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August 2014

Sunday, August 31:

A New Calendar of Holidays

Three World Leaders Speak on the Future of Israel and Palestine (2 comments)

Hillary Got It Right on Ferguson and Race (4 comments)

The Courage To Disarm (1 comments)

Memorandum For: Angela Merkel: Beware of Fixed Intelligence on Ukraine-- Think WMDs (58 comments)

Israel's decades-long effort to turn the word 'terrorism' into an ideological weapon (1 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: No American Arms for Lebanon To Fight ISIS until Civil Rights for Palestinians (1 comments)

Diane Ravitch Condemns 'Accountability', I Dissent, She Responds. So: Let's All Discuss It. (5 comments)

Macrocompassion: Sudan--Child Slavery (1 comments)

The Great Power Game - deja vu (3 comments)

"berry" (song poetry) (1 comments)

(Sunday Homily) The Ayatollah Was Right: the U.S. IS the Great Shaytan! (9 comments)

Saturday, August 30:

The West, the greatest cause of War in human history, stands stripped of all Legitimacy (10 comments)

Sally McMillan: Borders, Borders (14 comments)

More than 50,000 U.S.-backed Troops Are Fighting in Ukraine's Civil War. Why? (44 comments)

India is where? (4 comments)

They Turned Her Water Off. Now She is Fighting Back (2 comments)

California Bans Plastic Bags (1 comments)

You Don't Know What "Libertarian" Means (78 comments)

More versus Enough-- time to re-set our values (53 comments)

Labor Day Assignment: Educating the Uninformed (2 comments)

Friday, August 29:

Obama's "Catastrophic Defeat" in Ukraine (11 comments)

The War for Nothing (5 comments)

A Kentucky Objection to McConnell's Pandering to Millionaires and Billionaires (1 comments)

Get a grip America: Who's the Real Aggressor in Ukraine? (Hint: It's Not Russia) (3 comments)

Microsoft's Staggering Tax Dodge Alone Would Fund the Entire State of Washington for Two Years (2 comments)

The Saker: Ukraine: US-EU Puppet Regime in Free Fall (10 comments)

The 7 Strangest Libertarian Ideas (6 comments)

As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap (Galatians 6: 7-8)

Being Poor - From the War on Poverty to the War on the Poor. The System of unWelfare (26 comments)

Thursday, August 28:

Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie (21 comments)

From Minsk to Wales, Germany is the key (11 comments)

A Rising Tide Only Lifts All Boats When Everyone Has a Boat (6 comments)

Monty Python State Department (4 comments)

Win Ben Stein's Racism (20 comments)

The Israel Lobby Eliminates Another Critic (9 comments)

Beverly Hills Back on the Hot Seat on Racial Profiling (4 comments)

Hagel--Was he fear mongering? (2 comments)

Education in the post-2015 development agenda (1 comments)

Shame on Ralph Lauren and the US Open (2 comments)

How many wars can the US fight at once?: David Swanson on the America's Obsession with War as Foreign Policy (1 comments)

Elizabeth Warren finally speaks on Israel/Gaza, sounds like Netanyahu (16 comments)

Call to Creative Action (1 comments)

The Final Nail in the Coffin: The Death of Freedom in Our Schools (4 comments)

Could Obama's Legacy Be Destroyed by His Ukraine Policy? What to Do About It -- (23 comments)

Wednesday, August 27:

A Carbon Tax Is Absolutely Essential (9 comments)

Former CIA Lawyer Defends Torture in Der Spiegel Interview (1 comments)

Perry Hams It Up (3 comments)

Crime Scene -- New Orleans

Why We Should Not Go To War Over James Foley

A Long Cold Summer When Civilization Seemed to Retreat (4 comments)

America's Corrupt Institutions (15 comments)

Washington War Hawks Ecstatic Over Growing World Turmoil (12 comments)

Can the US afford to bypass the PKK? (1 comments)

When Catholics Become a Peace Church (2 comments)

*Blaming God for 'All-Living-Things' Massacre in Jericho Set Hair Raising Precedent (4 comments)

Mike Tyson - Modern Intellectual (2 comments)

Arbeit Macht Fries (3 comments)

