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Betsy L. Angert

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 15, 2012
Hurricane Sandy and What Heals Hurts Society and school curriculums that reflect a standardized surface reality do not give us the critical thinking tools needed to assist persons who have experienced an emotional trauma. Today, we have one. We have Psychological First Aid. This relief is not as a "kit" filled with bandages, cotton balls and antiseptic; nor is a box full of funds or quick-fix tricks. No, this Aid is much like love
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 23, 2012
Unions, Education and The Chicago Teachers Strike The situation in Chicago reminds us of our history and reveals the effects. Weakened by a climate of intolerance union memberships decline. A less unionized labor force led to an increase in inequity across the American landscape. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our local neighborhoods and in turn, in our schools. The wealthy and high-wage earners live in affluent enclaves. Their children attend higher quality schools. T
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Good School; Principals or Principles A few organizations have attempted to answer The Good School Question. Each asks, "What epitomizes a great learning center?" "How might we, as a society, give birth to quality institutions?" The solutions are many. All of the associations speak of guiding principles. A few also strongly favor Principal or Teacher Leadership. The various alliances advance the premise; our first and foremost priority must be our children.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 15, 2011
Voter Suppression and My Situation As I write I listen to you speak of poll taxes and voter suppression. I wish to share my story in respect to my personal reality and the fear that I live with. Decades before the Barack Obama long-form birth certificate, I realized my own fear. Unlike the persons in your account, I am not a senior citizen. I am a permanent resident of the United States and have been for all of my life. While I have never crossed a border..
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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 24, 2011
August To June; Bringing Life to Palm Beach Schools As any Mom or Dad might do on Parent Teacher Conference Day, Amy Valens, the Educator featured in the documentary film August To June, traveled from "classroom to classroom." This journey was not a conventional one. Indeed, Amy did not attend a series of Parent Teacher Conferences. What she did was appear at Palm Beach screenings of her documentary. The film follows twenty-six [26] third and fourth graders who studied with Amy
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 9, 2011
Primary Teachers and Their Pedagogy myriad sorts of Teachers. A few are true treasures. These special souls take a personal interest in us as individuals. Students are seen as whole beings, not solely a score, or a name to be identified as a number. Without these rare Teachers we would not soar. Innumerable Scholars seek to inform rather than interact in a way that inspires. Academicians, think to fill a brain full of facts, formulas, and figures, is to teach.
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 28, 2011
Save Our Schools; Let Us Never Forget the Mission, March, and Movement Near a month has passed since the Save Our Schools storm swept through Washington District of Columbia. As with all squalls the effects of such an event linger long after the winds die down. A physical space cleaned-up after a tempest takes place does not erase the memory of what occurred. Be it a blast of air or an action, the calm does not close a chapter in our lives.
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 13, 2011
Hung. Hung Over. Hung Up. Hung Out To Dry

While few of us are officially appointed to write "codes" of conduct, we too avidly watch the actions of another and judge. "That man is hung. He knows it and shows it." Albeit, not to his friends. He hides. She is often hung over. Yet, she says nothing of her excessive drinking to her loved ones. She hides. I binge. I purge I too hid.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 17, 2011
August To June. Teach Our Children Well "One Class" plus "One Year" equals more than the sum of these parts. Through twenty-six eight to ten year olds, and a Teacher, the Whole Child concept is understood. here is much that makes up a Whole Child, a Whole Classroom, and a Whole Life.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 8, 2011
Face of the Enemy Today, Americans walk it back, Belatedly, and too late to bring home American and Allied troops who died in battle, government officials released recordings. The media distributes and discusses these en masse. Those prominent in the Press and Public Office say "the people have the right to know," exactly what the tale that could have been told decades ago. Osama Bin Laden was never more than human.
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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The People Ignored or Ignore? The cycle is as the chug-chug of any locomotive; it is continuous, monotonous, a wearisome drone. The series starts as it always does, with hope, dreams of change, and the catechetic realization that the Messiah has come. Soon we see this redeemer is but a man or woman, a meager mortal. He, be he the President of the United States, the Libyan "Leader," the "boy next door," the "good girl," you or me is not the savor we imagine
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SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, April 9, 2011
Parenthood Planned While I have no desire to share my physical age, for I think each Soul, should they chose to be, is timeless, for the purposes of this treatise on Planned Parenthood, I will. The reason, I think this topic is more than a meaningful one. In truth, Planned Parenthood has long been extremely significant in my life. No. I was never pregnant. I planned or at least Planned Parenthood taught me to. I share the one and only tale that
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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 17, 2011
Those Who Can Teach; Life Lessons Learned I heard the words for as long as I recall. The meaning was intricately woven into my mind. I, as all little children since George Bernard Shaw scribed his belief, "He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches," was taught to believe that Teachers could choose no other career. Educators, entrusted with children's lives were indeed, incapable beings. These individuals had tried and failed to perform...
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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Genuine Genius As educators, parents, and persons who were once young and now thought to be elder, and thus, wiser, and more wondrous, and accomplished, within our own being we might feel we are less than we appear to be. Tis true; our parents, Teachers, Professors, and friends had such high hopes for us. Our own dreams were even more impressive. Most of us envisioned that we would reach the pinnacle as we progressed until we failed an exam
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 16, 2011
Shooting Safeguards. A Society Armed Once again, Americans are up in arms or perchance, better armed and dangerous. Blame was ballied about. Solutions were also presented. Some argued for stricter gun control laws. Others used the occasion to validate a need for less restrictive restraints on gun ownership. Persons who held a position similar to the most prominent victim proposed a need to protect themselves.
copyright  � 2011 Betsy L. Angert., From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 3, 2011
Profundity of Peace on Earth This year, Christmas and New Years Days were days of intense reflection. Perchance, that is true every year and for every individual. I cannot know what is true for others. I am only certain that I experienced each of these dates as a rigorous course of study. My gifts or the curriculum came wrapped in a routine event.
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SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 25, 2010
You Are the Gift! Perchance,it is time to reflect on our first, foremost, and greatest Teachers. More than a generation has passed. In that time, I have acquired much knowledge. Yet, I am forever reminded that the more I know, the more certain I am. I know nothing with certainty. What I once thought was the greatest treasure, a tradition I could never part with, was other than it appeared. I never imagined what would become my truth.
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Corporate Sponsors in Schools "America's noble experiment, universal education for all" may have become but an idealized theory. In practice it long seemed the impossible dream. However, for the hopeful this statement was a reverie, although the veracity was virtually unrecognizable at best. Still the notion lived on. The powerful prose marveled many. That is all but believers in a for-profit privatized educational system.
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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 5, 2010
Humans; Heartbreak, Heartache, and Heart Felt Feelings As I listen to many in my life speak of loss, I am aware that even those that lose a loved one to divorce, physical separation, or a break-up are also feeling great pain. There is so much that occurs daily in the lives of each of us. Yet, we rarely discuss our deepest anguish.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bullies; The Mystery Since I was a child he hounded me. She stalked me. I was bullied, intimidated, tormented not by a single person, but by a throng of thoughts. Why did another child, adolescent, nay adult ever bully me. What was it about me that kept me safe from harm or a persecutor's pointed proclamations?

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