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Ed Komarek writes articles and books on diverse topics of national and international interest. The first book Ed wrote was UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder that is available for free on its website. Ed's second book Fire In Nature, A Fire Activists Guide is also free on its website.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Donald Trump: Sex, Violence and Tribe
This article points out that humans are mostly driven by instinct rather than intelligence as with the rest of the animal kingdom. Unless we become conscious and aware of our instinctive unconscious nature and question our primitive natures and motivations we are fated to be ruled by them rather than by our intelligence.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, October 26, 2015 Ecosystems Threatened By Increasing Regulation & Liability Costs
Ecosystems in private hands are being threatened by increased prescribed fire regulations and liability. This is not the case for public land management agencies funded by the taxpayer. This perceived double standard is described in this article.
SHARE Saturday, October 17, 2015 Rebuilding Nature With Fire, Water @ Man
Ecosystem restoration is not easy; it involves a good understanding of how complex ecosystems function as well as the plants and animals in them. Many environmentalists have misconceptions that hinder their ability to do good conservation and ecosystem reconstruction.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 15, 2015 Media Coverage Drives Gun Violence
Those that control the narrative often fail to take responsibility for how their own actions harm others. In the case of these mass shootings the media often blame guns but refuse to consider that they too are responsible for gun violence. It's the same with those public land management agencies that contribute to catastrophic wildfire through misguided fire exclusion policies.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 17, 2015 Heroism and Tragedy in the Life of the Wildland Firefighter
In this article the author address the fact that the wild-land firefighter is both a heroic and tragic figure. Tragic in the sense that the better he gets at fire suppression in light fire ecosystems, the worse and more tragic the catastrophic fires become.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 14, 2014 Record Wildfires Spread From the American West to Northern Europe
Catastrophic wildfire is now devastating Sweden in the worst fire in 40 years. Blazes continue to devastate Oregon with most being caused by decades of fire exclusion in light fire ecosystems. (Only You Can Put Fire Back in Nature!)
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 12, 2014 How To Manage Billions of Acres of Fire-Dependent Ecosystems?
The article is about how are we going to be able to adequately manage billions of acres of global ecosystems that need fire for their health and survival. Maybe the UN should get involved.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 30, 2014 How Fire Builds Biodiversity in Nature
Natural and prescribed fires build biodiversity in global ecosystems. When we exclude fire from fire adapted ecosystems we degraded and destroy those ecosystems to the detriment of both ourselves and nature.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 26, 2014 Smokey the Bear Lied: Fire is an Important Part of Forest Ecosystems
Government land management agencies need to start telling the truth about what causes most catastrophic fire. Most of these catastrophic fires are caused by decades of forest fuel accumulations due to man's fire own suppression activities.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 19, 2014 Once Again Wildfire Threatens Giant Sequoias
Once again wildfire is threatening the Giant Sequoias because of decades of light-fire misguided government fire-exclusion policies. It seems this is now happening on a yearly basis, so its just a matter of time that if nothing is done we will lose these national icons and the ecosystems in which they reside.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, June 9, 2014 Why We Need Hearings in Congress on Wildfire
This article is about the need to hold hearings in Congress on the ongoing wildfire emergency in the Western United States.
SHARE Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Build Your Home In A Healthy Wildfire-Safe Forest
Build your home in a healthy fire-safe ecosystem not one where light fires have been suppressed creating an extreme fire hazard. Or if you do build in a unhealthy forest, or grassland, make sure you remove all hazards close to your house and then get the forest around your house back into a well fire-managed ecosystem.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 29, 2014 Officials Suspect Terrorists Ignited Some Wildfires In 2013
Terrorism, global warming, arson, lightning, or carelessness are not the cause of catastrophic fire. Most catastrophic fire is caused by a culture of fire suppression that excludes natural light fires essential to ecosystem health.
(13 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Terrorists Intend To Use Wildfire As A Weapon Against Cities
Terrorists in a plane under drought condition and high winds can lay a wall of flame 100 miles long in an hour, creating wildfire devastation equivalent to the fire-bombing of Dresden and Tokyo. Such an attack could happen so quickly that fire-fighting agencies would be overwhelmed in a matter of minutes
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 8, 2013 Introduction to Fire Man and Nature
This article is about the role of fire in nature and the damage that man's fire-suppression activities are doing to nature's fire ecosystems and to man himself.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Misguided Fire Suppression Policies Cause Wildfire Conflagrations!
Suppression of natural perodic light fires cause unnatural accumlations of debris on the forest floor and this leads to catastrophic fire eventually. These wildfire conflagrations in the western United States happen when this excess debris is ignited running up the tree trunk to create what is called a crown fire.
SHARE Friday, July 10, 2009 UFO/ET Non-Disclosure National Security Threats
Leaked and declassified government documents argue for non-disclosure of extraterrestrial reality yet there is precious little discussion of the severe national security threats related to the downside of such a policy.
SHARE Tuesday, July 7, 2009 A Question for Dr. Henry Kissinger on UFOs
This article attempts to present a perspective that if correct shows that non-disclosure of extraterrestrial realities is doing severe evolutionary damage to society. This article presents the argument that the UFO/ET cover-up is a major cause for many of the world's macro-problems that threaten a catastrophic collapse of civilization as we know it if they are not resolved quickly.