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December 2013
Tuesday, December 31:
"Israel Can Do No Wrong": Jewish Dissent, Jewish Repression (2 comments)
*Will secure peace take place in Myanmar?
On Christmas, Republicans Quietly Declare War on Themselves (1 comments)
Work Until You're Dead? Don't Plan on Retiring (3 comments)
NSA, Benghazi and the Monsters of Our Own Creation (1 comments)
Optimistic Thought for the New Year: The Looming Battle for Real Social Security Can Spawn a New Progressive Movement (1 comments)
Glenn Greenwald: The NSA Can "Literally Watch Every Keystroke You Make" (1 comments)
NSA spying is just the beginning, a far greater threat lies ahead (3 comments)
The Russian-Saudi Showdown at Sochi (6 comments)
What Ultraconservatives Think They Know For Sure Just Ain't So (40 comments)
Jesse Ruth: So About This Who Duck Dynasty Shenanigans... (85 comments)
Plowing Through Koch-ist Garbage About Global Warming (55 comments)
Life in the Emerging American Police State: What's in Store for Our Freedoms in 2014? (8 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Is Anything Left? Privacy Rights (3 comments)
Pakistan Is Being Ruled by Criminals (1 comments)
Federal government spends $1.5 billion on foreign-made products (4 comments)
Jesse Ruth: What Does the Municipal Equality Index Really Say?
New Year's Resolutions in the light of Jesus' "Nobodiness"(Sunday Homily) (3 comments)
Coming Out Of The Hate Closet For The New Year: Answering A "Patriot" (38 comments)
*Who will save the mother-river of Myanmar?
Monday, December 30:
The Judgment of History; Or Why the Breaking of the Oligarchs Avenges President Kennedy's Assassination--Part Two (6 comments)
Every American Has the Right to Retire with Dignity -- Why We Must Expand Social Security (2 comments)
Social Security: The Social Contract's Comeback Year? (3 comments)
2014: Seize the Moment (2 comments)
Sabotaging Climate Struggle--Eric Zuesse as Neville Chamberlain (1 comments)
Straight (4 comments)
Must-Read Book: Positive Thinking Leads To Positive Results (1 comments)
Overthrow the Speculators (13 comments)
2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse (6 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: Background on Ukraine; A Reply to Mr. Michael Hammerschlag (7 comments)
Screaming for Help at Ganjgal (1 comments)
The Pope and the President (2 comments)
Sunday, December 29:
Duck Dynasty Proved Again Bucks Always Trumps Bigotry (2 comments)
Holiday in Austerity Land: 1.3 Million Americans Lose Jobless Benefits (3 comments)
Establishment-Made Heroes, Blind Seekers of Saviors & Suckers (38 comments)
Two Contradictory Rulings on the NSA's Surveillance Methods, Probably Headed to the Supreme Court (2 comments)
Greenwald: US, British media are servants of security apparatus (3 comments)
NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis (3 comments)
Saturday, December 28:
Mandela: The Movie (1 comments)
Gen. Michael "No Probable Cause" Hayden (2 comments)
Why You Shouldn't Succumb to Defeatism About the Affordable Care Act (1 comments)
*Only Climate-Action Tea Party Can Reform Dems (3 comments)
While Housing Sales Slow: US Treasuries Cross Into Danger Zone
Syrian Refugee Crisis Results in UN's Largest Emergency Appeal
A Blueprint for a Better America (3 comments)
India: Narendra Modi's words sound hollow after the court verdict
A Playground View Of the Middle East (3 comments)
4 quick points about the MSNBC discussion (6 comments)
Friday, December 27:
Erdogan, Gulen, and the U.S. - Turkish triangle (5 comments)
Growing Inequality, Deliberately Engineered Through a Whole Range of Policies Intended to Redistribute Income Upward (19 comments)
Medea Benjamin: 10 Good Things about the Year 2013 (4 comments)
The INDO-AMERICAN Spat! - The Open Secret America Fails To Grasp About India (7 comments)
Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decree"/ "Demolition Decree" process
Pope Francis: 2013 Politician of the Year (2 comments)
*Mourning 100 Years of Usury under The Fed (12 comments)
Same Sex marriage criminalized by Supreme Court of India, it is an UN-wise decision (3 comments)
Narendra Modi's Nakshatras are not in his favor, he needs to save the embarrassment. (6 comments)
Thursday, December 26:
Supersized (2 comments)
Why A&E and Millions Feverishly Embrace Duck Dynasty Bigotry (2 comments)
The War Continues -- 2013: Assessing the Conflict in Syria and Egypt