Syria: The Latest Installment in America's Fickle, Dysfunctional Foreign Policy (2 comments)

Beyond Reparations - Ferguson and Actual Justice (2 comments)

Should Institutions Have a Right to Secrets in a Free and Open Society? (9 comments)

Charlie Crist: The New Face of Florida's Democratic Party... (1 comments)

Friends, donors and countrymen

The Fun of Empire: Fighting on All Sides of a War in Syria (3 comments)

Tuesday, August 26:

Energy ballet-2: Syria, Ukraine and "Pipelineistan" (1 comments)

So, I Asked the Russian Ambassador What He Thinks of NATO

Postcard From Another World (9 comments)

World War Three? (3 comments)

A Stock-Market Milestone is Reached, But Who Cares? (3 comments)

Will Republicans Block Action On Corporations Abandoning The U.S.? (10 comments)

Fearing Political Islam: Why Arabs Betrayed Gaza (1 comments)

Blame it on Luther. (19 comments)

Now it's the School Police That Are Militarized (2 comments)

Cheney's Legacy: Honesty Still in Short Supply (6 comments)

Climate Crisis Connects Us, Climate Justice Demands Unity (2 comments)

The Seeming "Disconnect" of the American People (5 comments)

Oligarchic corruption and the quality of life are mortal enemies (3 comments)

Homebuilders -- Wake up and smell reality

Let's Talk about Race War (2 comments)

Losing Losers and the Pentagon That Hires Them

Have No Other Gods Before Me: The Rise And Fall Of Evangelical "Rambo Jesus", Misogynist Bully Mark Driscoll (6 comments)

Resistance Turning Tide in Eastern Ukraine - UPDATED (50 comments)

Monday, August 25:

"We want to exchange personal experiences, Sir."

Federal Judge Who Was Arrested for Beating His Wife (and Who Sentenced Don Siegelman) Is Now Hoping to Avoid Prosecution (1 comments)

Back to School, and to Widening Inequality (2 comments)

Truth Has No Place in the Attack of Inflation Hawks

Secret $700,000 Donation Has Scott Walker Scrambling to Address "Appearance of Corruption" (1 comments)

Selective Outrage over Ukraine POWs (3 comments)

Respect Authority? Really? (47 comments)

Debate: What do post-2015 strategic-development goals mean to us?

We Are Ferguson: Blood in the Water, Sand and Streets (1 comments)

Bringing Heaven Down to Earth (6 comments)

Yes, West Virginia, there is a Snallygaster (1 comments)

MH 17 crash mystery (46 comments)

How the Brutalized Become Brutal (27 comments)

Sunday, August 24:

Sanctions and the U.S. Dollar -- A Fall From Grace? (1 comments)

Black On Black Crime: A Critique (6 comments)

War in the Hundred Acre Woods (1 comments)

On the Little League World Series, Jackie Robinson West, and Michael Brown (1 comments)

Rights Groups React to the Murder of Journalist James Foley (1 comments)

MH-17 'Investigation': Secret August 8th Agreement Seeps Out (28 comments)

(Sunday Homily) The 'Gates of Hell' from Ferguson to Gaza (6 comments)

Saturday, August 23:

Peacenvironmentalism (2 comments)

War from the Shadows (33 comments)

Son of Death (2 comments)

More than Race Fuels the "Support Darren Wilson" Campaign (1 comments)

Seeking Accountability for Gaza (1 comments)

Should Twitter, Facebook and Google Executives be the Arbiters of What We See and Read? (2 comments)

Russia's Humanitarian "Invasion" (17 comments)

Guest Article by Steven Starr -- Senator Corker's Path to Nuclear War (34 comments)

U.S. Wants to Bomb ISIS In Syria ... Maybe We Should (cough) First Stop ARMING THEM? (5 comments)

Mairzy Doats, but Sheep'll Eat What They're Fed (25 comments)

The Sergei Glaziev Interview -- Understanding Ukraine in 15 Minutes (2 comments)

The Wrestlerization of America (4 comments)

The American Dream, the Chinese Version and Everybody Else (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Don't Write Stuff: New York Post oped on the Rev. Al Sharpton (2 comments)

