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June 2009
Tuesday, June 30:
Bill Hare: *Give Iraq Back to the Iraqis! (4 comments)
Marcy Winograd: Single-Payers Crashing the Gates (8 comments)
MC Kean: Single Payer VS. Public Option: Lessons learned from the V.A. system (20 comments)
Marilyn Noyes: Let Don Siegelman Go! (1 comments)
Chris Hedges: The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free (10 comments)
David Swanson: Why Are Two Top Torture Lawyers Working for Obama?
John Little: American Policy Shift in Afghanistan Opium Production, or is it? (13 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Get Ready for a New Hallmark Holiday Card (5 comments)
Claras: Sarkozy and the need for more Social State (1 comments)
Odyseus_97: Capitalism in America and the Declining Society (5 comments)
David Swanson: Senate Bill Would Allow Prosecution of Bush for Iraq War (4 comments)
Alexander Zaitchik: Bogus Think Tank "Third Way" Pops Up to Thwart Health Care Reform (1 comments)
shamus cooke: Democrats and Republicans Join Hands Over Immigration (2 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Republican Sex Hypocrites Owe Bill Clinton an Apology (4 comments)
Douglas C. Smyth: *Representation by the Lobbyists, For the Lobbyists - the People be Damned (2 comments)
Allan Goldstein: Satirists on Strike! (1 comments)
Frosty Wooldridge: Most Americans stupid as a box of rocks as to overpopulation: On American sustainability--Anatomy of Societal Collapse (3 comments)
US Senator Bernie Sanders: We Must Stop the Rampant Fraud in the Health Care Industry (7 comments)
John Wilson: Michael Isn't the Only One - Prescription Drug Abuse is Rampant (3 comments)
Jay Janson: *$2,000 for a dead Afghan Child, $100,000 for Any American Who Died Killing it. (2 comments)
Michael Collins: A Matter of Trust Mexico's July 5 Legislative Elections (1 comments)
Jason Leopold: Obama's Torture Hypocrisy (3 comments)
Monday, June 29:
Stephen Soldz: Open Letter in Response to the American Psychological Association Board (3 comments)
Mike Malloy: Gosh, It's Good To Be Back (2 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Mark Sanford: What a Prince! (4 comments)
Paul Kruger: *My letter to the editor AMA News (2 comments)
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 6 of 21
Barbara O'Brien: Rick Scott, Enemy of Health Care Reform
Rafe Pilgrim: Progress in the Despicability of Weapons Systems (2 comments)
Dean Baker: Why Won't the Democrats Back a GAO Audit? Waterboard the Fed (1 comments)
David Swanson: *Cheney's Top Torture Lawyers Now Work for Obama (2 comments)
Steven Leser: Personal Democracy Forum 2009 (1 comments)
Robert Parry: Obama, They Want You to Fail (1 comments)
Scott Baker: *Geonomics: what ever happened to the movement Henry George started?
Stephen Lendman: Color Revolutions, Old and New (2 comments)
Niall Bradley: Sickening Hypocrisy: the CIA's Dirty War in Iran (2 comments)
Jerry Gordon: What Next for the Antiwar Movement? (1 comments)
Raphael Sidelman: *I too had the audacity to dream.... (2 comments)
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.: INTERNET VOTING: THE GREAT SECURITY SCARE (9 comments)
Leon Thompson: *The Free World Remains Idle While The People Within Iran Die For Democracy
Scott Baker: Geonomics and the true cost of poverty (7 comments)
Sunday, June 28:
Robert Parry: Who to Trust on a Truth Commission? (8 comments)
winston: If it can happen to Yoo it will happen to you Dick Cheney
Carola Von Hoffmannstahl: Jersey City Deluxe: A Cut Rate Beacon for FHA Buyers
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Does human misery come from victimization or a defective species? (8 comments)
Lawrence Gist: The Battle of Solferino and the Genesis of International Humanitarian Law
William Dunkerley: Obama Heading to Moscow for PR a la Russe?
Rev. Dan Vojir: Baby Be-Bop And The Badassed Bigots! Burning books in West Bend, WI (2 comments)
sameh abdelaziz: Tough talk unites moderates and hard-liners against U.S. (3 comments)
Arthur Levine: *Concierge Doctors & Private Insurers Versus National Health Care
Dan Bryan: Your Health Care Destiny? (3 comments)
Maidhc Ó Cathail: The Source of the Economic Crisis: A Chicago State of Mind
ED CIACCIO: Watershed Moment Summer: Deadly Reasons to Oust Incumbents in 2010 (1 comments)
Lani Massey Brown: Healthcare works just fine the way it is. Is that what YOU think? Harry and Louise, then and now.
PETA: Slaughterhouses: Where racehorses go to 'retire' (2 comments)
Paul Evans: Don't Talk to ME About Republican "Values"!! (2 comments)
Federico Moramarco: Another Way to Look at the Sanford Affair (10 comments)
Michael Chavers: The Real Reason Your Gas Prices Are Rising (4 comments)
Kent Welton: *CAP AND TRADE or DISTANCE TARIFFS? (1 comments)
by Ralph Nader: In the Public Interest
Cynthia McKinney: *FREE GAZA and SPIRIT OF HUMANITY are determined to sail (2 comments)
Rob Kall: youngbillymays tweets; "My dad didn't wake up this morning..." (2 comments)
Michael Morrissey: Shill Heaven
David Swanson: Signing Statements: Obama Continues Bush Practice (6 comments)
Scott Baker: *A new form of Capitalism: Geonomics (8 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: And the Michael Jackson/Iran Mash Up Was Born (3 comments)
Walter Barton: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the Debate Goes On (9 comments)
Eric Walberg: BRIC & SCO summits: Reinventing the wheel (3 comments)
Mary Shaw: 40 Years After Stonewall, Still a Long Way to Go (4 comments)
Roland Michel Tremblay: Mind control is no conspiracy theory (3 comments)
Paul Fidalgo: Swing States Still Get All The Love (2 comments)
FAITHCARR: The 2009 Spring/Summer Garden is Done
colleen dekoning: Why Not Blame Zillow and the Gurus for the Mortgage Meltdown? (2 comments)
Pablo Ouziel: Waking up
Steve Beckow: *To the People of Iran: Yes, We Can! (1 comments)
Uri Avnery: Between Tel Aviv and Tehran (20 comments)
Saturday, June 27:
David Swanson: The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements (11 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: The Terrible Plight of Dr. Conrad Murray (1 comments)
Rafe Pilgrim: The Enemies of Our Healthcare (7 comments)
William Fisher: Obama: Between a Rock and You Know What! (3 comments)
thom hera: *Republicans and Logic
jesse robinson: Tyranny, coming to a farm near you (5 comments)
Ed Tubbs: My letter to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee exec (2 comments)
Chaz Valenza: *Jobs, Mr. President, jobs. (1 comments)
Emily Spence: The U.S. Federal Budget Pipeline: Where Do The Dollars Drain?
