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April Romo De Vivar

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       Friday, September 19, 2008
Music in Spanish, videos for Obama and for fun....
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Some friends in Tucson, Arizona, made these videos for Obama fans in Spanish and you could pass them on if you like them. Here is her email to us friends.
(2 comments)        Thursday, September 18, 2008
What's it all about, Alfie??!?!?
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This song, Alfie, pretty much sums up what my grandchildren have been asking about what is now going on in American politics and economics.
(2 comments)        Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Who owns America's Loans and if they recall them in this crisis, what will we do?
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We might just be repeating history, the history of Great Britain's fall from First World Status. Read it and ponder.


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