Friday, August 22:

ISIS poses nuclear 9/11 threat (41 comments)

Russia on Unilateral Start of Ukraine Humanitarian Aid (25 comments)

Flippin' Friday (5 comments)

Colorado Town Sues State, Gov. Hickenlooper and COGA to Protect Right to Ban Fracking

*Silence of the Liberal Lambs (Pt 3)

Democratic Party leader echoes Netanyahu's new theme: Hamas equals ISIS (2 comments)

For Europe: Finlandization's Revenge or a Eurasian Identity? (11 comments)

When Dick Cheney Swatted an "Annoying Mosquito" Named Paul Ryan

The U.S. government's creeping war on journalists (4 comments)

The more things change . . .

Medea Benjamin: Beware of Exploding Gifts from Uncle Sam

The Tragedy in Ferguson Is Not Only About Racism (2 comments)

What's the truth behind Malaysian Flight 17 downing?: CIA Analysts Won't Back White House Claims of Russian Culpability (4 comments)

Demand Swells for Straight Answers on Plane in Ukraine (4 comments)

The killer on the (Saudi) king's highway (8 comments)

Thursday, August 21:

"Exodus" Now Hurling Real 5,000 Pound Bombs (1 comments)

Israeli airstrike kills wife and baby son of Hamas leader (2 comments)

Long Tall Texan (5 comments)

Public Pressure Can Influence The Federal Reserve (2 comments)

Obama, Race, And The Right-Wing Media's Heckler's Veto

The US War Culture Has Come Home to Roost (1 comments)

Ferguson: No Justice in the American Police State (12 comments)

Our 'Enemies' in Ukraine Speak (15 comments)

Turning America Into a War Zone, Where 'We the People' Are the Enemy (16 comments)

Better A Day Early.... (1 comments)

Crossing Swords in Ferguson, Gaza, Egypt..., and the Unifying Principle of Respect (9 comments)

@Ferguson: It's Been a Long Time Coming (3 comments)

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war) (1 comments)

Past, present, and future attempts to measure childhood TB

All The Facts Matter (1 comments)

Behind Obama's "Chaotic" Foreign Policy (3 comments)

The Diversity of Academy Awards 2014 Illustrates a Changing Film Industry (2 comments)

How Conyers Pulled Off Another Landslide

When "Slipping Through The Cracks" Is No Excuse: The Negligence Of Some Child Welfare Workers (1 comments)

Railroad 'Bomb Trains': Speeding to Disaster (4 comments)

The Ferguson Effect on Our Great-Grandchildren

Wednesday, August 20:

Energy ballet: Iran, Russia and "Pipelineistan" (2 comments)

GOP Vows To Dismantle Or Shut Down Government If They Win Senate (4 comments)

Not More of the Same on Ferguson, MO

Gas Chambers, Chemical Warfare, Blindings, Mass Bombing and Shelling Civilians -- Where do you Draw the Line? (2 comments)

Sen Warner's views on Ukraine (5 comments)

Look who's being pushed to the sea now (1 comments)

Questions to Ask Your Pro-Israeli Friends (21 comments)

Where Were the Soldier-Cops at Bundy Ranch? (1 comments)

Ukraine Crisis Continues (5 comments)

The Uncivil War Escalating Across America (6 comments)

We Are Above the Law Declares County Attorney (1 comments)

Non-Negotiable Rights

Detroit Water Crisis - a Prelude to the Privatization of Water (5 comments)

Obama and the Democrats: The Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil (17 comments)

Italian's Apology for German Austerity Diktats Lasts 24 Hours (3 comments)

Supremacy: A Social Order of Division, Control and Enslavement (18 comments)

Why the Confederacy Lost the Civil War: a review of Gabor S. Boritt's book (5 comments)

Waiting for the Barbarians A review of Lewis Lapham's Book

The WSJ's Editorial Posing as "News" about Ecuador (2 comments) Cancun handbook: Books

Tuesday, August 19:

How Should Social Security Benefits Respond to an Economic Collapse? (5 comments)

Crispy Around The Edges (6 comments)

The Militarization of the Police Has Produced a Murder Machine (7 comments)

