree in Video Game Art and Design at The Art Institute of Tampa.
My family is everything to me. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful woman and two children in my life, including my baby girl who is my world.
I am passionate about my country, The United States of America, and therefore very judgmental of those who would take advantage of their position in her service. I voted for President Obama and, while he has not stood as strong as I had hoped, I still believe he is a good President and definitely the best option that we had as a candidate.
I believe that everyone has the power to make a difference, and that no effort is immaterial or insignificant. I believe that there is no excuse for indecisiveness but ignorance, as we live in a time that sees all the knowledge of the world right at our fingertips, and those that cannot see are looking through closed eyes.
Issues of the greatest importance to me are prejudice, corporate/government greed, education, gay rights, global economy, organized religion, health care, poverty, and our malfunctioning political system.
I am a white American male in my thirties that lives in Florida. I am not racist, sexist, homophobic, uneducated, bible-thumping, hateful, or greedy. I am an Athiest. I am not opposed to religion, I just haven't found any answers there myself.
I try to be very clear with my words. If I offend, it is for one of two reasons. Either you mistook/misread what I was saying, or you were meant to be offended by it. If you have something to say, positive or negative, say it. I believe that a persons words are a reflection on their own competence, and to censor anyone because I disagree or don't want to hear it would be the definition of ignorance.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Mad World
Anti-depressants and other psychiatric medications are uniquely and universally prescribed to treat theoretical causation. The already corrupt prescription drug racket functions at it's most base in the field of psychiatry, preying on the most vulnerable and defenseless among us.