Rowan Wolf: What I Want in Healthcare Reform (9 comments)
Matthew Hine: Marijuana prohibition vs. regulation: Time to have that discussion again?
James Raider: Neda Agha-Soltan - Innocent Symbol Of Revolution (2 comments)
Friday, June 26:
Dennis Kucinich: Kucinich: "Passing a weak bill today gives us weak environmental policy tomorrow"- (24 comments)
Marilyn Noyes: Siegelman, Minor and other targeted Democrats were not forgotten in Washington today (2 comments)
Deena Stryker: Nothing Can Stop it Now (2 comments)
James Raider: IKEA's Complaint Of Russian Mob Rule (5 comments)
David Swanson: Our Political Prisoners
Michael Adkins: *Ya can't fix dead! or Who's killing 18,000 Americans each year and did you vote for them? (6 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Runaway S.C. Gov. Should Resign for Being Stupid (5 comments)
Paul Kruger: *Did you vote for a lobbyist? (1 comments)
Suzana Megles: Ohio Voters - Don't Let the Fox Guard the Henhouse
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Delusional Health Care Reform (8 comments)
weslen1: *Health CARE and Health INSURANCE not interchangeable! (8 comments)
Tammie Fowles: Rewriting our Stories (15 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Pissed Off Monkey Pisses On a Politician
Dean Hartwell: Free the United States (5 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Freedom Agenda Underway in Iran (1 comments)
Richard Clark: Threats to the American empire, from an engineered bankruptcy? (13 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: Remembering the Other Michael Jackson (2 comments)
Thursday, June 25:
Michael Green: "The propaganda war against Iran" by Bill Van Auken; submitted (9 comments)
David Glenn Cox: The Ghosts of Detroit (1 comments)
Allen Fischer: Crocodile Tears for Madoff's Mullets (1 comments)
Bob Koehler: The Iron Triangle
E. Nelson: Why Small Business Owners Should Demand the Public Option Plan (5 comments)
Jon Faulkner: Diabolical Liberals Meet Loony Conservatives
Walter Barton: Adultery, a GOP Family Value (9 comments)
David Swanson: *Why Demand to Prosecute Torture Will Grow (7 comments)
Tom Burghardt: Network-centric Warfare Dominating Entire Societies Worldwide Through Ubiquitous Surveillance
Donald de Fano: Capitalism and Health Care (15 comments)
Dana Pico: Cash for Clunkers: A visit to my local Ford dealer (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Will Romantic e-mails between Gov. Sanford and His Paramour Maria Help or Hurt Him? (23 comments)
James Nimmo: Is Sally Kern's Soul Infinitely Deep?
Ralph Lopez: *What Next for TortureGate? (4 comments)
Walter Barton: The Nuclear Family's Half-Life (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: America's "Bases of Empire" (2 comments)
michael payne: Greed, corruption and indifference now rule America (1 comments)
Doug Korthof: *Big Oil suborns regulators, killing other industries and our health
Ray McGovern: Torture eats away at the soul of this nation (8 comments)
Wednesday, June 24:
David Glenn Cox: Endless War, Empty Goals
Rafia Zakaria: Leave Iran Alone
Linda Milazzo: Dylan Ratigan?! Really MSNBC, Don't We Have Enough Ranters Already? (5 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Bill Clinton is the King of America's deadbeat army of enablers.
Don Smith: Funding and coordinating progressive news (4 comments)
John Graham: When the Lights Went On (2 comments)
Bob Koehler: Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Illegal Speech
Grant Lawrence: Obama Administration Continues to Throw Money at Failed Charter School Concept (13 comments)
Hans Bennett: New Book Surveys Oaxaca Uprising to Teach Rebellion
Rowan Wolf: Iran and Change and Context (4 comments)
Josh Mitteldorf: Gut Check Time on Shackling Wall St
Raymond Budelman: Why Protest in Iran Matters and Why it Doesn't: The Politics of Change in the Middle East
Glen Ford: Obama's Emerging Legacy: Wars, Bankers and For-Profit Healthcare (9 comments)
Jim Miles: The U.S. and Iran - Long on rhetoric, short on history (10 comments)
Lawrence Gist: *Let There Be Life (2 comments)
Ari Melber: Why Obama's Iranian Citizen Question Really Matters
Emily Spence: Who's A Low Level Terrorist? Are You? (16 comments)
Mr.: Ayn Rand, Greenspan, and the Keep Your Head Tax (8 comments)
John Kusumi: #Obamafail: Too weak on Iran (3 comments)
G.E. Nordell: "The Festival of Stupid" (1 comments)
Eric Pottenger: Why Obama Should Not Give Fed More Power (4 comments)
Robert Arend: Don't Feed The Children (3 comments)
Stuart Bechman: The Moral Vacuity of Religion (1 comments)
Tuesday, June 23:
David Swanson: Trading Press Events for Votes: What Should Press Do?
Rabbi Brian Walt: Tony Judt poses difficult questions (3 comments)
John Fountain: The God Who Embraced Me (3 comments)
paul roberts: Ignorance is Strength (28 comments)
Dean Baker: Spreading the Wealth Around to the Insurance Industry and Friends (2 comments)
James Brett: What is an Actuary?
John Fountain: The Cost of Cutting a Son's Hair: Priceless (1 comments)
Cindy Sheehan: Passing Propaganda (4 comments)
NancyT: Forget Iran, say NO to concealed vote counting in the US of A (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: The Simple Answer to America's Health Care Crisis: Medicare for All (17 comments)
Rob Kall: Iranian Protester Asks Obama Question At Press Conference... Through Huffpo Reporter Nico Pitney (2 comments)
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 4 of 21 (5 comments)
William Fisher: The Health Care Chamber of Horrors: Choose Your Bureaucrat! (1 comments)
pswoodard: Pending Terror Exercises- 9/11 Truth Keeps Tabs (1 comments)
Philip Greene: The Newspaper is Dead -- Long Live the Newspaper (2 comments)
Ed Tubbs: Don't scratch that Iranian scab.