Holder has a Compelling Case in the Brown Killing (14 comments)

US Ramps Up Military Strikes in Iraq as Militant Control Over Key Dam Remains Unclear (1 comments)

Police "Protecting the Public"; Not (12 comments)

Through Education, Media And Poverty

Still Longing for Peace on Earth (2 comments)

Our Side's Using Illegal White Phosphorus Firebombs Against the Residents of Donetsk Ukraine (5 comments)

Study Finds 8 Fracking Chemicals Toxic to Humans (6 comments)

Last Week in Bigotry: From Cursing Gays With Ebola To Righteously Phoning In Pain To A Grieving Mother (6 comments)

A Tale of Two Alleged Iran Nuke Leakers (1 comments)

The Powerful "Group Think" on Ukraine (5 comments)

Monday, August 18:

Why have the media and Obama administration gone silent on MH17? (6 comments)

Et Tu, Mullah? ...Did Iran Just Knife Putin in the Back? (14 comments)

Lest We Forget "Never Again" (2 comments)

Gary Brumback: A Different D-Day (5 comments)

Hillary Clinton, "It Takes a Pillage to Raze a Child..." (9 comments)

Game Over for Humanity? (21 comments)

Post Mortem (26 comments)

The Golden Shovel Days (4 comments)

Liberal Zionist Dilemma (2 comments)

Causes of War Krugman Overlooked

One Nation Under Siege: "Counterinsurgency Cops" in Ferguson -- and on TV (1 comments)

The Disease of American Democracy (6 comments)

In The West Respect for Truth No Longer Exists (37 comments)

Fareed's Screed (9 comments)

Rejoinder to a Rebuttal of My Most Recent Article on the Transfer of Income to the Rich (6 comments)

Gruesome Tales Surface of Israeli Massacres Against Families in Gaza Neighborhood

Discerning Our Reality (4 comments)

MH17, Gaza and the "Genius" of Western Propaganda

Chris Hedges: Rebellion in Ferguson: A Rising Heat in the Suburbs (31 comments)

Dumbest Police Chief in America (1 comments)

Obfuscate = Re-elect = Going Nowhere. But We're Making Good Time. (17 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Piketty for Progressives, Part 2 (2 comments)

Remember To Use Your Forgettery To Forget All the Trivia Meant To Divert Your Attention from Important Matters (7 comments)

The Fear Mongering Method Of Lindsey Graham's Campaign (2 comments)

Videos: How Do We Get to Peace? With David Swanson, Jill Stein, Kristin Christman, and Steve Breyman (5 comments)

Sunday, August 17:

Iraq and the Oil Wars

Fighting for local veterans (2 comments)

Five Star Interview (13 comments)

Russian Ukrainian Trojan Horse? Yes, But Not The Press Speculated One (21 comments)

The Second Slaying of Michael Brown (11 comments)

A USS Liberty Hero's Passing (11 comments)

What You Need to Know About the FISA Court--and How it Needs to Change

The Foreign Policy of Barack Obama and That of Hillary Clinton: Apples to Apples Comparison (3 comments)

Blowback in Ferguson (15 comments)

How Colleges are Hurting Students by Exploiting Adjunct Professors (1 comments)

Robin Williams Melancholy Suicide--Hopelessness, helplessness, and Defeat (15 comments)

Thou Shalt Groom Thy Neighbor as Thyself (2 comments)

Gary Brumback: The Militarization of American Education (5 comments)

(Sunday Homily) Jesus Comes Very Close to Rejecting a Palestinian Woman as an Unworthy "B_tch" (8 comments)

Saturday, August 16:

Vanishing point ... (38 comments)

Revolutionary purity from Trotsky to Baghdadi

Iraq: The "Humanitarian Catastrophe" That Petered Out (1 comments)

By What Means Have Income and Wealth Steadily Been Transferred to the Rich? (40 comments)

Warrior Cops Lose a Round in Missouri (16 comments)

JPMorgan Chase's $13 Billion Shadow (2 comments)

Shifting from a Patriarchal to an Earth Centric Paradigm (24 comments)

WSJ blames Ferguson unrest on generous police contracts. Does it also think unions were responsible for holocaust?

