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June 2014

Monday, June 30:

US Wars From Viet Nam Onwards: Wins and Losses

Reasonable Men (4 comments)

Corporations Are People, My Friend (1 comments)

Can a neocon change his spots (and come back as a liberal interventionist for Hillary Clinton)? (1 comments)

The City of Conversation: Remembrances by Steve Jonas

Who is responsible for the catastrophes in the Middle East? (1 comments)

ARGENTINA: Again on the verge of economic collapse - again the victim of US treachery! (1 comments)

"Without America this cannot happen." Jewish Grandmother Shows the Way

Platform of the Unite America Party (4 comments)

Pity the Children (3 comments)

Hillary's Hardest Choice (and the Democrat's Dilemma) (7 comments)

Mr. Narendra Modi and the Economy

I Believe in American Exceptionalism (8 comments)

*We are all Russians now (51 comments)

Stupidity Has Its Loyal Followers: Cavuto Goes Rogue And Pays The Price (1 comments)

Sunday, June 29:

TGIF: Smedley Butler And The Racket That Is War (2 comments)

Iraqi Chaos May Give Kurds a State (1 comments)

Another Murderous Milestone: 60 Years of Carnage (1 comments)

Thomas Ravenel: Politics to Prison to Television - and Back to Politics? (2 comments)

Do Something Small Today-- Recollections of a Conversation With Howard Zinn (16 comments)

Who lost Iraq? The amoral (2 comments)

President Obama Keeps Hearing the Silly Charge he Has Failed Blacks

Sunday Homily: Pope Francis & St. Peter -- Throwing Rocks at Empire Then and Now (16 comments)

On the Economy, It's Been One Snafu After Another (1 comments)

Saturday, June 28:

Who Violated Ukraine's Sovereignty? (3 comments)

Central Bank Stock Buying Binge (9 comments)

What Democrats Can Learn From Thad Cochran: Turnout, Turnout, Turnout!

Fred Karger Is STILL a Republican. Why?

Why It Is Hard to Feel for the Israelis (17 comments)

Post-Modern Patriarchy Deconstructed (1 comments)

Unions and the quality of life go hand-in-hand (2 comments)

Cold War Renewed With A Vengeance While Washington Again Lies (18 comments)

The Battle of Evermore (19 comments)

In Iraq, The U.S. is The Problem, not the Solution

Ultimatum of the Finger Wagger: Kerry Again Threatens Russia (7 comments)

Tackle hepatitis C to save people living with HIV

Our Oceans Are Dying: Mobilizing an Indifferent Public to Confront This Crisis (12 comments)

Remembering My Encounter With Fred Phelps (10 comments)

Political Correctness and Imperialism (4 comments)

*Why does battles maintain in Shan State of Burma?

Friday, June 27:

Rand Paul: Republicans Are "Too Eager for War" (1 comments)

Future of New Independent Media in the USA - Press Democracy Versus Corporate Monopoly (1 comments)

Mother Mary (2 comments)

An Armed Ghetto

Ukraine in The New Yorker: Instead of Sy Hersh, Keith Gessen (8 comments)

Break The Koch Machine (6 comments)

Fear and loathing at Hotel Babylon (4 comments)

Adventures in Job Hunting

How to Create the Ideal Government and Society (5 comments)

Don't Worry, Be Happy (2 comments)

Pro Bono Blues (1 comments)

Campaign 2014: Hate Politics (2 comments)

Who should profit from the Commons? (19 comments)

Thursday, June 26:

U.S.-Egyptian "Historic Partnership" Reeks With Hypocrisy (1 comments)

NYT Revamps Its False Ukraine Narrative (4 comments)

Plunderstorms (7 comments)

Hate Summer? Just Wait Until Global Warming Really Kicks In (1 comments)

Ukraine Update: The Presidential Elections and Beyond

Is it John or Jane Law's Duty to Protect and Serve? Well, Not Always (Part One) (5 comments)

One Court, Indivisible, Votes Liberty and Justice For All

Fifty Years Later the 1964 Civil Rights Act is Still Under Assault

Time to Ignite the Power of a New Populist Movement and That of the American People (39 comments)

The Executive Order Hypocrisy of John Boehner (2 comments)

Does the U.S. have a moral obligation to Iraqis? With regard to ISIS, what to do?