Congress Must Not Cede Its War Power to Israel (7 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Phil Robertson and the Catholic Bishops on Homosexuality: St. Paul vs. Civil Law (4 comments)
Obama's Not-So-Terrible Year (3 comments)
What America Would Look Like If Libertarians Got Their Way (51 comments)
Wednesday, December 25:
*Jesus' Birthday in an Apostate USA that Kills HIM Everyday Multiple Times (3 comments)
Liberals have a great 2013 on faith-based issues
Would the Right-Wing Say Jesus Was a Commie? (8 comments)
Why Are We in Afghanistan? (2 comments)
Are We Headed for a Robotic World? (5 comments)
Michiganders Need Renewable Energy Now (1 comments)
"Tracked everywhere you go": Snowden delivers Xmas message on govt spying (8 comments)
Our Environment (13 comments)
Bill Keller's Center-Left Is the Reason We Are Growing Less Rapidly (10 comments)
Bill O'Reilly's War on Jesus (1 comments)
Tuesday, December 24:
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Confessions of a Junk Food Vegan (15 comments)
"No conception of privacy": Snowden to deliver alternative TV Christmas message (2 comments)
Pakistan Still at the Crossroads: a Conflicted Ally in the War on Terrorism (1 comments)
Towards Détente: Bloc 2 (1 comments)
Mr. President, do not saddle Georgia with your proposed judicial appointments! (2 comments)
Monday, December 23:
All in play in the New Great Game (5 comments)
Peace on Earth? (1 comments)
Is MoveOn Less Progressive Than the New York Times Editorial Board? (17 comments)
Ben Bernanke's tenure at the Fed wasn't net positive (6 comments)
UN Investigator Undercuts NYT on Syria (1 comments)
The People versus George Bailey (1 comments)
There's Talk of Overhauling the NSA, but Only We the People Can Bring about Real Change
Live from Bethlehem: The Goldman Sachs 2013 Christmas Story (1 comments)
Descent into empire (4 comments)
Homo Sapians: A Failed Species (6 comments)
100 Years Is Enough: Time to Make the Fed a Public Utility (15 comments)
JillSimpson JimSimpson: Let Roger Shuler Go Before Christmas -- The Only Journalist Held Indefinitely In The US (5 comments)
Should We Boycott Walmart & Exxon/Mobile? (7 comments)
Happy Birthday, Federal Reserve (5 comments)
Holiday Greeting From Prison (2 comments)
Season Of Getting Part 4 : Tough To Take Heart Among The Limbaugh Scrooges And Their Trickle Down Christmas (4 comments)
Food Behind Bars Isn't Fit for Your Dog (9 comments)
Look What's Under My Christmas Tree! (1 comments)
Sunday, December 22:
Ratner: NSA Surveillance Program Needs to be Torn Apart from Branch to Branch (2 comments)
Snow Job About Israel-Palestine (2 comments)
*Of Cincinnatus and Mary Poppins: Why Sanders Must Be President (3 comments)
Overplaying President Obama's Supposed Second Term Hex (3 comments)
Truman's True Warning on the CIA (17 comments)
Take Heart, At Christmas (3 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Winter Solstice in the Levant: Displacement, Death and Dershowitz
U.S. Politician Agitators Stir-Up Ukraine (2 comments)
The Future of Israel (5 comments)
Mary's "Virginity" and the Problem of Military Rape (Sunday Homily) (7 comments)
2013 Person of the Year: Edward Snowden | Acronym TV (1 comments)
Looking At a Bigger Picture: Criminals and Rogue Organizations Within (47 comments)
Elizabeth Warren Comes Down Hard Against Global Warming, Separates Herself From Hillary Clinton on Climate Change (75 comments)
*Congress: Issue the "free" currency! (3 comments)
Colorado Sheriffs, Gun Control, and the Rule of Law (5 comments)
God, the Bible, and Christianity (1 comments)
Season of Getting, Part 3: The Hospital With No Respect For The Living, The Dying, Or the Just Plain Dead (2 comments)
Saturday, December 21:
Saudi-Sized Cracks In The 9/11 Wall Of Silence (9 comments)
Iran And The Season of Peace and Goodwill (1 comments)
Sarah Palin's Impressively Incoherent "Duck Dynasty" Comments (6 comments)
Is Phil Robertson Spreading Ignorance under the Pretext of Freedom of Expression? (1 comments)
Group of 27 Senators in Misguided Bipartisanship Introduce Legislation for New Sanctions on Iran (2 comments)
The Judgment of History; Or Why the Breaking of the Oligarchs Avenges President Kennedy's Assassination--Part One (13 comments)
Walking in an Anthropocene Wonderland: "But I'll know my song well before I start singing" (17 comments)
An American System, "Alien" to the Indian Mindset (7 comments)
Stanley Fischer for No 2 at the Fed? Again rewarded for work on behalf of US agencies abroad?