Mary Wentworth: You Wanna Have Uncle Sam's Back? Pay The Price! (3 comments)

Has the Pro-Choice strategy of Last 40 Years Failed Women? (1 comments)

Barely Reported, Then Totally Ignored: The EU's Obsequiousness to Obama's Nazism Regarding Ukraine (4 comments)

Sweden in Flames: A Price to be Paid for Public Igorance of Fires's Natural Role. (2 comments)

More Orwellian Newspeak (1 comments)

Why Obama Wants Maliki Removed (9 comments)

Friday, August 15:

Let's Stand Together (29 comments)

Militarizing The Police (1 comments)

Cops Gone Wild (39 comments)

From Boston to Ferguson: Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State? (3 comments)

From the Left, From the Right: Calls to Demilitarize Ferguson, and America (1 comments)

Why I Quit the Democratic Party Yesterday (5 comments)

Smart Meters and Wolve's Sheep Pen (4 comments)

Has Clinton Made Her Second Pro-War Mistake? (2 comments)

House Committee: No Benghazi Scandal (2 comments)

Thursday, August 14:

Washington Has Placed The World On The Road To War (10 comments)

Police States (4 comments)

The Militarization of U.S. Police: Finally Dragged Into the Light by the Horrors of Ferguson (9 comments)

Transportation Considerations (1 comments)

Murder is Murder

Like Walmart, only with supercomputers and drones: At "cheap" comes at a very hefty price (3 comments)

Local Police and Much Else Will Be Militarized As Long As Federal Government Is (3 comments)

Jimmy Carter Blasts "Nutcases" Who Block Climate Action (1 comments)

Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage? (10 comments)

The Pope and The Pornographer -- What is the Difference? (2 comments)

S&P identifies problem--income inequality--but gives same absurd solution that most economists do (1 comments)

We Are Gaza. Look Into Our Eyes.

Richard Nixon's Biggest Mistake (5 comments)

United Nations General Assembly Vote on Israel / USA. (1 comments)

Gary Brumback: Wars' 11 Litmus Tests (4 comments)

Audio: The Iraq Debate -- David Swanson and Brad Friedman

Two Spanish Anti-Fascists Go to Ukraine to Join Battle Against Ukraine's Nazis (1 comments)

Reports from the ground: How are TB-HIV collaborative activities being rolled out?

In many US communities, cops are the 'terrorists': Police Need to Be Demilitarized and Remade as 'Peace Officers' (9 comments)

*Can Burma make a difference in peacemaking without hostilities?

The Russian Appeal to Germany (27 comments)

Wednesday, August 13:

Giving Israel a Pass on Civilian Deaths (1 comments)

Ignoring Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Storm Troopers (4 comments)

The Berlin Wall and Missed Opportunities (5 comments)

Super Power Has Failed. Humanity Needs To Act Now Like the "Supreme Creation of God." (2 comments)

Advice for "Meet the Press" (1 comments)

"Running as Democrats While Sounding Republican" -- Hey, What Could Go Wrong? (4 comments)

Ukraine's Broader Impact (10 comments)

The Significance of Dick Cheney, Part II (1 comments)

Washington Chokes Truth With Lies (8 comments)

A Ticket to Sarah Palin's Funhouse (23 comments)

Debt, the Lifeblood of a Zombie Economy

The End of Order is a Feature Not a Bug (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: One Year After Egypt's Rab'a Massacre, US Still Funding Repression

Is Barzani Responsible for Mass Murder and Rape of Yazidi Kurdish? (9 comments)

Ukraine's Conflict: a History and Status-Report, for Ukraine, U.S., and the World (31 comments)

August 21st: Pontiac, MI Is Taking Their City Back From The NDAA

Where Do the Five Million Plus Non-male Non-Female Americans Fit Into the Gay Marriage Discussion? (6 comments)

Will President Obama Maintain Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence in the Case of Federal Judge Mark Fuller? (1 comments)

BREAKING: Sarah Palin Channels Victoria Jackson (3 comments)

Kiev, US and EU Stall Humanitarian Aid - Why? (16 comments)

The Latest in the New Cold War -- My Money's on Putin (12 comments)