Leon: Public Option is being fought by scare tactics and Red Herrings
Michael Shaw: What is State Sponsored Murder? (2 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Iran: What do the Protests Really Mean? (4 comments)
Herbert Hoffman: Single-Payer -- A Plan to be Embraced, Not Feared (4 comments)
Bob Fitrakis: OOPS! We rigged the Iran/Florida-Ohio vote count AGAIN!! (8 comments)
Mike Colpitts: Congress Cashes-In in Real Estate Bust
Cyril Mychalejko: Anti-abortion Terrorism Can Be Prevented
Matt Lykken: American Jobs in a Global Economy
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 4 of 21 (3 comments)
Freeman Freeman: IRAN and the Aftermath of Election
GL Rowsey: A1-One's Street Protest Art in Tehran a Big Hit (8 comments)
Hans Bennett: Citing Withheld Evidence, Supporters Of Mumia Abu-Jamal Call For Civil Rights Investigation
M. Davis: Young Executives' Report: 1972 Declaration of War Against Family Farmers
Stephen Lendman: Obama's Financial Reform Proposal - A Stealth Scheme for Global Dominance (2 comments)
Don Smith: Musical Flash animation: My Favorite Things (conservative version) (1 comments)
Chris Hedges: Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away (2 comments)
paul roberts: Iran Falls to US PSYOPS (12 comments)
Monday, June 22:
Jason Miller: To Hell with Compassion: We whack 'em and stack 'em! (4 comments)
David Swanson: *Rallies Around U.S. To Demand Accountability for Torture (2 comments)
Stephen Crockett: No Healthcare Reform Equals No Senate Job (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Exclusive Interview with Activist David Swanson
Anthony Barnes: BOOTLEG REPUBLICANISM (2 comments)
Linda Milazzo: Jingoism Isn't Journalism: Why I Don't Trust CNN & Corporate Media To Cover Iran (19 comments)
Pete LaTona: *Health Care Reform: Wake Up America (2 comments)
Karl Grossman: The Myth of Peaceful Nuclear Power (4 comments)
Douglas C. Smyth: Iran: Possible Revolution on Twitter
Robert Parry: Serving the Medical-Industrial Complex (5 comments)
paul roberts: Iran Falls to US PSYOPS (6 comments)
Peter Cohen: Fight the Right War (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Using the Economic Crisis to Attack Workers: Employers Undermine Stimulus Program
Michael Collins: "Give Me Liberty ..." Iranian People Demand Democracy (17 comments)
William Fisher: OBAMA: WHITHER TRANSPARENCY? (4 comments)
Michael Gaddy: 'Someday They'll Break From the Weight of Their Sins'
Rob Kall: Who's Supporting or Opposing Ahmadinejead or Mousavi? (51 comments)
Marc McDonald: Mark Levin: The Most Extreme and Frightening HateWing Talker of Them All (2 comments)
Mark D. Kimball: The True Source of Power (5 comments)
Michael Green: The CIA and US Media Roles in Destabilizing Iran (14 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part I (1 comments)
Karmel Melamed, Iranian American Jews: Expert Sheds Light on Iran's Jews and Elections (3 comments)
Diane M. Grassi: The Fourth Estate is Dying (10 comments)
Sunday, June 21:
David Swanson: What Bush Told Blair Could End the Wars (5 comments)
Deena Stryker: Mulling the Mullahs (2 comments)
Ed Tubbs: A "FACT" is an f-Bomb 4-Letter Word to the GOP When it Comes to Healthcare. (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Iran's Election and US - Iranian Elections (2 comments)
Mark Adams JD/MBA: What is a Good Father? Are You a Good Parent? (1 comments)
Dr. Dennis Loo: On the DoD's "Correcting" Its Labeling of Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"
Mary MacElveen: Iranians are doing what Minnesotans are failing to do and that is protest
David Spangenburg: Reflections on "Medical Ice Age?"
John Kusumi: Iran's Day of Blackness In Perspective (5 comments)
Rob Kall: Congress Finally Votes for Impeachment... But... (53 comments)
Brock Novak: Iran - "Bait and Wait" Evolving to "Meet and Greet": Democracy to "Demockracy"
earl ofari hutchinson: A Little Talk with the Man who prayed For Obama's Death (4 comments)
William Cormier: Torture and Abuse are as American as Apple Pie (2 comments)
Project Vote: Living in Glass Houses: The GOP's Own Man is Convicted of Voter Registration Fraud (4 comments)
David Swanson: U.S. Govt. Threatens to Prosecute Waterboarding (2 comments)
George Washington: The Four Reasons the Mainstream Media Is Worthless (13 comments)
Saturday, June 20:
Mark Crispin Miller: Obama won by MILLIONS MORE than we've been told (11 comments)
Lani Massey Brown: What don't Americans have in common with Iran? (4 comments)
threatened_for_writing: Where have all the protesters gone? (10 comments)
Douglas Wallace: The Audacity of Hubris
Grant Lawrence: No Unemployment Compensation for Many Americans (2 comments)
Sheila Dean: Comparing the PASS Act with Real ID (1 comments)
Vi Ransel: Manufacturing Poor People (1 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: A Father's Mortification at Growing Old (10 comments)
Bill Hare: Limbaugh Follows Long Line of Republican Right Bigotry (6 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: What Does it Mean Not to be Hoping for these Iranian Protestors? (9 comments)
Ed Tubbs: Can you yell OUTRAGEOUS? (3 comments)
Eugene Elander: What about the Supreme Court´s DNA?
Jerry Lobdill: Conspiracy Theories vs. Conspiracies and the Case of the World Trade Center (7 comments)
Ed Tubbs: "The horror, the horror" -- Health Insurance CEOs Testify in Congress (3 comments)
Leonce Gaiter: Note to O'Reilly: Women Deserve Protections-Fetuses Don't (5 comments)
James Dunham: Healthcare for Humans (1 comments)
paul roberts: Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated 'Color Revolution'? (13 comments)
Ed Tubbs: The sides of the "heads we win – tails you lose" coin. (2 comments)
Cindy Sheehan: The War Party and its Faux-gressive Minions by Cindy Sheehan (17 comments)
Robert Jensen: What does it mean to be a human being? Balancing theological and political insights (7 comments)
Marilyn Noyes: Eric Holder's stand on DNA opens the door for Don Siegelman (5 comments)
Rob Kall: Cindy Sheehan's Revolution Journey (4 comments)
Friday, June 19:
David Swanson: U.S. Govt. Threatens to Prosecute Waterboarding (3 comments)
John Kelley: All A' Twitter About Nothing: Or why Rick Sanchez and CNN are a bunch of Twits.
William John Cox: Ground the Airbus? (11 comments)
Joni Greever: *You Are A Sex Offender (3 comments)
Patrick Mattimore: Affirmative Action Against the SAT
Dave Lindorff: *Obama's Health Care Waterloo (6 comments)
Mary MacElveen: Help find missing children: A lesson from a lost-boy abducted in 1955 (3 comments)
Lawrence Velvel: SIPC's Objections To The Posting Called "Irving Picard's Three Percent Commission In The Madoff Case."