Revisiting 1971 war crimes and Molla (1 comments)
The Season Of Getting, Part 2: Uganda Gives Duck Dynasty A Present (20 comments)
Friday, December 20:
The Incredible, Shrinking Presidency of Barack Obama (32 comments)
12 Years a Slave vs. 12 Years a Prisoner... in Guantanamo (1 comments)
Liz Cheney's Husband Registers to Vote in Two States? Is That "Voter Fraud'? (4 comments)
Class Warfare Today, and How the Working Class Has Been Robbed Over the Past Half Century (28 comments)
Angel Face (3 comments)
Edward Snowden Is the Whistleblower of the Year
The War on Marriage on Christmas
The Other Side Of Health Care Scare Stories (6 comments)
Five Political Ideologies, in one easy image (29 comments)
Manipulations Rule The Markets (17 comments)
Quack, Indeed! (3 comments)
The American People Need a Raise (14 comments)
John Q. Camarillo: Season's Greetings from the Ever-Adapting NSA
NYT Replays Its Iraq Fiasco in Syria
Microsoft and the NSA Take Over the Obamacare Website (6 comments)
*Fixing Income Inequality (3 comments)
Swimming Lessons (1 comments)
The Trans Pacific Partnership: 5 Problems (1 comments)
Kerry's framework agreement -- US plans "Gazafication" of the West Bank
Thursday, December 19:
"Are You Serious?" Awards 2013 (2 comments)
Part 1 -- McGovern: Unconstitutionality of NSA Phone Call Collection is Indisputable (1 comments)
My Experience with Obama(doesn't)care (1 comments)
What Will 2014 Bring? (1 comments)
The Curse of the Proud American (2 comments)
President Obama Sends Powerful Message on Draconian Drug Sentencing (1 comments)
Nelson Mandela, the U.S. Right and Ronald Reagan (1 comments)
Some Might Call It Treason (5 comments)
The Meaning of a Decent Society (3 comments)
Ryan, Rand and 'Altruism' (2 comments)
Washington Has Discredited America (6 comments)
Capitalism, American Style Must Go "Back to the Future" (11 comments)
Putin: I envy Obama, because he can "spy" and get away with it (3 comments)
Pushing the Next Pretext (2 comments)
*Saving America and Americans from Our Own Government! (1 comments)
Part II, Eyewitness to America's Betrayal of Mandela's South Africa (4 comments)
The year everything got worse (4 comments)
A Christmas To-Do List for a Better World
*Is McKibben Ready for Hillary? The Climate Sure as Hell Isn't (6 comments)
Reading Putin's Tea Leaves (11 comments)
The Ugly Christians (According To Francis). Who Are They? How Are They Grinching Christmas For The Poor? (17 comments)
"Almost Orwellian": US Judge indicts NSA spying (1 comments)
Wednesday, December 18:
Mandela is gone, but apartheid is alive and well in Australia (3 comments)
The ACLU on Edward Snowden (3 comments)
US budget deal: the good, bad and stupid (1 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Separating Bashir and Palin (37 comments)
Qwackers (8 comments)
Sen. Warren Aims to Fix "One More Way the System Is Rigged" (2 comments)
China vs US "Sea-to-Shining-Sea" (7 comments)
WPost Slips Behind Amazon's Cloud
Building on the Enormous Purchasing Power of America's Bottom Forty Percent (10 comments)
Distant Mirror: A Nation of Patsies, 50 Years On
Thomas Riggins: Waiting for Mangabe or Slavol Zizek on Mandela's Socialist Failure (1 comments)
Walmart, Waltons epitomize America's class war (22 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Bibi and Bandar Badger Obama: Better Six Billion than Six Trillion! (4 comments)
The Hunger Games Are Real: We Are The Districts (2 comments)
Federal District Judge Richard Leon's Ruling Opposing the NSA's Intelligence Gathering Practices (3 comments)
Obama and Climate Change: The Real Story (3 comments)
Tuesday, December 17:
Unraveling a Mystery: Oswald's Threat in Mexico City (1 comments)
Yes, Mr. Newman, the North Koreans Are Still Upset About That War (2 comments)
There's no call for cruelty in Christmas (1 comments)