Top 9 Reasons to Stop Bombing Iraq (9 comments)

Gaza, Egypt and Syria: a Common Thread of Genocide, War Crimes, and Wars Against Humanity (1 comments)

Tuesday, August 12:

The Right to Remain Silent (24 comments)

Why Obama is bombing the Caliph (9 comments)

Another Unarmed Black Teen Shot by Militarized Police (18 comments)

Powerful force brings down Sterling after high-powered men failed (3 comments)

The Rear-Guard Defense of Torture (1 comments)

Americans Need to Break the Cycle of War: A Meditation on Peacemaking (3 comments)

A book that tells us How and Why the Holocaust happened (5 comments)

ISRAEL: The killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin in Gaza - a government of crooks! (1 comments)

How To Manage Billions of Acres of Fire-Dependent Ecosystems? (1 comments)

The Tyranny of the Nanny State, Where the Government Knows What's Best for You (7 comments)

Enviros Blamed for Bursting Frack Bubble

Israel's Operation Protective Edge Spurs Growth in BDS Movement (1 comments)

Ukraine-News Flash: Bloodiest Days of Ukraine's Ethnic Cleansing Expected to Come Now (98 comments)

Remember the Cannon Street YMCA all-stars (1 comments)

Congress Needs to Assert Checks and Balances on Any New Iraq Mission (2 comments)

We, Thee & Me

Predators, Reapers, and Psychology's Do-No-Harm Ethics (2 comments)

Monday, August 11:

The De-industrialization of America (17 comments)

Exodus (2 comments)

Let My People Go (8 comments)

A Most Dire Question, How to Prevent the Real War to End All Wars? Part II (7 comments)

Ebola -- ISIL Iraq -- Virginia Board of Elections (1 comments)

Israel Playing the Long Game (3 comments)

The No-State Solution to Israel, Palestine and the World (1 comments)

Bordering on Slavery (3 comments)

"USreal: the Democracidal Minotaur in the Cesspool of Imagination" (10 comments)

Sunday, August 10:

From Iraq to Ukraine, Where Are the Adults? (6 comments)

NYT Discovers Ukraine's Neo-Nazis at War (11 comments)

Gaza Is Transforming American Jews: Words from an Overflowing Inbox (2 comments)

Gaza: Are the Arabs divided? (9 comments)

The Rebirth of Stakeholder Capitalism? (2 comments)

Avoid bullies and thugs: Beware the World's Leading War-Monger and Terrorist Organization (16 comments)

What if the Arabs had recognized Israel in 1948? (16 comments)

*Let's Help the Kurds-- and Redeem Ourselves (8 comments)

Price Drops Sound Great, But.... (1 comments)

Will Billionaire's Bucks Be Used to Dump Garbage on Black and Brown Houstonians?

Critical Moment to Stop The TPP & Other Rigged Trade Agreements (14 comments)

Engineering Failed States: The Strategy of Global Corporate Imperialism (3 comments)

(Sunday Homily)Dear Pope Francis: Gaza Needs More than Tears; Please "Walk on Water" for Gazan Children! (16 comments)

Stop the Smart Wars (1 comments)

Saturday, August 9:

Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17 (59 comments)

How Big Is a $16 Billion Bank Fraud Settlement, Really? (4 comments)

The Heinous Crime Behind Watergate (3 comments)

The West Is On The Wrong Path (34 comments)

Obama Calls ISIL "Barbaric Terrorists" (26 comments)

What Shall American Antiwar Activists Do About Israel's Destruction of Gaza? (5 comments)

Can innovation drive HIV responses to meet 90:90:90 targets by 2020?