Mapping Militarism (2 comments)

Micro-aggression: Subtle But Searing (2 comments)

Greenwald Touts Imminent Release of Shocking NSA Story (3 comments)

The Decline And Fall Of Anti-Gay Evangelicals. Is Joseph Farah's Nightmare Still Relevant? (2 comments)

Wednesday, June 25:

Iraq: Another False Prosecution

Three New Evidences that Obama Is a Fascist (9 comments)

Ukraine Update: Report from Odessa (1 comments)

A Parliament in Washington? (11 comments)

A New Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington's Arrogance? (26 comments)

Warning: The virtues of the egalitarian internet are standing in the way of higher corporate profits!

For God's Sake (1 comments)

The Real New World Order (6 comments)

Glenn Greenwald on Government Snooping: Why It's Dangerous and What We Can Do About It (6 comments)

Imploding Iraq (2 comments)

The GOP Is the Pro-Death Party (9 comments)

Disinformation Nation: War Criminals and Shills Dominate Media (7 comments)

Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq?

Ball of Confusion (That's What the World is Today)--A Rock-and-Roll Epistle (1 comments)

As Detroit Further Crumbles (2 comments)


Bigger Implications of Detroit's Water Shut-off For Up To Half Its Population (81 comments)

Bad Wars and the Voice of Disillusion (9 comments)

The Other Ukraine (3 comments)

The Modern Political Psychopath (40 comments)

Wounded Knee and the Fourth Amendment (8 comments)

Tuesday, June 24:

Israel's New Abyss (1 comments)

Why Russia Probably will not Bomb Kiev's Forces in Eastern Ukraine (4 comments)

Can Putin's Diplomacy Prevail Over Washington's Coercion? (30 comments)

Private Parts (22 comments)

A Secret Plan to Close Social Security's Offices and Outsource Its Work (15 comments)

Nine Reasons Our Foreign Policy Makes Us Look Like Complete Hypocrites (2 comments)

Where's Saddam Hussein When the U.S. Needs Him? (2 comments)

A response to Sean Hannity's Fox News Panel on Radical Islam (9 comments)

Now Just Look Surprised (2 comments)

Obama's Ugliest Crime Exposed in Just a 4-Minute Video (7 comments)

Yes, Virginia, the Income Tax Is Constitutional

Do we in the UK lack empathy in our treatment of refugees? (2 comments)

Tobacco, the Fossil Fuel Industry, and Capitalist "Morality" (2 comments)

Meritocracy or Racistocracy?

The EU Center-Right and Ultra-Right's Continuing War on the People of the EU (6 comments)

Monday, June 23:

So That's Why They Kept the Drone Kill Memo Secret (23 comments)

With Us, or Against Us? (11 comments)

Icing Ukraine's Chocolate King (30 comments)

Obama's True Foreign-Policy "Weakness" (5 comments)

*Ukraine: Notes from the Southeast (350 comments)

Here We Go Again: Cultural Equity in San Francisco

Police brutality? Watch this YouTube video -- It's not meant for those with weak stomachs (6 comments)

George Orwell - The "Happy" Accident"

A Conversation with Henry David Thoreau (3 comments)

The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State (13 comments)

Round Trip Ticket

Franklin P. Lamb: Will ISIS Create al-Sham Caliphate & Liberate Palestine? (3 comments)

The 300 Million-Immigrant Factor Facing America

Russell Brand "Con-Dems" MSM blackout of 50,000-strong anti-austerity march (1 comments)

Got a Match? I Think My Gas Tank Is Empty... (5 comments)

Truth Telling and Lies

Two very different views on CO2 Reduction: One Pro, the other...Pro (17 comments)

The Ghoulish Face of Empire (27 comments)

Sunday, June 22:

Splitting up Iraq -- It's all for Israel (7 comments)

More than 50 million displaced persons worldwide (2 comments)

Chelsea Manning Speaks -- But Who Listened? (1 comments)

Sisyphus Redeemed (1 comments)

Iran Answers Questions on Explosives

Activists' Quick Opposition to War In Iraq Can Stop the Next War-- Ending Empire and the War Culture that Supports It... (3 comments)

Saturday, June 21:

PCUSA Divests from Occupation Support Firms (1 comments)

Another Secret Pro-Corporate Trade Negotiation Is Leaked (1 comments)