Big Government for Dummies: Food-stamp cuts, bloated military budgets, and state-cartel capitalism (1 comments)
Killing Two Birds With One Drone
Progressives on the Take (1 comments)
Pope Francis removes "culture warriors" from selection committee for new bishops
We're Looking at the End of Humanity -- And It Might Happen Sooner Than You Think (6 comments)
Judge Leon's Dirty Climb to the Bench (6 comments)
Chris Matthews and the Reagan Myth (4 comments)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer -- Behind the Legend (1 comments)
The American Injustice System (38 comments)
How Aristocrats Create Economic Bubbles and Crashes That Hurt Everyone But Themselves (12 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Will Les Clinton Scuttle US/Iran Rapprochement? (6 comments)
The End of the Assault on Social Security and Medicare (3 comments)
2014 Will Be The Year of "Economic Populism." Then What? (8 comments)
Ur Imperialism (14 comments)
SOS--Save Our Schools (6 comments)
Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code and "The Love that Dare not Speak its Name"
America is a Cooked Goose! (1 comments)
Monday, December 16:
Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same (2 comments)
Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Cigarette ... (1 comments)
Noam Chomsky Continues to Inspire (6 comments)
The End of Childhood in the Era of the Emerging American Police State (5 comments)
'Good' Syrian rebels on run - Saudis ask Putin for help (5 comments)
Neo-Liberal Capitalism: Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses (3 comments)
Expressing solidarity with the workers who rioted in Singapore's "Little India" (3 comments)
Presenting America's Ten Greediest of 2013 (2 comments)
The Play's the Thing (2 comments)
Ethan Couch: An Example of the Pathology of Wealth (13 comments)
The Case for Market Socialism (4 comments)
Why Americans Must Demolish the Political Two-Party Duopoly! (9 comments)
Sunday, December 15:
The Pacific Ocean Does Not Belong to Japan: It Belongs to All of Us (8 comments)
The prison that is Bangladesh (1 comments)
Rob Kall, Publisher of OEN, Guests on "Tim Gatto, Uncut and Uncensored". (3 comments)
Another Provocation by the U.S. in the South China Sea? (3 comments)
Three Questions About the Motor City
*Hillary Clinton: Democrats' Second Straight Trojan Horse (8 comments)
Why Remain in Afghanistan? (1 comments)
Washington Drives the World Toward War (12 comments)
Racial Demographic Voter Armageddon Dooms GOP (1 comments)
Two cheers for Pope Francis: About Time American Idiocy and Paranoia over Marxism Got Called Out (2 comments)
If Talks Fail, Boycotts Will Arrive "On Steroids"
The Mainstream Media and Mandela: Hypocrisy, Crocodile Tears and Sham Solidarity (2 comments)
*[SURPRESSED] Mandela in 2003: "USA Has Committed Unspeakable Atrocities in the World!" (3 comments)
The Hypocrisy of Treating Jesus with "Tough Love": Here's a Riddle for You . . . (Sunday Homily) (4 comments)
Drones in Yemen, Hunger Games In America, and Corporate Espionage (2 comments)
OBGYNs Stir Up Controversy (1 comments)
Saturday, December 14:
Escape Route from the Nuclear Shadow over the Middle East (3 comments)
Goliath: The Book That May Delegitimize Israel's Apartheid State (2 comments)
It's Putin vs Bandar Bush on the Syrian chessboard (1 comments)
Reclaiming and Using "Terror" (2 comments)
Ted Cruz Disrespects Mandela and Christ (22 comments)
Burkhas and Bikinis: What Women's Bodies Reveal About Cultures (23 comments)
The Real Lessons From the Death of Nelson Mandela
The logic of 9/11: US-Saudi-Pakistani connections (16 comments)
How To Destroy An Entire Country (13 comments)
The Truth About Deflation: It's Closer Than You Think (7 comments)
Is Abdullah Ocalan Teaching dead in Kurdistan?
