women, shamed by Serbians, (1992-1995) birthed children who they will never
protect as mother. Children --Children of Hate- are used in porn films, now.
Gozde Demirel, from (Turkey), went to Bosnia Herzegovina and she wrote days after big genocide (1992-1995).
Marks of wars could have been cleaned around the world. Even people, witnesses of wars could forget it with years. Even children, witnesses of wars could forget it with growing but children of war? Any sperm doesn't have conscious; they didn't know their fathers are rapist so they couldn't stop going to ovular.
According to Gozde Demirel, from, 20-50 thousands women between 11-60 years old, had been shamed regularly by Serbian men at detention camps, between 1992 and 1995 years.
Cause of rapist is shattering Bosnian race as shaming to Bosnian women. This cause was on the books of courts. There were thousands of rapists but only 12 rapists were judged. The biggest punishment was just 34 years. Some of victim women were killed; some of them killed themselves, some of them undergone physiological treatment still.
Children, birthed after shames, have died or they were killed. Survived children were abandoned to one's faith by mothers. They were sent to homes of orphans or they were adopted. Reporter Demirel writes there is a big porn sector which these children are used in backstreets of Sarajevo city.
Reporter Demirel said she has found someone after hard strives and she has been introduced with two war children at Sarajevo. "I walked at streets under the rain during hours and I went inside a DVD shop at backstreets. I begged to shop owner and I promised again and again about I'll not write name of children and he has introduced with two children with me"
Aden , 18 years old, Maja, 16 years old, ("Aden' and "Maja' their pseudonyms) Aden comes to Sarajevo from home of orphans after she/he became 14. He/she works at a pirate DVD-book team.
"I have never known my father and mother. I am nervous with them but course with him who is said "father'. I have been brought to home of orphans by mother while just 15 days. I am nervous with my mother, too. Her life was cut up, I agree, but she has leaved me and therefore I don't have a life" Aden said.
He is not hopeful about future. He fells himself neither Serbian nor Bosnian. His dream is saving money and going to Australia. "I have watched in a film the Australia. It is hotter and living is easier in there" Aden said.
Maja. Her life is worse. She is just 16 years old. Demirel asks what does she do, "My mother leaved me because of she was shamed. But I am shamed everyday" said Maja.
"I didn't want but my many friends played in porn films; porn sector gives much more money. Here is a serious porn sector. Many films are delivered to Spain, Germany and other many states from here. Cameramen and montage" porn created itself market at here. We don't have many choices at here. Bosnians or Serbians care about themselves society. War criminals are judged but anyone doesn't care about us. We are the minority which everyone wants to forget but we are alive" said Maja.
"My family didn't leave me but they said again and again I am a Serbian seed. My mother loved other children much more than I and I had to go from home" said "Sehrazat' who translated Maja told.
Reporter Demirel asks her life story but she said that she wasn't as powerful as tell.
Reporter Demirel writes there are thousand of children of hate underground of Sarajevo who works in illegal sectors or porn sector. 2 million children porn photographs and seven thousand videos have been caught in Sarajevo at March. But Demirel sees porn CD's at a shop windows all along and she said, "I think operation wasn't so successful"
"You do with bribe every works at here and how porn sector manufactures itself at here although region is very important passing area for international porn. There aren't enough projects for these children at Bosnia. Some England and Norway associations work for helping children. But they just do reporting" said Demirel.
Demirel says she was asking herself how a judgment could clean the war marks, while looking at the children who saying "I am a child of mothers shock."