James Murtagh: *Doctors Urge Transparency and Hippocratic tradition (4 comments)
Bob Burnett: Obama's Two Step Healthcare Strategy (5 comments)
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 3 of 21
Mark Crispin Miller: The Outrageous Case of Paul Minor (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Iran's Election and US - Iranian Relations (2 comments)
Ray McGovern: Ray McGovern: Why single-payer health insurance is close to his heart (6 comments)
Robert Parry: Taking Sides in Iran
Jason Leopold: Secret CIA File Tests Obama's Pledge (1 comments)
Chris Floyd: Extending the Tradition: Proudly Taking American Torture Into the Future (1 comments)
Thursday, June 18:
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Is the evolution of our species now hopelessly bogged down in evil? (10 comments)
Jonathan Singer: GOP Posts Lowest Ever Favorable #s in NYT Poll (4 comments)
The Candid Blogger: Anti-Obama Author Conned by April Fools Joke
Stephen Soldz: Former American Psychological Association President had long time CIA connection (2 comments)
paul roberts: The Waning Power of Truth (19 comments)
JOHN LORENZ: Just Keep Undermining Obama and You'll Get another GW Bush (3 comments)
Bob Cesca: *"My Face Was Ripped Off" and Other Arguments for a Public Option
George Washington: Dodd: Giving the Fed More Power is like Awarding a Son a "Bigger, Faster Car Right after He Crashed the Family Station
David Swanson: *It Could Happen to Yoo (2 comments)
Ralph Nader: Obama's Flip-Flop on Single Payer (4 comments)
Shannyn Moore: Legislating Hate: The Real Anti-Christ (6 comments)
Mr.: *Our Banking System should be Simple and Redundant.
Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: June 1-16, 2009 (3 comments)
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 2 of 21 (6 comments)
Jim Stinson: Health Care: How Can We Follow the Money? (2 comments)
William Cormier: Social Services In Georgia Is Collapsing And Their Legal System Punishes The Sick And Disadvantaged (5 comments)
Frosty Wooldridge: Becoming responsible to our environment: paper, plastic or cotton bags? (2 comments)
William Fisher: A 'Must Read' for the Book Czar (1 comments)
Scott Baker: Obama's Financial Reforms are Tepid, At Best (1 comments)
Ludwik Kowalski: Where did our trillion$ go? (6 comments)
Allan Goldstein: The Pragdealist Alternative: A Declaration of Independence (2 comments)
Marilyn Noyes: Sessions says DOJ should be free from political pressures and ideological excess (3 comments)
Marilyn Noyes: Small ray of sunshine peeking through the storm clouds (1 comments)
Wednesday, June 17:
Richmond Shreve: Follow the Risk (11 comments)
James Raider: A New Dawn For Iran?
Kevin Gosztola: Uprising of Iranians Spurs Democratization of News Media (2 comments)
virginius "gin" arnold: God, Guns, and Ignorance (5 comments)
Rafe Pilgrim: Confessions of an Old Soldier (4 comments)
Robert Borosage: Private Muscle and the Public Option in Health Care (1 comments)
Lance Ciepiela: *The Obama Enigma-Imperial Interventionism and Militarism (3 comments)
Bryant Welch: Torture, Psychology, and Daniel Inouye: The True Story Behind Psychology's Role in Torture (4 comments)
Democratic Policy Committee: The Recovery Act: A Report on the Path to Progress in the States (state-by-state fact sheets)
paul roberts: Iran Faces Greater Risks Than It Knows (3 comments)
Scott Ritter: Learning to Live With the Devil We Know (3 comments)
the web: Iran Vote Theft; A Picture's Worth 1000 words (4 comments)
Sharon Weill and Valentina Azarov [EI]: Universal Jurisdiction Once Again Under Threat
Jason Paz: The Operative Word for a future Palestine is Demilitarized Zone
weslen1: We Dared To Hope! (1 comments)
John Little: Guns don't kill people (34 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Cooking in a Coffee Pot (2 comments)
Rafe Pilgrim: Democrats Mirror Bushco Treachery (1 comments)
Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 1 of 21 (7 comments)
Philip Greene: What Sort of Freedom Is That?
Douglas Wallace: What would your son do if confronted by a bully? Fight or walk away? (13 comments)
Michael Hasty: Constitution 2.0 (2 comments)
Bill Hare: Republican Right Furor Over Iran Election Fraud: What About 2000, 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections? (6 comments)
Bernie Sanders: Health Care for All Americans -- Sign the Petition (1 comments)
James Brett: California Dreamin' (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Criminalizing Dissent: Obama Pot Calls Iranian Kettle Black (55 comments)
Robert Clapsadle: WE NEED TO CHANGE (4 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix
Mark Goldes: Ten years to control Climate Change...or not. (6 comments)
Tuesday, June 16:
Raúl Zibechi: Massacre in the Amazon: Agreement Sparks a Battle Over Land and Resources (1 comments)
paul roberts: Are You Ready For War With Demonized Iran? (10 comments)
Dean Baker: NPR, the IMF, and the Global Savings Glut (1 comments)
David Swanson: In Congress: 32 Heroes, 21 Frauds (6 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Pardon, your pointy white hood is showing . . .
Michael Fox: Iranian Election Exposes Obama's Gay Rights Lies (Really!) (3 comments)
Lawrence Velvel: A Forthcoming Article Regarding A SIPC Objection To The Posting Entitled "Irving Picard's Three Percent Commission."
George Washington: Dick Cheney Only Had to Delay Things a COUPLE OF SECONDS to Reach his Long-Sought Goals (12 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: Is This Joke Racist? (18 comments)
Hans Bennett: Appalachia and Colombia: The People Behind the Coal (1 comments)
Kevin Zeese: No More Pretense for Health Reform (3 comments)
Dennis Kucinich: Kucinich: Made in America – War (3 comments)
Dennis Kucinich: Kucinich: Made in America – War (2 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Killing for Fun and Profit (1 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: Obama's Marriage Defense Shouldn't Surprise or Anger Anyone (5 comments)
Robert Jensen: Finding a stubborn hope to live in a dead culture (4 comments)
Mary MacElveen: Imagine 47 million of signs stating: "Where's my health care?" (2 comments)
abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Iranian Political Evolution; From Dictatorship to Corruption to Revolution (2 comments)
the web: Stop telling us "We don't have the votes!" GO GET THE VOTES!!! (10 comments)
David Swanson: *McGovern: Reporter Made It Up, I'm Voting NO on War $
Robert Parry: What If Ahmadinejad Really Won? (2 comments)
Chris Hedges: The American Empire Is Bankrupt (20 comments)
background n015e: The Sotomayor confirmation battle -- fait accompli . (6 comments)
Monday, June 15:
David Swanson: *An Exit Strategy That Keeps Wars Going (1 comments)
paul roberts: Are you ready for war with demonized Iran? (9 comments)
Chris Hedges: The American Empire is Bankrupt (7 comments)
Grant Lawrence: VP Biden: We Were too Stupid about the Economy (11 comments)
Shalom P. Hamou: *Are We in the Keynes' Liquidity Trap, Yet?