2014 FIFA World Cup: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (3 comments)

Buying Up the Planet: Out-of-control Central Banks on a Corporate Buying Spree (30 comments)

A Pol Meets a Senator (2 comments)

The "Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich" Corporate Tax-Dodge Crisis (1 comments)

Iraqis Are Not "Abstractions" (2 comments)

Why The MSM Is Such A Farce (13 comments)

Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve Statement -- A Translation (13 comments)

Why Vote? (18 comments)

Iraqi hydrocarbon prize of U.S. invasion in danger

New Gallup Poll Shows Only 7% of Americans Trust Congress-- My Take-- video and transcript (6 comments)

GOP: Show Me the Money! (10 comments)

Are 7 Billion People Too Many? (42 comments)

Rolling Back the Clock? --Progressive Style? (8 comments)

Robo-Calls Bother Organic Farmers During Spring Planting (1 comments)

Strongest Antiwar Statement Yet from a Congressional Candidate (1 comments)

Friday, June 20:

Hittin' the Highlights (1 comments)

Another US spying problem in Latin America: The DEA (1 comments)

Burn, Men in Black, burn (10 comments)

Why Scott Walker Will Never Be President (4 comments)

Wikileaks Analysis Article - Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Financial Services Annex (6 comments)

Plutocracy detests a well informed public (duh!) (3 comments)

Obama in Iraq Echoing Kennedy in Viet Nam? (1 comments)

War Now and War Forever as Cheney and the Neocons Bask in Glory (29 comments)

Is Obama in Iraq Echoing Kennedy in Viet Nam? (1 comments)

Palestinians must be stopped! (3 comments)

On Iraq, McCain Won't Take McCain's Advice

Middle East Ready to Explode Due to Reckless, Mindless U.S. Foreign Policy (22 comments)

Wharton Prof, Adviser to the European Union, Says Capitalism Is Starting to Be Replaced By Something Better (11 comments)

Jogo Bonito - Brazil's World Cup (11 comments)

The Return of Sixties Values (15 comments)

Thursday, June 19:

Professor Francis Boyle on Impeachment of Bush and Obama (31 comments)

President Obama Dodges GOP Trap on Iraq (3 comments)

Reviving the "Successful Surge" Myth (1 comments)

The Secret Life of B's (2 comments)

Americans Really Do Not Want to Be Part of Another War in Iraq (4 comments)

Poland: Ukraine's Other Nemesis (4 comments)

Real Business Leaders Want to Save Capitalism (5 comments)

Supporting Democracy is So Yesterday: Washington's Rats are Abandoning Maliki

Dick Cheney Should be Rotting in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials (14 comments)

The Democratic Push to Bomb Iraq Again

The Mess in Iraq

Ronald Reagan - Ode to Grandpa (3 comments)

Rick Scott: Incumbent - Will Florida Do it Again? (4 comments)

Sandy Hook Parents Could Be in Danger (2 comments)

Does Consciousness Prevade the Universe? (90 comments)

The rant that was a wakeup call (1 comments)

Videos Americans Didn't Get to See on Our Nightly News (29 comments)

Once Again Wildfire Threatens Giant Sequoias (2 comments)

Wednesday, June 18:

Groups Appeal to UN for "Humanity" as Detroit Shuts Off Water to Thousands (3 comments)

The ISIS Fiasco: It's Really an Attack on Iran (30 comments)

"We have set the world ablaze, and we are the only firemen" (9 comments)

Tony Blair, Phantom of the Opera (2 comments)

Obama at a Crossroad of War or Peace

What Democrats Can Learn from Cantor's Loss (1 comments)

Delusional Noises From The Right

Iraq pays price of US sectarian meddling

Unhealthy diets are threatening global health

The ISIS War in Iraq Has Roots Much Deeper Than Sectarian Violence | Mnar Muhawesh Interview (1 comments)

Socialism versus capitalism (68 comments)

Muslim Society Needs A Lysistrata (3 comments)

A Brief History of Iraq for Westerners (4 comments)

On June 22, Once Again (7 comments)

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

A golden opportunity for progressives (2 comments)

Antagonizing Palestinians, Australia's linguistic blunder snowballs

25 Things the Wealthy Never Say (1 comments)

Iraq: Will the Neocons Get Away With It Again?