Friday, December 13:
Lurid Subprime Scams Unveiled in Long-Running Fraud Trial
Belonging: A Memoir - The Oberlin Years (5 comments)
North Carolina Shows Why the Voting Rights Act Is Still Needed
Self-Boycott (1 comments)
Fresh Doubts about Syria's Sarin Guilt (1 comments)
Little Kim does Pulp Fiction (1 comments)
Israel must give up its worst-kept secret: the bomb
Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth
Peace in the Pentagon (1 comments)
Why Are There Homeless Veterans in America? (6 comments)
GodZimmerman Strikes! (2 comments)
Boycott the Winter Olympics (3 comments)
The Right's Obsession With Obama the Flirt (1 comments)
Thursday, December 12:
Mandela leaves behind a troubling legacy (6 comments)
Who's Excited About Another Decade in Afghanistan? (1 comments)
When Charity Begins at Home (Particularly the Homes of the Wealthy) (2 comments)
Dreaming of a White Christmas (2 comments)
*How will Burma overcome its political fiasco?
Thomas Farrell: *TIME's Person of the Year Exemplifies Open Closure (2 comments)
Obama's Syria Strategy at a Crossroads (2 comments)
NSA Turns Cookies (And More) Into Surveillance Beacons (5 comments)
The Education of Bill McKibben: How the Unlikely Activist Learned to Break the Rules
Catch a Bloody Knife (2 comments)
Nelson Mandela Will Live On As A Beacon For Social Justice
Protestors In Rep. Paul Ryan's Office Demanding a Budget for People, Peace, and Planet
America's Iranian kitchen! (1 comments)
The FAA Creates Thin Privacy Guidelines For The Nation's First Domestic Drone "Test Sites"
Two Parties, One Game: Barack Obama's War on the Poor (16 comments)
Wednesday, December 11:
Corporate Democrats in DC Already in Freakout Mode That Liz Warren Is a Threat to Their Power (9 comments)
The Flag Remains The Same (4 comments)
Nelson Mandela's Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Operator? Get me Jesus on the Line ... (3 comments)
Neocons Twist Iran's Anti-Nuke Fatwa (1 comments)
What Did the Buddha Teach to Make Our Christmas Joyful? (4 comments)
The Contradictory Verbal Hyperbole of U.S. Diplomacy with Iran
More Misleading Official Employment Statistics (2 comments)
Condemning America's Poor For Being Poor; A National Shame (9 comments)
TPP Won't Wrap Up This Year, But Fast Track Remains a Threat (3 comments)
Kerry's Coup from Mediator to Antagonist (1 comments)
Tuesday, December 10:
Let's get this straight: AIG execs got bailout bonuses, but pensioners get cuts (1 comments)
We've Got Priorities (1 comments)
A Diminished "America" (8 comments)
Who are Responsible for Israel Isolation? (3 comments)
Is President Barzani's Oil and Gas pipeline are safe without PKK approval?
Obama Failed To Deliver Long-Overdue Apology To Mandela (3 comments)
Seymour Hersh: Obama "Cherry-Picked" Intelligence on Syrian Chemical Attack to Justify U.S. Strike (6 comments)
Israel: Legitimacy and Behavior (1 comments)
So many secrets in the East China Sea (2 comments)
Declaration of Legitimate Government
Chris Christie's Presidential Dream Ends (29 comments)
Couric's anti-vaccination segment a symptom of wider scientific illiteracy (44 comments)
Life on Another Planet Would Have a Lot to Teach Us (3 comments)
New Evidence of Contra-Cocaine Scandal (3 comments)
Monday, December 9:
ALEC Claims to Control 100% of Iowa's & South Dakota's State Legislatures (4 comments)
Catalyst Capital Group Inc - Not the smartest guys in the room!
Mandela (3 comments)
Dear Mayor Bloomberg, Thank You, But No Thank You (1 comments)
All Rise for Dignity (1 comments)
Happy Bloody Koch Brothers New Year
Thomas Farrell: *In the Court of Public Opinion: ACLU vs. USCCB (7 comments)
ALEC Opposed Divestment From South Africa's Apartheid Regime
Honoring Mandela and Other Inconvenient Truths (1 comments)
The End of Private Property in the Era of the American Police State (5 comments)
Is the Murder of journalist Kawa Germyani the turning Point for the Kurdish Mafia in Kurdistan?