Without Sanctions Against Banks There Will Never Be An End To Global Warfare (9 comments)

*Israeli officials have their hands on the Hamas rocket dial (11 comments)

Washington Threatens The World (19 comments)

Friday, August 8:

Stand Up and March: You Are the People's Climate Movement

Metro Gaza (3 comments)

Was Putin Targeted for Mid-Air Assassination? (21 comments)

Israel: One of the "most oppressive and brutal regimes in the world?" (2 comments)

Hamas Cease Fire Terms Could Ultimately Lead to "Normalcy"

Tallying Israeli War Crimes (11 comments)

10 Reasons Progressives Ought to support Israel, even now (191 comments)

NATO is desperate for war (10 comments)

George Will confirms Nixon's Vietnam treason (27 comments)

*Summary of Adam Curtis Power of Nightmares Part 3 (7 comments)

Further Evidence that Obama Is a Republican (10 comments)

In Pursuit of Nuclear Zero (2 comments)

We're All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State (4 comments)

Dust off the pitchforks - Home Foreclosure racket continues (3 comments)

Forget EBOLA: The Greatest Threat To Africa's Medical Missionaries Is Ann Coulter! (2 comments)

Thursday, August 7:

Back in Iraq, Jack!

Medea Benjamin: Conflict Resolution 101: Talking With Hamas (1 comments)

Doing Nothing, is Making Progress

The "F" Word (4 comments)

You wanna be Uncle Sam's flunky? Pay the price! The Saker (72 comments)

Is Google the New Sheriff in Town? (3 comments)

Nixon's Treason Now Acknowledged

Study: Government Blocks Specific Journalists From Accessing Information (1 comments)

Standing Up to Corporate Greed (1 comments)

Killing Lt. Goldin...and 150 innocents: The IDF's 'Hannibal Protocol' and Two Criminally Insane Governments (3 comments)

Obama's War Against Russia Backfires (5 comments)

Israel is Hurting the Jewish People More than Hamas Ever Could (5 comments)

Should All Activists be Anonymous? (39 comments)

The Significance of Dick Cheney, Part I (5 comments)

Systematically Reconstructing the Shoot-Down of the Malaysian Airliner: The Guilt Is Clear and Damning (45 comments)

Is Mainstream Media Even a Little Bit Legit? (3 comments)

The Obscene Asymmetry in Gaza (1 comments)

An Abortion Rights Battle Bigger Than Texas | an interview with Sunsara Taylor

Stemming the Surge of Refugees

*"Swift Boat" Attacks Fail to Sink Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights on Capitol Hill (3 comments)

ISRAEL: The killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and the "Hannibal protocol" (2 comments)

Pakistani troops to defend jittery Saudis

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (2 comments)

Wednesday, August 6:

How LBJ Was Deceived on Gulf of Tonkin (1 comments)

Gaza's resistance paradigm

A Most Dire Question, How to Prevent the Real War to End All Wars? (1 comments)

Will Putin Realize That Russia Holds The Cards? (46 comments)

We Won't Forget Wisconsin (1 comments)

By John Boehner's Logic, a Lot of Presidents Should Have Been Sued

Impeachment? Who Said Anything about Impeachment? (2 comments)

The Real Hillary Book is Out Today -- Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. The Obamas

Crimes against humanity in Gaza: is it really a 'buffer zone' -- or a bigger plan? (6 comments)

Obama's Spy Chief Liars-- Spying on Congress for Obama (18 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Piketty for Progressives (4 comments)

The Dinosaur from the Sixties (10 comments)

Gay Adoption: The New Demon Of The Christian Right's Lawmakers (3 comments)

Toledo Sips of Life in Iraq (2 comments)

If a Genocide Falls in the Forest (1 comments)

Tuesday, August 5:


Tortured Folks

Mourning for a Judaism Being Murdered by Israel (3 comments)

Beyond the 'Redskins': Lions and Tigers and Bears (3 comments)

'If I Could Do It, Anyone Can!' (2 comments)

A Paranoid Government Blankets America With Unprecented Surveillance (7 comments)

Why I Support The Abortion Rights Freedom Ride: Ground Zero Texas

Come to the Fonda, N.Y., Peace Conference and Cruise, August 15 - 16

Not in My Jewish Name (18 comments)

Florida Group Gets Message Out About Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (4 comments)

Eyewitness Evidence of Machine Gun Fire on MH17 (53 comments)

Monday, August 4:

Israel and the Erosion of International Humanitarian Law (6 comments)

Israel, Genocide, and the "Logic" of Zionism (2 comments)

Democracy...going, going gone: Leaving Brennan as CIA Director Means the Triumph of Secret Government

