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Francis C. P. Knize has been active as a Public Outreach and Educational Outreach producer for over11 years, offering communications projects to NASA which coordinate with science museums around the country, and also outstanding science classrooms and teachers. Mr. Knize has also helped define policy issues concerning NASA's mandates and certain Congressional acts in reference to NASA. He has also produced reports on Peer Review with respect to the Office for Management Budget's requests for comments from the public. This report to be found at the following link: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/inforeg/peer2004/42.pdf
Mr. Knize has also been active in the enforcement of the Data Quality Act, to ensure that NASA's space probe data retains its credibility, reproduceability, integrity, and transparency within the agency's archives. Mr. Knize believes there can be much improvement concerning the communications abilities through the NASA Public Affairs Office, where better flexibility and acceptance of a wider variety of public relations ventures would be suitable policy for that department. He continues to work toward this end, to improve dissemination capability to accommodate widest possible dissemination policy. He also serves to improve NASA's mandated connection (NASA Appropriations Act of 2000; Section 314) with outside entities and scientific groups for discussion and peer review of SETI topics.
Francis C. P. Knize's documentary "ISDC 2005; A Vision For Space" involved interviews with National Space Society attendants, some of whom are pivotal to actual development of a culture in space, and colonization/habitation of the Moon and Mars within the next 10 years. He offers to the network broadcasting arena innovative, imaginative, and compelling projects in science. He also is Director of Marketing for Sky Train Corp and for Lunar Explorer, LLC, a Lunar Educational Gaming Company