Death By Stoning ... In Oklahoma: Facebook Post Makes A Candidate's Position Clear(ly) Stupid (3 comments)

Tuesday, June 17:

Argentina President Blasts US Bank "Extortion" (2 comments)

Stop Calling the Iraq War a "Mistake" (131 comments)

Gulf War III ???

Washington Is Beating The War Drums (27 comments)

Debating Iraq in 2014: Wrong All Over Again

Doing for the Poor and Doing to the Poor

Unsung Heroes Deserve Attention Too (4 comments)

Healthcare: Let's Have People over Profits Once And For All (15 comments)

Unions 2.0? Trumka on Austerity, Elizabeth Warren, and Progressives (1 comments)

Hillary Should and Will Run (6 comments)

A Rumination on the Bilderberg Group

How Can Americans Stand for This? (2 comments)

Games of Loans (1 comments)

Rick Scott - H.B. 1047 and Government by Force (1 comments)

Pakistan Army launches long-awaited operation in N Waziristan (1 comments)

No matter what happens, we shouldn't send troops to Iraq (2 comments)

Has the Dept. of Homeland Security Become America's Standing Army? (13 comments)

Instant Runoff or Approval? (3 comments)

The Mask Slips: Ukraine PM Invokes Nazi Era Rhetoric (16 comments)

Why Does Nato Still Exist? (14 comments)

*We are all Palestinians now- A review of Max Blumenthal's Goliath (11 comments)

The Catalyst That Spawned All The Current Mayhem (1 comments)

Rebel plot to gas Damascus, Syria reported

Monday, June 16:

Missing Settlers Become Weapons in a War on Unity (2 comments)

Back to the Future: A Voice of Sanity on Iraq

Mission Accomplished? (17 comments)

Hero vs. Villain (1 comments)

Dubya's Glory Days? (3 comments)

Duty to Rescue: Ethics vs. Law

U.S. resumes drone attacks after six-month lull (3 comments)

"This Lady Refused to Sit Next to a 'Negro'" - The Rest of the Story (14 comments)

The Propaganda War About Ukraine: How Important It Really Is (23 comments)

American Socrates (24 comments)

PCUSA Tries Again to Divest From Occupation (1 comments)

Sunday, June 15:

Why Take the Neocons Seriously? (7 comments)

Fasten your seat belts - Iran saving democracy in Iraq (14 comments)

Give me a 'D' for "dumb,'' Pat (5 comments)

Chris Hedges Accused of Plagiarism in Obvious Smear Campaign (40 comments)

US Quandary: Iran offers help to combat Al Qaeda

Going with the Flo: The Longevity and Effectiveness of a Serialized Advertising Character (2 comments)

The U.S. Military's Campaign Against Media Freedom (2 comments)

Understanding Israel's Corrosive Influence on Western Democracy (3 comments)

Obamacare, the Nightmare -- But Whose? (10 comments)

A Roadmap To Retaking The American Dream As Well As My Personal Political Beliefs -- Part One (5 comments)

Leading Edge Cognitive Capacities: An Advantage for Progressive Thought (3 comments)

How Good is Libertarian Economics? (2 comments)

Saturday, June 14:

Obama Goes Union Buster, Forces striking Philly transportation workers Back To Work (47 comments)

Bernie Sanders Is Beating the Austerity Hawks (1 comments)

Tiananmen Square Guest Column by Wei Ling Chua and limited time offer of free book on what really happened (2 comments)

The Latest Regional Slugfest: On to Baghdad

Washington's Iraq "Victory" (57 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Syrian Students Restore Our Global Cultural Heritage (1 comments)

Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week (And 3 Ways They Are Killing Bees) (1 comments)

Hawks Push For Iraq War, The Rule Of Law Prevents It; Obama Does Not Have the Authority to go to War Without Congression (7 comments)

President Obama is no Bush (3 comments)

Obama Regime's Provoking of Russia is a Nuclear Disaster Waiting to Happen

Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia (112 comments)

Friday, June 13:

The Three Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty (8 comments)

Hell's Gate: The Iraqi Blitzkrieg and the Cult of Violence (5 comments)

Iran Offers Scaled-Back Nuke Program

A Coup? Nonsense! (2 comments)

Al Gore Tells Techpreneurs Some Truths They May Not Want to Hear About Inequality (8 comments)

Kiev Uses White Phosphorus Bombs (9 comments)

Perusing (3 comments)