Harvey Wasserman: Facing the Bushes' Iranian Whirlwind
Tom Engelhardt: Obama Looses the Manhunters: Charisma and the Imperial Presidency (1 comments)
Stephen Soldz: Psychologists for Social Responsibility praises Bermuda government (2 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Going to the Dogs (2 comments)
Mike Malloy: Freedom! (2 comments)
Bob Fitrakis: Facing the Bushes' Iranian whirlwind
David Glenn Cox: Where Have All the Democrats Gone? (3 comments)
Robert Parry: Excusing Outrages of the Right (2 comments)
Rebecca Em Campbell: *A Declaration of Human Wrongs (1 comments)
Dr. Michael Hudson: De-Dollarization: Dismantling America's Financial-Military Empire The Yekaterinburg Turning Point (5 comments)
Brock Novak: Chinese Submarine Tangles With Destroyer USS John McCain – Intentional? Navy Says No. Analyst Says Yes. (28 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Can We Truly Understand What's Happening in Iran? (36 comments)
Ernie Ferguson: *Facing the Death Penalty-the Medical Insurance Industry (13 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Obama, Like Clinton Before Him, is Blowing the Chance for Real Health Care Reform (1 comments)
Michael Collins: Iranian Election Fraud 2009 - Who was the Real Target and Why? (2 comments)
winston: "Cheney still in crosshairs of Senate Intelligence probe" – (3 comments)
William John Cox: Extremism and Suffering Children (1 comments)
Carola Von Hoffmannstahl: Life, Inc: Tripping the Corporatism Fantastic with Douglas Rushkoff (1 comments)
Carol Wolman: Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?- UPDATE (36 comments)
Stephen Lendman: New UN Report Denounces America's Human Rights Record (2 comments)
Ed Tubbs: The Media is the Murderer. How zealots are promolgating hatred. (9 comments)
Linda Milazzo: Destruction In Los Angeles As Rioting "Fans" Taint Lakers Win (1 comments)
Jason Paz: Obama Speech: Pundits Erred; People Got It Right
Sunday, June 14:
Walter Uhler: Igor Sutyagin and I. F. Stone: Spies? (1 comments)
Lora Chamberlain: Chicago Rally for our Healthcare at Obama/AMA Appearance Monday
Steven Leser: Iran – Election Highlights How its Once Popular Dictatorship Has Become Tyranny (2 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: How to Deal with the Pathological Spirit on the Right?: Sharing My Dilemma (17 comments)
the web: The Islamic Republic of Iran Might Be Dead (2 comments)
David Swanson: *Funding Wars Is Good for Babies and Your Garden (1 comments)
Mark C. Eades: US/Israeli Neocons Celebrate Ahmadinejad Victory as Iran Burns (10 comments)
Mary MacElveen: Our clear and present danger is Sarah Palin, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh (6 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Sarah Palin on Rape (9 comments)
Shalom Hamou: *The Risk in Long-Term Interest Rates & Stagflation. (3 comments)
the web: On The AMA's Opposition To The Public Option
Paddy Shaffer: *Resolve It or Relive It: Ohio Election Fraud 2004 (3 comments)
Mohamed Al-Azaki: Reasons Behind al Qaeda's Next Attack on America (8 comments)
Mike Kimball: What Next? (3 comments)
Curt Day: Did Von Brunn Kill Out Of Hate Or For Loyalty?
PETA: Don't get squeezed on your next flight (2 comments)
Saturday, June 13:
Rowan Wolf: Obama Still on Wrong Side of Torture - Padilla v Yoo (3 comments)
Adam Bessie: The Oakland School Borg? (1 comments)
Ismael Hossein-zadeh: Obama's Doublespeak on Iran (2 comments)
shamus cooke: Who Will Pay for Health Care? (5 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Do We Understand Terrorism? (7 comments)
David Kendall: Dr. King Spanks Obama: Part 3 (3 comments)
Mike Krauss: Political Courage and Better Health Care (5 comments)
Sean M. Madden: I, Thomas Paine, Two Hundred Years Hence* (5 comments)
Mary Pitt: Don't Look Now, Mr. President (23 comments)
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Journalism in Hell (written for 'Reporters Without Borders') (1 comments)
Linda Milazzo: MUST SEE VIDEO! CODEPINK Builds A Playground In Gaza! It's All About The Children! (6 comments)
Pete LaTona: Ed Whitacre: Poor Choice for General Motors
Jarek Kupsc: A Triumph of Corporate Will: the Fiat-Chrysler Merger (3 comments)
Sandy Shanks: "War Is Hell" (6 comments)
Brock Novak: North Korea Threatening Third Nuclear Test: Advice to President Obama - Say "Go Ahead Kim...Have Fun" (1 comments)
Jill Jackson: Take Back the Power! (4 comments)
Eric Lotke: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Threat To Capitalism (3 comments)
Ed Komarek: MJ 12 Document Supports Extraterrestrial Human Evolution (1 comments)
Reynard Loki: Mining for Answers in the Philippines
David Glenn Cox: Come to California to See Your Future (1 comments)
Vi Ransel: The Car Czar's plan to gut America's autoworkers
Friday, June 12:
Stephen Crockett: The Letterman Joke deception, Smears and Cynicism of Sarah Palin (28 comments)
Tammie Fowles: We have the Story Wrong - There's More Work Than Ever! (1 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): We are rapidly sliding back into Bush-Land. (14 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: The Good Reverend Jeremiah Wright and "Them Jews" (12 comments)
Jon Faulkner: Melted Wings - Icarus And The Democrats (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Googling Through the Senate (2 comments)
George Washington: 9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation (23 comments)
Dean Powers: Palin Is Soooooooo Hurt By Letterman's Comments (6 comments)
William John Cox: From the Comet and Airbus to the Spaceplane: The Future of Commercial Aviation (3 comments)
David Michael Green: The Rhetorical President (4 comments)
Debra Sweet: Who Will Fill the Need Now that the Abortion Murders Have Resumed? (1 comments)
Donna Smith: The Pompous or the Populists: Who Will Win the Healthcare Debate? (2 comments)
Carlos Davidson: Progressives and the Climate Policy Debate
Stephen Lendman: Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead (2 comments)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: HOMESCHOOLING: VERBOTEN IN GERMANY STILL IN 2009 (1 comments)
Brock Novak: Today's Iranian Presidential Election – The Rise of Girl Power (4 comments)
Kevin Zeese: Congress on Path to Transfer Hundreds of Billions in Tax Dollars to the Insurance Industry While Calling it Health Care (1 comments)
Thursday, June 11:
Richmond Shreve: Nobody has an Unrestrained Right of Self Expression (4 comments)
Frank Barat: Lecturing the Muslim world: An analysis of parts of Obama's Cairo speech (1 comments)
Tom Hayden: MoveOn: Break the Silence on Torture and War (3 comments)
Robert Parry: Two Key Health-Care Numbers
Robert Parry: Two Key Health-Care Numbers
Cenk Uygur: Four Reasons Why the Public Health Care Option is Irrefutable (5 comments)
Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Murders in the "Cathedral": Wichita & Washington (1 comments)
Rory OConnor: Patrick Fitzgerald's Private Jihad (1 comments)
Lawrence Velvel: Irving Picard's Three Percent Commission In The Madoff Case.