O'Reilly's War On Christmas (9 comments)
JP Morgan Chase, the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, and the Corruption of America (1 comments)
Inequality: A Sure Way to Kill a Good Time (1 comments)
Deceiving the US Public on Syria (2 comments)
Shooting the Messenger (4 comments)
When Those in Power Invite Us to Learn the Wrong Lessons from Nelson Mandela
Ex PM Blair keeps his snout deep in the trough
Mandela, the Jews, & the Future: WHICH Jews? (2 comments)
The World's Next Mandela Is Rotting in Jail Somewhere
ALEC Demands Lawmakers Pledge Allegiance - to ALEC
Rush Limbaugh Is Just A Big, Bloviating, (Traditional) Capitalist - An Ugly American. Does Francis Care? (1 comments)
Kill the Landlord, but Save the Man (5 comments)
Seymour Hersh, Sarin, and the Obama Deception on Syria WMD (3 comments)
Sunday, December 8:
GOP Turns Predictable Deaf Ear to Plea to Close Income Inequality Gap
Mandela Had "A Unique Moral Authority"
Navy Clayton: Chimp to Human In A Few Logical Steps (13 comments)
Discrimination Against Seniors In Indiana (4 comments)
*"A Disease of the Mind": Fukushima reveals the true risks of nuclear power (12 comments)
Houston Roundtable to Explore Climate Justice on December 13, 2013 (1 comments)
*Note from China: US Must Act to Protect Journalists (WH Petition) (3 comments)
15 Tips About The 16 Signs of Depression/Anger/Bad Hair (7 comments)
Can Congress Be Reformed? (6 comments)
Amend the Fed: We Need a Central Bank that Serves Main Street (2 comments)
Lessons from My South Africa Visit (2 comments)
Facts Every American Should Know (1 comments)
The 10 Percent Solution to Expensive Weddings (2 comments)
The Hijacking Of Mandela's Legacy
To Honor Nelson Mandela's Legacy, we must " (?) | Resistance Report #14
*GI War Experiences Nostalgia in Mindboggling Ignorance of Participation in Crimes Against Humanity (10 comments)
Pope Francis' Revolutionary Vision: What Progressives Have Been Waiting for (Sunday Homily) (9 comments)
Saturday, December 7:
Nelson Mandela: A Jewish Perspective (11 comments)
Let's Begin Ending War Again (3 comments)
A bunch of sexy, badass patriots (3 comments)
Mandela: a Dissenting Opinion (15 comments)
Chris Hedges on "The Pathology of the Rich" (25 comments)
Why Saudi-Israeli Team Hates Iran Deal
"Nothing is beyond our reach": Evil octopus strangling the world becomes latest US intelligence seal (2 comments)
Mandela-- The World's Number One Hero-- Teaches Us Lessons On Being A Hero (11 comments)
Mandela's Spirit of Forgiveness (1 comments)
When Racism and Sexism Trump Science (1 comments)
Redefining Citizenship Can End the War on Drugs (3 comments)
Military Madness, The TPP and The Empire (15 comments)
Friday, December 6:
One Answer to Low-Wage Work: Redistributing the Gains (3 comments)
(Un)holy River (1 comments)
November Job Growth Pushes Unemployment Rate Down to 7.0 Percent
Palestinians Lose Again (1 comments)
Honoring Mandela, Not Reagan (1 comments)
Bankers Gone Much Too Wild (1 comments)
The Drone That Takes Out Julian Assange (3 comments)
Insurgency Responsible for Civilian Plight of Syrians
Curbing Our Appetite for Brutality (1 comments)
Will Billionaire Omidyar Save His Soul--Or Just Corrupt Greenwald's? (3 comments)
I'm Just a Dumb Arab (1 comments)
Connecting the Dots between Microsoft Backdoors, NSA Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme (8 comments)
Economic Inequality: 5 Personal Actions (8 comments)
Thursday, December 5:
What Didn't Kill Mandela Made Him Stronger (3 comments)
Real Journalism v. Big Brother (1 comments)
Obama Hardball Interview: A Waste of My Time (6 comments)
Paul Craig Roberts on the Dollar Demise and the Future of the Negative Interest Rate (4 comments)
What we need is a movement!: Saving Social Security and Closing the Income Gap Go Hand-in-Hand (5 comments)
Canada's Pyrrhic Battle for Resources
The War of Narratives - Bringing truth to the Middle East crisis (2 comments)
Freedom and Democracy (5 comments)
*Economics For Idiots (6 comments)
I Googled "Evil" And It Took Me to Google