Can Progressives Learn from Eric Cantor's Defeat? (16 comments)

We Don't Have a Monopoly on Bigotry (4 comments)

Clinton vs. Warren: Problem or Opportunity? (10 comments)

*What did Todashev, shot by FBI, know about the Boston bombing? (4 comments)

Thursday, June 12:

How NSA Can Secretly Aid Criminal Cases (3 comments)

"Serious-Minded" Benghazi Committee Chair Pushed Anti-Obama IRS Conspiracy Theory (1 comments)

The Dark Money Machine That Beat Eric Cantor (13 comments)

The Brat Pack (22 comments)

Rethinking Edward Snowden and Perry Fellwock

The geopolitics of the World Cup (1 comments)

The 'New" Iraq Crisis And Lessons Unlearned (2 comments)

A Matter of Principle: The True Aims of the Terror War (10 comments)

The People Struggle to Find and Retain Representation (15 comments)

Narendra Modi's Government; How to Look Towards Neighbors

Repugnant Republicans (5 comments)

The Man Who Toppled Eric Cantor (5 comments)

United We Stand Tour Wants Youth To Run For Political Office

Defending Our 'Right To Know' With Courage (1 comments)

How So-Called Progressive Journalists Mislead the Public (13 comments)

America is Rapidly Being Transformed into a "Controlled" State (32 comments)

Yes, Theoclassical "Economists [are] Basically Immoral" (6 comments)

Why the Worst Get on Top -- in Economics and as CEOs (9 comments)

Wednesday, June 11:

Eric Cantor Defeated by a Conservative Who Rips Crony Capitalism (2 comments)

Part Two: The Propaganda War over Ukraine: The New York Times vs. Russia's "White Book" (December 2013) (2 comments)

If "Stalin = Communism = Bad," Why not "Hitler = Capitalism = Bad?" Part II (6 comments)

Washington Post By God (1 comments)

Blaming Obama for Iraq's Chaos (7 comments)

Reshaping the Vietnam Narrative (2 comments)

Tribulations of Trolls and Goats (6 comments)

News from North of the Lakes (1 comments)

Democrats: Stop With the False Propaganda Already... (3 comments)

American PR War Against Russia and China Accelerating in Asia (2 comments)

Who is supporting Massoud Barzani's Stand against the US Government? (1 comments)

Paddling the Crazyville River (2 comments)

Terrorist attack on Karachi airport: Taliban claim responsibility

Republicans May Be Doing Single-Payer Advocates Across the Country a Favor...

Letting Farzana die! (2 comments)

What is to be done? (Final Chapter of Tax Your Imagination!) (2 comments)

Why Did Fox News Cease ALL Coverage Of The Las Vegas Tea Party Cop Killers?

Tuesday, June 10:

Hamas-Fatah reconciliation -- Unity on Israel's terms won't help

Dispatching B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe: Obama's Attempt at Intimidating Russia (2 comments)

Fox News Has Finally Yelled Fire in a Crowded Theater (8 comments)

Gore at Southland: Snowden Revealed Far Bigger Violations Than The One He Committed

Will Fracking Cause Our Next Nuclear Disaster? (6 comments)

Questions We Should All Be Asking Our Government (26 comments)

*The Mavi Marmara: Israel, Turkey and Justice (2 comments)

Why Millennials Don't Vote and What To Do About It {aTV 007} (1 comments)

Minimum Wage, Unemployment Benefits, and Income Inequality Connection (7 comments)

Iran-Contra Figure Behind Fox News "Exclusive" Bergdahl as Jihadist Smear Campaign (19 comments)

The Empire's Musical Chairs (2 comments)

Critical Complaints About Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Not Answered

Why the Las Vegas Shooters Ran Loose (1 comments)

The Criminology of the "Sure Thing" Portrayed as "Risk"

Monday, June 9:

World War II: The Unknown War (35 comments)

*Can Burma improve bilateral trust for truce?