Muhammad Khurshid: Killing of UN Officials at Peshawar Hotel Bombing Causes Exodus of Refugee Support Groups (1 comments)
Kent Welton: NATIONALIZE HOME LENDING - Treasury Direct, No Debt-Money, Home Loans - (4 comments)
Rob Kall: Wingnut Murder Spree or Are WE Part of the Problem? (124 comments)
Stephen Pizzo: Our Own Harvest of Ignorance (5 comments)
Kevin Zeese: The Case for Disbarment of Lawyers Who Facilitated Torture Grows (3 comments)
Jason Leopold: Why Obama is Fighting to Keep the Detainee Abuse Photographs Secret (8 comments)
Mary Shaw: Clearing Up Myths About the Employee Free Choice Act (1 comments)
E. T. SIMON: What is it with all the hog-wash these days? (4 comments)
Michael Fullerton: 9/11 Truth Common Ground (3 comments)
Daniel Bruno Sanz: *After Raul
John Basel: Two opposing viewpoints of Obama's speech in light of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (2 comments)
Wednesday, June 10:
Dean Powers: Landrieu: "Drill, Drill, Drill," Calls Obama "Senator" (3 comments)
James Dunham: *Hell Care: Health Care from Hell (1 comments)
Vi Ransel: Debt. It's Better Than Chains. (3 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Hillary Clinton Renews Talk to "Obliterate Iran" (2 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Can Obama Become A Savior?
wagelaborer: A Nation of Laws?
J. Edward Tremlett: The BNP Goes to Brussels
George Washington: What the Murders of Dr. Tiller and Holocaust Museum Guard Really Mean (1 comments)
Mike Malloy: Look! It's Me! Look! Please! (2 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Boozing Bankers Celebrate Their Wealth and Triumph
Josh Mitteldorf: We Still Torture (5 comments)
Ellen Brown: Out of the Ashes of GM: The Phoenix of Renewable Energy (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Where's the Anger as the Wheels Come Off Obama's and the Democrats' Recovery Program? (12 comments)
Jason Paz: Support Happy Birthday for Aung San Suu Kyi
Carolina Saldana: Leonard Peltier: Silence Screams -- Parole Hearing July 27 (3 comments)
Robert Borosage: Wall Street Journal Throws Citi Under The Bus
CODEPINK: Afghan Women Speak Out: Mariam Nawabi
Brasch: Waiving the Rules for Old Glory
Ed Tubbs: *Nearly two in the morning folks, final call. (2 comments)
Karyn Strickler: *Gag Me with Clean Coal (1 comments)
James Nimmo: So, Just What is the True Definition of Marriage (3 comments)
James Brett: White Water Statecraft (1 comments)
Scott Baker: *Why I Am Pro Roe V. Wade (1 comments)
Dean Powers: Dem. Landrieu Joins Dem. Nelson in Red Light District of Senate (4 comments)
Stephen Crockett: Delaware State Worker Pay Cut Fight: Part 2
David J. Cyr: The Convenient Truth of Present Amorality (1 comments)
David Swanson: *Put Wars and Banksters on PAYGO (1 comments)
Ed Tubbs: The call to arms on healthcare reform (4 comments)
Carl Bernofsky: The New Standard is "The Probability of Bias" (1 comments)
Nicholas Stojakovich: Hyperbole In The Midst of Tragedies (25 comments)
Melvin Goodman: The U.S. and North Korea: The Need for an About Face (3 comments)
Hajja Romi: What Obama DIDN'T Say in Cairo (6 comments)
Stephanie Westbrook: Absurdity Is the Norm in the Gaza Strip (1 comments)
Phil Rockstroh: Beyond The Soaring Rhetoric of Obama's Cairo Speech: A Toxic Innocence At Home (2 comments)
Tuesday, June 9:
Marcy Winograd: Clean The Dirty Energy Bills (3 comments)
Jason Leopold: The CIA's Shifting Reasons For Withholding Documents in the Torture Tapes Case
John Nichols: Double-Digit Unemployment Poses Political Danger for Obama (2 comments)
Robert Parry: Obama's Era of Openness Is Closed (10 comments)
George Washington: Former White House Lawyer Tells Senate that "Indefinite Detention" Without Trial Is Occurring World-Wide
paul roberts: Fear Rules (1 comments)
Claras: What the heck is going wrong with The European Left? (3 comments)
Dave Lindorff: There's Life, and Then There's Just Stuff. Forget the Stuff (1 comments)
William Rivers Pitt: Gimme That Old-Time Religion (2 comments)
Mike Malloy: Hide Them! (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Obama Embraces Bluedog Paygo and Announces Banks Repaying $68 Billion in Bailout Funds (5 comments)
Curt Day: What Obama Didn't Say About A Palestinian State
Stephen Pizzo: Dying for Change (5 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Well crafted speech with little substance for the Muslims
Lynn Landes: Should I.N.N. and Free Speech TV (FSTV) Get Back Together? (1 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Obama Spoke to Muslims for Oil, Not Humanity (1 comments)
Grant Lawrence: "Free Trade" Destroying Amazon Rain Forest and Killing Indigenous People (8 comments)
shamus cooke: Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress (1 comments)
Judy Ramsey: Heroes and Healthcare
Andrew Bard Schmookler: What's Going to Become of the Republican Party? A Discussion Question (15 comments)
Jay Janson: *Buchenwald, D-Day, Communists, Hitler's Backers, Capitalism and Media (2 comments)
Cameron Salisbury: As GM Goes ... (1 comments)
David Swanson: Why Would Anyone Oppose Torture? (5 comments)
Sherwood Ross: Two Colombian Generals Face Charges
Linda Milazzo: Newt Gingrich Declares: "I Am Not A Citizen Of The World!" (37 comments)
Eric Pottenger: Newsweek Does Government Psy-Op, Helps Obama Keep Guantanamo Open (1 comments)
Dean Powers: Baucus: "Less Need" for Public Plan Option With Private Insurance Reforms (1 comments)
Monday, June 8:
David Swanson: *Congress Could Investigate War Fraud With a Mirror (1 comments)
Chris Hedges: Hold Your Applause (5 comments)
E. T. SIMON: Out of the Limelight? Not in Your Life! (3 comments)
Mike Malloy: Collateral Damage? (3 comments)
Paul Rogat Loeb: Gutting the Health Care Plan: The Scorpion and the Congress
Marcy Winograd: Will the Out of Iraq Caucus Live Up to Its Name? Speak Out Los Angeles!