Thai protests turn a darker color (3 comments)
Ending Academic Apartheid: Equity and Dignity for Adjunct Professors (4 comments)
Why President Obama's Approval Dip Doesn't Matter (2 comments)
Ted Nugent's Presidential Pitch: Disenfranchise The Working Poor And The Elderly (16 comments)
Fed buying up mortgage backed securities
Reform is Dead. Revolution Now: An Open Letter to the 3.5% (3 comments)
The Einstein Letter at 65 (1 comments)
Ukraine's Hissy Fit (4 comments)
From Wall St. Wiz Kid to Global Revolutionary | Vlad Teichberg Interview
Basing WORSE Government on Those that Equate Journalism With Terrorism (5 comments)
Here's A Fresh, New Idea: Hire Some People To Fix Infrastructure! (1 comments)
Another Batch of Wall Street Villains Freed on Technicality (2 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Rush Limbaugh: Pope Francis Represents "Pure Marxism" (17 comments)
The End Of An Era? Praise The Lord! Televangelist Paul Crouch Dies And Leaves Behind A Life Of Decadence Beyond Belief. (13 comments)
Wednesday, December 4:
Why Obamacare Means Life and Death...for Both Political Parties
'Tis the Season (1 comments)
Defeated By The Taliban, Washington Decides To Take On Russia And China (50 comments)
GE + TEPCO = Fukushima/Entropy/Death Part II (10 comments)
Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts (1 comments)
Paging Santa's Puppet Repair, Pentagon on Line 1
Third Way's Anti-Populist, Anti-Warren and Deceptive "Dead End"
Intimidating China Militarily: Reckless, Foolhardy, A Disaster in the Making (14 comments)
Saudi-Israeli Alliance Boosts Al-Qaeda
Amazon, Domino's and Big Brother: Drones Flying the Not-So-Friendly Surveillance Skies (5 comments)
The truth behind unemployment numbers (2 comments)
The Fed Must Go (3 comments)
Detroit Bankruptcy Bankrupts Democracy (19 comments)
Tuesday, December 3:
Everyday Low Wages at Walmart: Brought to You by Government Policy (2 comments)
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium and the Catholic Vote (11 comments)
Rohingya: People Rejected? (1 comments)
Hell No, We Won't Go! (2 comments)
US Shutting Down a Key News Source (1 comments)
The Stealth Revolution (1 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: No Such Thing as a Board Certified Feminist (21 comments)
The Golden Age of US Capitalism (3 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Sex and the Single Jesus (7 comments)
The Miserly Republicans Being Mean Spirited or Just Another Form of Political Distraction
Zombie Politics & Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism (14 comments)
Saudi America and the State of Denial (2 comments)
Monday, December 2:
Netanyahu's Flawed Vatican Charm Offensive (1 comments)
"Thinking Globally, Acting Locally" In the Minimum Wage Fight (1 comments)
The True Price of Great Holiday Deals
You Cannot Negotiate With Iran? (2 comments)
The Problem With...Civilization (6 comments)
Reframing "Obamacare" Now (5 comments)
The GOP Bumbles Again on Race---This Time It's Rosa Parks (1 comments)
From Rome, Five Essential Inequality Truths (1 comments)
Fascist-Ruled Countries Score the Lowest on Gallup's Happiness Indicator
*Climate Change and the End Times (28 comments)
Obama and the Death of Robin Hood (2 comments)
Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy (7 comments)
*Feed the People, not the Pentagon, on Dec. 13 (1 comments)
Sexual Breast Photo Page One New York Times (10 comments)
The Real Conservatism of the "Liberal Establishment" (12 comments)
Give Til It Hurts vs Buy Til It Hurts: Francis Challenges Traditional American Christmas Greed (6 comments)
Sunday, December 1:
Obama's Ludicrous Afghanistan Declarations
Should Only Seniors Be Allowed to Drive on the Highways? | Rep. Alan Grayson (14 comments)
The GOP's 2014 Election Hit Plan on Health Care Site Will Flop
Ending the criminal insanity of the concept of corporations as people (5 comments)
What do 1517, 1914 and 1917 Have in Common with 2014? (1 comments)
The Advent Project of Pope Francis (and Jesus): A World without War by Christmas! (Sunday Homily) (23 comments)