Brazil countdown: Get me to the World Cup on time! (1 comments)

Manic Mondays (1 comments)

The Koching of America -- and of PBS: Tia Lessin of "Citizen Koch"

California's Top-Two Primary Eliminates Third-Party Rivals (7 comments)

Death Squads Operate Within the Social Security Administration, Medicare, & The Veterans Administration (3 comments)

Israel: Fraud in the Supreme Court's computer systems - notice given to Supreme Court Presiding Justice, Shin-Bet Head

The Rules of Revolt (15 comments)

Days of Future Past (57 comments)

When Fantasy Met Reality in Wisconsin (2 comments)

World Without Love--A Rock-and-Roll Epistle (8 comments)

*Why We Need Hearings in Congress on Wildfire (3 comments)

Obama administration trade for Bergdahl shows they've learned the meaning of due process (6 comments)

Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department (20 comments)

GM's Cartoon Version of von Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" -- on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day (1 comments)

It's Magdalene Laundry Time Again: Ireland Struggles To Identify The Bodies of 800 Discarded Children. (1 comments)

Sunday, June 8:

The Demonization of an American Soldier (5 comments)

Wealth report shows deepening social polarization in US (1 comments)

The New No-Man's Land (2 comments)

Encouraging Words of Regret From Dean Baquet and Weasel Words From James Clapper (5 comments)

Leaving the USS Liberty Crew Behind (5 comments)

An Assault Upon Our Civility (2 comments)

How The Supreme Court Made the U.S. Government Illegitimate

Documents Reveal NSA Can Crack Online Encryption (5 comments)

What Comes After "It's Okay to Kill Americans and jail them indefinitely without counsel."? (16 comments)

Saturday, June 7:

Voting in Mississippi, 2014 and 1964 (6 comments)

Good for the Jews?

*More Whites Also Sinking Into Poverty (2 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: A Hard Won Victory The Story of 68 Palestinian Families in Lebanon (1 comments)

Why Ukraine's Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance (8 comments)

A Plea to the Left Leaning Talking Heads (6 comments)

Are We Really the Greatest Country on Earth? (5 comments)

Twenty Years Later the Simpson Case Won't Go Away (1 comments)

*"Occupy for Bernie" Could Literally Rewrite History (25 comments)

Discontent is Becoming Epidemic (10 comments)

Friday, June 6:

More Phantom Jobs Created -- All In The Wrong Places (52 comments)

Pierre's Payday: Cashing In on a Sinister Agenda (7 comments)

Memo to Potential Whistleblowers: If You See Something, Say Something (1 comments)

A Crisis to Address: Why the Senate's Discussing a Democracy Amendment (7 comments)

When is a Rose Not a Rose? (4 comments)

The Lies Grow More Audacious (17 comments)

Serving the One Percent

Europe: The Sky's Not Falling (2 comments)

Lynch Mob Rule as Bowe Bergdahl's Hometown Surrenders to the Terrorists (56 comments)

Do We Really Need to Re-Start the Cold War? (5 comments)

BRICS and NAM or Soylent Green? (4 comments)

Ah Palestine: a non-existing land without people for a non-existing people (5 comments)

Warlords and the Politics?

Obama and Sgt. Bergdahl: Sometimes You Have To Break the Rule and Do the Right Thing (2 comments)

Lee Camp's New TV Show + a New Populist Political Party Emerges from Occupy {aTV 003}

Class Warfare: The 2014 Election (1 comments)

The real meaning of D-Day (4 comments)

Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs Problem (13 comments)

Thursday, June 5:

The GOP Hit on Bergdahl Is Yet Another Hit on President Obama

One Year Later

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (28 comments)

Seattle is Right (5 comments)

Are Existing Economic and Financial Arrangements Causing Ever More Destructive Weather Events and Species Die-Off? (46 comments)

Chris Matthews channels his inner Bill Kristol (2 comments)

Global Inequality: The Hard facts (2 comments)

The Real Solution for the VA's Problems: Stop the Mindless, Endless Wars (35 comments)

The Evil in the Hearts of Men (3 comments)

Obama's Europe doctrine: Too much stupid, not enough serious (9 comments)

Wednesday, June 4:

Has Outrage Arrived? (3 comments)

Lee Camp Interview: "Redacted Tonight Is The Daily Show With Sharper Teeth"

Whatever Became Of Morality? (44 comments)

The Only Standards Are Double Standards (4 comments)

If "Stalin = Communism = Bad," Why not "Hitler = Capitalism = Bad?" (35 comments)

Interest Rate Puzzle (10 comments)

The Crazed in Washington (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Piketty, The Wall Street Journal, and Rational Conservatives (13 comments)

D-Day 2014: Comings and Goings on the Eurasian Continent (8 comments)

Return of the living (neo-con) dead (4 comments)

Why is the stylus stuck on 1994, then it skips back to 1979?