dick overfield: Stop the Killing in Peru (4 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Dweetering on the Edge (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders: Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege (22 comments)
David Swanson: *Making It Worse: Campaign for America's Future vs. Single-Payer (2 comments)
David Benjamin: So, Who the Hell is Norman Thomas? (1 comments)
David Swanson: Omnibus CYA Act of 2009 (1 comments)
David Swanson: Moran for Virginia
Rob Kall: Is Comcast Manipulating the American Media? (12 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Obama's Outreach to Muslims - Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies (5 comments)
Shalom Hamou: *Credit Free, Free Market Economy: The Plausible Solution to the Economic Crisis. Part I
Sunday, June 7:
Bruce K. Gagnon: Mr. Big is Calling (1 comments)
Dean Powers: "He'd better..." Grassley Snarls About Obama...Wouldn't Fly at This Redneck's Keg Party (8 comments)
Mickey Z.: Animal rights, ecofeminism, and rooster rehab (2 comments)
Stephen Soldz: NY Times ignores evidence of White House pressure behind torture memos (7 comments)
Uri Avnery: The Tone and the Music; Reaction to Obama's Cairo Speech (21 comments)
reiko redmonde: Critical moment in battle for justice for Oscar Grant (1 comments)
mike ferner: We Don't Need the General Motors Corporation (1 comments)
Jason Paz: How Did the Tiger Get into the Bath Tub? (2 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Why US Has Always Been Paying To Rulers Of Pakistan? (4 comments)
Simple Truth: The self strangulation of Americas corporations (2 comments)
gabby hayes: Oil Shale's Time Has Not Come (2 comments)
Eileen Fleming: *It's All About the Children (2 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Americans are only "One Illness Away from Financial Ruin" (7 comments)
Tenzin Lekshay: Tiananmen Voice will remain (1 comments)
Eugene Elander: Two Bad Approaches from Barack Obama (7 comments)
Frosty Wooldridge: Denver, Colorado: utter futility of Governor Ritter and Mayor Hickenlooper shedding clothes (2 comments)
Ruth: *Most of the Founding Fathers and Early Presidents Were Deists and Freemasons, Not Christians (37 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Why I Hate Microsoft (12 comments)
George Washington: Allowing Death Penalties Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters Would Be the Ultimate Obstruction of Justice (8 comments)
Saturday, June 6:
Bruce Allen Morris: Sotomayor and the White Reverse Racist Judges (6 comments)
Soraya: Unsettling Settlement Voices (2 comments)
David Weiner: The Great Game in the Middle East (2 comments)
Dr. Lenore Jean Daniels: Jamie and Gladys Scott: Wrongfully Convicted (2 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Will Barack Obama please get off the 9/11 fence? (5 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Almost Former Senator Norm Coleman has a Worthless Idea to Save GOP
Mary Pitt: LISTEN UP, BUSTER (27 comments)
Allan Goldstein: We Are All Libertarians, Even Dick Cheney
Cindy Sheehan: Right or Left Media Bias? (14 comments)
Bill Samuel: Obama's Double Standard (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Progressive and Bluedog Caucuses Clash Over Health Care (19 comments)
Mary Shaw: No, Dan, America is Not a Christian Nation (51 comments)
David Swanson: Join a Convoy to Gaza (2 comments)
Michael Collins: The Binary Fallacy and the End of Both Political Parties (23 comments)
Mary MacElveen: Financial aid for college: I love this country, but does it love my daughter back? (19 comments)
Friday, June 5:
earl ofari hutchinson: President Obama Confronts Holocaust Evil, Now What about the Slavery Evil (11 comments)
Bruce Dixon: Sonia Maria Sotomayor -- She's No Clarence Thomas, But No Thurgood Marshall Either
Kathy Malloy: Batter Up! (4 comments)
Jason Leopold: Crisis at the VA as Benefits Claims Backlog Nearly Tops One Million (5 comments)
Robert Parry: 119 Million Americans Must Be Wrong (5 comments)
paul roberts: Policymakers Have Created A Perfect Storm (5 comments)
Rowan Wolf: Attacking Sotomayor: Identity politics and hidden racial appeals (5 comments)
Robert Parry: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? (9 comments)
David Swanson: *Stop the War Supplemental
Rob Kall: Will Buchenwald Persuade Obama to Pursue Justice for the Tortured? (21 comments)
Deborah Emin: Americans Do Not Deserve the News (9 comments)
Bob Burnett: Triage Economics (1 comments)
Ron Fullwood: Everybody's Cryin Mercy (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: If we only had a leader with guts: What a State-Run GM Could Do (12 comments)
David Griscom: *Inside the Single-Payer Meeting and Please Fax Max (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Obama Administration Targets Environmental and Animal Rights Activists As Eco-Terrorists (5 comments)
Rev. Dan Vojir: Sex With Ducks, PRIDE and The Gayification Of The Obama Administration (3 comments)
Bart Klein Ikink: Interest and credit: the root cause of economic problems
Paul Roberts: Obama's Speech (5 comments)
John Jonik: *The Pesticide Industry Protection and Dioxin-Ignoring Act (1 comments)
Kevin Martinez: Public Education Devastated by California Budget Cuts (1 comments)
Thursday, June 4:
David Glenn Cox: The Coming Struggle, Why Your Guns Won't Save You (5 comments)
Mark Biskeborn: Mexico: U.S. Is Borderline to Third World?
Pete LaTona: Economists and Weathermen
Monish Chatterjee: The George Tiller Murder and the Insanity of Christo-Jihadists (1 comments)
Jim Quinn: An Economic Lesson from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (5 comments)
Deena Stryker: Obama Remembered his Childhood, Did his Homework - and Pulled the Rug out From Under Osama (4 comments)
Dustin Ensinger: Americans Indifferent to the Loss of the American Dream (3 comments)
paul roberts: Illiteracy in High Places: Forgetting What We Learned (2 comments)
Editor LNAV: Wrong Cyber Crime Prosecutions Is becoming a Trend in India
Mike Malloy: Tiananmen (4 comments)
William White: The Short of the Long of It
John Fountain: "Now, I See" (4 comments)
Jason Paz: Tiananmen Square: Free Speech Crushed (4 comments)
Philip Greene: So, What does Tiananmen Square Mean To You?
