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An activist since the Edmund Pettis Bridge March, and the Chicago Police Riot of 1968 when Pigasus was Nominated.
Recently a founding member of Miami for Peace, Richard has produced and edited the (www.miamiforpeace.net) website which has carried information to thousands of activists across south Florida. Working with Miamiforpeace and other local anti-war organizations, like Miami's Women in Black (Men's Auxiliary), Broward Anti-War and Peace South Florida to organize rallies and teach-ins in both Dade and Broward
Palm Beach and Martin County.
He has also worked with the Broward Bill of Rights Defense Committee and with associates from Amnesty International and Dade and Broward ACLU and many other organizations founded the South Florida Bill of Rights Defense Coalition which has been working on a USA Patriot Act related resolution to be
brought before the Miami Dade County Commission. He also writes, produces and publishes the South Florida the Shock & Awe Cartoonarium at the miamiforpeace.net web site.
( www.miamiforpeace.net/cartoon-m4p.htm )
Having joined the board of the Treasure Coast Chapter of the ACLU of Florida. Richard continues the efforts to protect the Bill of Rights and respect for the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Building the Mexican Wall
A Satire on the Theme of the the Trumpsters Mexican Wall
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Scott of Florida - Doesn't Need Free Speech
We see the first volleys of the ANTI-FREE SPEECH FORCES. We can expect the increasing use of anti-constitution anti-dissent measures will be brought to bear in opposition to any who oppose the Corporatist Agenda. Every Town is Denton Tx. Every town is Charleston W.Virginia.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, May 4, 2015 Florida House - Property Condemned
LEGISLATORS HEAD HOME EARLY - leaving mandated duty and major priorities undone.
This letter is addressed to the Legislator mentioned and to the Floridians who let our legislators off the hook on their civic duries.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 2, 2015 2015 the starting POINT
What tactics must we use, how can we UNITE to rescue our Human Rights.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 30, 2014 De-Regulatin Bill's a comin to Town
To Arms To Arms, Bill Clinton and the Corporatistas are coming to town, to soften the ground for Shillary.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 18, 2013 This IRS Story Doesn't Pass the Smell Test.
THE IRS STORY - backstory - and just who benefits - slipping the Right Wing "social service" orgs smoothing the way for more Rovian Citizen United Teflon Roots Orgs - Koch Bros. must be laughing - They were shocked shocked at the reaction!
(9 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 13, 2013 Mr O'Donnell please!
O'Donnell protects the President from the calls for fairness from the Progressives - FAIL
SHARE Saturday, September 29, 2012 Mittsy's Dream
Mittsy dreams on connecting with America's voters
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, December 30, 2011 The Obama I found under my TREE!
A better Obama a truer Obama the Obama of my dreams and the rights nightmares who will once and for all break the choke-hold the Military Industrial Complex has on Americans young Virgins... and the not so VIRGIN
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, October 17, 2011 Obama on the Ramparts
Adventures of President Obama when he finally acts on the Wall Street Abuses including the Cuffing of Blankenfeld, Dimon and the Nationalization of the NYSE - a fever dream
(21 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 5, 2011 The day, Obama joined; OCCUPY WALL STREET
The day president Obama joined the protests at #OCCUPYWALLSTREET by RW Spisak News Director NewMercuryMedia.com
SHARE Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Roadmap to the Poorhouse
A progressive analysis of the Ryan Plan. Ryan protects the richest Americans by removing the flimsy safety net beneath the high-wire act that is the life of working Americans. We must pay more, he says; our lives are too easy.
(16 comments) SHARE Friday, November 5, 2010 Where else are you going to go?
An essay toward formation of a national progressive party suggesting two models, and proposing a a convention to identify platform priorities and candidates for 2012
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, October 4, 2010 Inexcusable is, my favorite... so far, Mr. President
Contrasting the Democratic Party's embrace of its activist base versus the Republican Party's standard even vituperative denunciations of its activist contingent. Or a simple NOSE THUMBING, toward Party Leaders.
SHARE Saturday, May 15, 2010 Like doing surgery from 5,000 feet?
Raising the issue that deep drilling complexity is far less complicated than REMOTE DRONE COMBAT OPERATIONS, Martian Rover Driving and Nano-Sculpture so the EXCUSE DOESN'T WASH!