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Jesse Sublett is a regular contributor to OpEdNews.com. An author, ghost writer and musician in Austin, Texas, he has published crime novels, eBooks, true crime, memoir, essays and journalism. His work has appeared in New York Times, Texas Monthly, Texas Tribune, Texas Observer, Austin Chronicle. He founded the legendary Austin band The Skunks in 1978 and still performs. He's passionate about environmental issues, social justice, human rights, film noir, blues music, art.
(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 31, 2013 What My Father Taught Me About Guns
Some common sense notions about gun regulations could start with basic gun safety, as taught me by my own father, and millions of other wise, gun owning parents out there. For one thing, there are places where guns don't belong.
(12 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 3, 2013 It's OK, Honey, His Gun Has a Noise Suppressor
The NRA and other gun lobbies want to deregulate silencers, which would make it easier to kill the wife without waking the kids, or shoot up a school playground without disturbing the peace. The NRA says it's all about healthcare and protecting the kids! If you believe that, I've got a rubber gun I'd like to sell you.
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, December 28, 2012 The Tower Massacre, Gun Control, and Planet n-RA
The massacre of school children at Sandy Hook has shaken a public that is often numb to violence and tragedy for various reasons, including our dumbed-down culture. But suddenly the reality of senseless violent death has our attention. Some of us are not so lucky: we remember that feeling every day of our lives. Now is the time to face that reality and demand stricter gun control.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Secession Obsession Unabated
Secession petitions from 50 states have now been submitted to the "White House We the People" widget, with several of them qualifying for an official response after Monday, which came and went with no response. The Whine-and-Secede Festival continues, impractical as it may seem, especially since the signers represent a teensy minority. Here's an alternative idea: Chip in your money and buy and island.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 9, 2012 Escape to Civil War Land
Rejected by a large margin at the polls, Romney ran off to Disneyland, but the rightest of right wingers are headed for Civil War Land, talking secession, post-modern Civil War. Always game for a new folly, Texas leads the way. As a native Texan, I feel bad about this, but maybe I can help. This is my first entry in the Secession Chronicles.