Muhammad Khurshid: Obama Already Won Muslim Hearts And Minds (1 comments)
Stanley Lucas: The International Aid Debacle: How to Get a Return on the Investment in Haiti
George Washington: The OTHER Reason for the American Revolution (5 comments)
Margie Burns: Sotomayor and that dangerous word "Better"
Jerry Lobdill: String 'em up (1 comments)
Don Siegelman: *Let them know
James Brett: First Decline, Then Fall (4 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: The Terrible Price of Being Tagged a Reverse Racist (1 comments)
David Swanson: A New Beginning: If Only (2 comments)
Dave Lindorff: What Makes Sense for Health Care Makes Sense for Autos: Car Industry Needs Public Option Too (3 comments)
Kevin Zeese: Time to Look Past Obama's Words and Face-up to His Actions (9 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: Obama's Cairo Speech: An Imperfect but Well-Executed First Step (20 comments)
Bob Koehler: See No Evil (2 comments)
Barack Obama: Obama's Speech To The Muslim World, Given In Cairo (11 comments)
William Barth: Solving The Republican Conundrum (1 comments)
Allan Wayne: Desert Chic?--or Death in the Dunes? Obama Walks a Fine Line. (1 comments)
shamus cooke: Making Sense of a U.S. Owned General Motors (3 comments)
Linda Schreiber: Blood Lust of Abortion Doctor Killers and Overpopulation (3 comments)
Eric Walberg: 'Almost a perfect mix'
Bill Hare: CIA Chronicles: Destroying Democracy in Iran for British Petroleum (2 comments)
Wednesday, June 3:
Thomas Riggins: What is the Fetishisn of Commodities? (2 comments)
Jason Leopold: Red Cross Informed Powell About Torture (2 comments)
Robert Borosage: Making Change: Progressives in the Obama Moment (1 comments)
Dean Baker: GM Bailout Makes Most of Bad Situation (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Tell Me Some Stories, Mr. President (8 comments)
David Michael Green: What's Wrong With Sotomayor Being Racist? (1 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Obama is not now and never will be a hero; however, his status-quoism may catalyze a critical mass of American activists (20 comments)
Mike Malloy: Shame (6 comments)
Don Williams: Obama As Spock? Beam Me Up Scottie (3 comments)
Dave Knutz: America's Green Military - Mother Nature's Saviour? (4 comments)
Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: May 16-31, 2009
Mumia Abu-Jamal: GM's Newest 'Deal' (1 comments)
mikel weisser: Current Comedy, 6/2/09: Marseilles 1212
Andrew Bard Schmookler: Revisiting "Revisiting the 'Muddle Through Scenario'"
Brian McAfee: Cyclone Aila Continues To Impact The Lives Of Thousands In Bangladesh
Ann Kramer: Triple Bottom Line = Full Spectrum Economy
Rachel Neuwirth: The Crime of Silence (1 comments)
Mary MacElveen: Babies need stuff (1 comments)
David Swanson: *Baucus Tells Single-Payer Advocates No (14 comments)
Maidhc Ó Cathail: Japan's Embrace of a Phony War on Terror (2 comments)
Rafe Pilgrim: Mourn the Dead, Honor Life
Jesselyn Radack: *Help Shape Open Government Policy!
Deena Stryker: Riding the Tiger over Mixed Terrain (1 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Swat operation is fomenting separatism in FATA
Mary MacElveen: Death is death, no matter the victim: War versus abortion clinics (9 comments)
Zin Linn: *Aung San Suu Kyi is key to reconciliation
Carol Wolman: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (5 comments)
Chris Hedges: War Is Sin (6 comments)
Mary Shaw: How the Catholic Church Survives Social Progress (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Remembering Father Gerry
Steven Leser: Cheney Accidentally Admits to Lying About Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq (17 comments)
Jon Faulkner: And It's 1,2,3 ... What Did We Get Elected For?
Tuesday, June 2:
George Washington: How Important is Cheney's Admission that There was NEVER Any Evidence Linking Iraq and 9/11? (3 comments)
David Swanson: America's Future Moves Forward
John Nichols: The 'New GM': Layoffs, Factory Closings, Offshoring (1 comments)
Jason Miller: Heresy of the First Order: We are the "Third Chimpanzees" (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Notes from America's Future NOW Conference (4 comments)
Mike Malloy: Kill Them...Kill Them All (9 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Grow Up, Already (1 comments)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: How a Train Station in Wiesbaden Became Confrontation Between the Bundesbahn and its Nazi Reich (6 comments)
winston: What He Said and What his Policies are Understandably Don't Match. (1 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: GOP Governor Defends Against Obama's Imperialist Global Warming Policy
Mary MacElveen: From the perspective of a pro-life American: George Tiller's murderer was not pro-life (13 comments)
David Glenn Cox: More of the Same Game
Steven Saw: Ebb and Flow
J. Edward Tremlett: Right Wing "Tiller was a Nazi" Rhetoric Fails History Test (4 comments)
Joan Wile: Grannies Say: Let's Get Barack - Back On Track (9 comments)
michael payne: President Barack Obama: A shooting star on the verge of flaming out? (24 comments)
Vi Ransel: What Norwegians Would Do (3 comments)
Lawrence Velvel: The Infestation of Government Values In Industry. (2 comments)
Don Smith: Government: Unproductive? Wasteful? Corrupt?
Muhammad Khurshid: Change Of Mood: Now No One Is Raising Voice Against Pakhtuns' Genocide (2 comments)
Pete LaTona: Who Are the Evil Corporations? (8 comments)
Norman Christian Hoffmann: *Why not invest in Fiat instead
Patrick Mattimore: A Cut California Governor Shouldn't Make
Grant Lawrence: Bush was a Symptom of an Assault on Consciousness (2 comments)
Mokhtar Lamani: reconciliation in Iraq: Singular or Plural
John F. Miglio: Top Ten Ways to Fight Corporate-Criminal Complex (1 comments)
Monday, June 1:
earl ofari hutchinson: Obama Might Need to Show ID in More Places than East Harlem (1 comments)
andi novick: *Make New York the first state to JUST SAY NO to computerized-- --i.e., secret--vote counts! (1 comments)
David Michael Green: He Kept Us Safe (Except When He Didn't) (4 comments)
Freddie Venezia: Empathy - Part 2
James Jaeger: When Losers Slaughter Winners (1 comments)
James Nimmo: Politics Makes for Strange Bedfellows (1 comments)
Joel Koman: Lemonade with Warren Buffett: (1 comments)
Dean Baker: To Get a Systemic Risk Regulator Fire Bernanke (1 comments)
Ray McGovern: Navy Vet Honored, Foiled Israeli Attack (3 comments)
Robert Parry: America's Political/Media Kabuki (2 comments)
William Rivers Pitt: Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome
Kathy Malloy: We Report, You Commit Homicide (Redux) (1 comments)
Jason Paz: Live Free or Die Without Dignity
Grant Lawrence: In America a Sucker Born Every Second: $546,668 Owed Per Household (3 comments)
George Washington: We Can't Break Up the Financial Giants . . . Or Can We? (7 comments)
Mary Pitt: The Political Future (10 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Abortion Doctor is a Victim of America's "Taliban" (13 comments)
Debra Sweet: George Tiller, A Hero for People Who Care About the Humanity of Women (4 comments)
Cristina Page: The Murder of Dr.Tiller, A Foreshadowing (1 comments)
Kevin Zeese: Baucus to Meet with Single Payer Advocates (4 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: A Possible Logjam-Breaking Move for Obama to Make on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (5 comments)
Rory OConnor: Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz - How MSNBC Became a Liberal Mecca (4 comments)
Christopher Calder: *Renewable Energy Leads to Disaster (5 comments)
the web: *Alert! Stop Unsafe Touchscreens Today!
Stephen Crockett: Reaching Out to the College Community
Rachel Neuwirth: *THE CRIME OF SILENCE (10 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Planning Now (10 comments)
Jason Paz: Does the US Treasury Dept Anticipate World Rule? (3 comments)
Hellen Otii: As Millions Slip Into Poverty, President Obama's Global Fund for Education is a Timely Proposal (2 comments)