Conyers' Legacy Continues With Push For Jobs By Congress (1 comments)

BEFORE PHOENIX -- A Whistleblower's Saga of Corruption at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System

A Different Sort of Hot (1 comments)

Khairullozhon Matanov: Mehanna, harrassment, and the reasons why

Pope's unbalanced neutrality in Holy Land (1 comments)

The US military is a terror organization: A Nation of Cowards Fears Freeing Taliban POWs (15 comments)

Corporations Are Not People. Period. (6 comments)

The Troika Continues to Harm the Eurozone and the WSJ continues to Miss the Story (3 comments)

Philippines: U.S. Troops, Go Home! (2 comments)

Tuesday, June 3:

The Veterans Affairs Scandal and Plans for Downsizing the Social Security Administration

Madness, I Tell You: Saber Rattling at West Point (3 comments)

Obama heads to Europe for week of meetings directed against Russia (3 comments)

Just Shoot Me (4 comments)

The Real Villains of the Bergdahl Tale (1 comments)

Marching On Moscow

Sign Language: Dazzled by Atrocity's Distant Mirror (3 comments)

Are You Ready For Nuclear War? (119 comments)

What's Wrong with Cuomo's Energy Plan?

High Tech Dark Ages

He's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Hatter

Is the Destructive Drug War Being Brought to an End? (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: So Obama Really Can Close Gitmo (2 comments)

What Excuse Remains for Obama's Failure to Close GITMO? (3 comments)

Searching for Justice In Church and On Campus

Despite progress, long way remains for gender justice

History Shows Consistent Failure Helping Military Vets (6 comments)

Build Your Home In A Healthy Wildfire-Safe Forest

Casket? What Casket? (1 comments)

Just Shoot: The Mindset Responsible for Turning Search Warrants into Death Warrants, and SWAT Teams into Death Squads (2 comments)

"A Conversation with Paul Craig Roberts: Transitions; Morals; Alliances and Dissolutions

Instant Runoff Balanced Voting (IRBV) (2 comments)

Amazon and the dark side of American capitalism

Nuclear Crisis: Can the Sane prevail in Time? (6 comments)

It's Time to End the Epidemic of Sexual Assault (2 comments)

News Flash: Fukushima Is Still a Disaster (3 comments)

The Betrayal of Cecily McMillan (3 comments)

Monday, June 2:

The Real Piketty Scandal (Is Right-Wing Deception)

Class Segregation and the Housing Market

The Snowden Interview: Patriot, Honor, Citizen (1 comments)

What Obama Told Us At West Point (86 comments)

Infrastructure Sticker Shock: Financing Costs More than Building It (4 comments)

Gaia transcends political debate. (3 comments)

Building feminist movements to stimulate change

Unwitting dupes and leaks: Tsarnaev's lawyers push for hearing (3 comments)

The Left's Dangerous, Self-Defeating Lie: Democrats = Republicans (135 comments)

Gender justice to be at the heart of development justice

Snowden, Modern Day Patriot

What's Wrong With Instant Runoff Voting? (1 comments)

Cuba: the Most Important Country in the World (20 comments)

Gender Equality is Essential to our Survival as a Species

Juvenile Prison: $5 Billion for Child Abuse

Running Nature's Numbers (1 comments)

The Armageddon of Billionaire Jesus and The Liberation Of A Progressive, Gay OpEdNews Writer (2 comments)

Water War? Turkey Cuts Water Supply to Syria - Euphrates Shut Down (19 comments)

We All Must Become Zapatistas (19 comments)

Sunday, June 1:

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl: Prisoner of the War Party (2 comments)

Patagonian Dreams (3 comments)

Freedom Summer II (3 comments)

World Bank warns of food riots as rising food prices push world populations toward revolt (2 comments)

The New Rules? (2 comments)

The New York Times and Obama's Afghanistan Draw Down: Selling the Never-Ending War on Terror (5 comments)

Bloomberg is intolerant of reasonable protests (3 comments)

5 Signs that America Has Gone Bonkers -- and a Glimmer of Hope (2 comments)

Brian Williams Frantically Tries to Prove He's No Glenn Greenwald (1 comments)

Madman Unleashes Gates of B.S. (5 comments)


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