Washington Poised to Attack Minnesota (8 comments)

Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack

As Congress Adjourns, GOP Declares "Omission Accomplished" (1 comments)

Eyeless in Gaza

Defining Away Economic Failure (4 comments)

Israel and its Apologists

We're All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State (2 comments)

Romney The Nominee? Klown Kar Redux, 2016

Gaza Genocide and Arab Fratricide (4 comments)

"Hell, No--We won't go! We won't fight for Texaco!!" (1 comments)

Empire in Chaos: Why America is Destabilizing the Planet (26 comments)

The Audacity of Nope: Obama's Failure to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison

Plea to Parents Regarding the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie From American Tortoise Rescue (3 comments)

Wild Bird Fund Rescues Injured and Sick Birds in Metro NYC (1 comments)

Finance in America: Promoting inequality and waste (2 comments)

Why Israel Lies (43 comments)

Sunday, August 3:

Tunisia: Squaring the 'Islamic democracy' circle

NYPD - No One Respects Us for Killing Them (3 comments)

Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts (12 comments)

Israel calls Obama's tune

Who broke the ceasefire? Obama blames Hamas against the evidence (4 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Lenin on the State and Revolution-- Comments by Engels (6 comments)

Israel's "Human Shield" Hypocrisy (2 comments)

Is Hamas Rhetoric of 'kill all Jews" a Natural Outgrowth of Israel's Genocide? (2 comments)

Does "self-defense" justify Israeli attack on Gaza? (8 comments)

Richard Gage explains on C-Span why a real 9/11 investigation is imperative (30 comments)

UPDATED -- Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down that Malaysian Airliner. (95 comments)

Gaza: The Moral Agonies of Asymmetrical Diplomacy (1 comments)

Demand That Clapper and Brennan Be Fired (8 comments)

Beyond the mushroom cloud: what planners have in mind (8 comments)

The further Criminalization of the Black Community on Mr. Obama's Watch (9 comments)

Saturday, August 2:

Finally, Fake News Done Right (10 comments)

GITMO: A Concentration Camp in Small Town USA (2 comments)

(Sunday Homily) Water and Food Are Not Commodities, but Human Rights (12 comments)

Meeting in a Tunnel

Work and Worth (2 comments)

Doomsday Trigger for Megadrought? (11 comments)

Something Sinister Going On? The Unanswered Questions of MH17 (44 comments)

A Successful "Negotiation" of Israel/Palestine Peace Treaty (3 comments)

"LIZ: Do Not Run !" WHAT !!! (11 comments)

Compassionate conservatism - it still exists (2 comments)

Be Careful About Long-Term Energy Optimism (1 comments)

AIDS Advances May be Compromised by Legislative Inaction

Western plutocracy goes bear hunting (13 comments)

Friday, August 1:

If Nuclear War Doesn't Exterminate Us Ebola Virus Might (31 comments)

Clinton vs. Warren: Big Differences, Despite Claims to the Contrary (11 comments)

Israeli Officer Captured; 40 Palestinians Die (1 comments)

Should Obama Fire His CIA Chief for Misleading the Public About the Senate Spying Scandal? (1 comments)

Children, You're Not Welcome Here! (123 comments)

Gaza, Ukraine and the fraud of "human rights" imperialism (1 comments)

Obama and the "Public Sentiment"

The experts' verdict: Every Israeli missile strike is a war crime (1 comments)

America as a Failed State-- and the Delusion that this is about Democrats and Republicans (19 comments)

American political situation begins to resemble Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Top Financial Experts Say World War 3 Is Coming -- Unless We Stop It (9 comments)

*Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU (35 comments)

Good Idea?-- Allowing an Ebola Patient Into the US? (147 comments)

The Gag-O-Meter Registered a Bit Higher With CIA Director Brennan "Apologizing" for Lying (2 comments)

*The American betrayal of the Assyrians (1 comments)

America's man in Libya isn't the right one for the country (1 comments)

Why the Democratic Party Will Die Unless a House Democrat Introduces a Resolution to Impeach President Obama (11 comments)

Waiting "Until" Isn't The Best Plan

Guess Who Cheers When Cease-Fires Collapse (3 comments)


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