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October 2015
Saturday, October 31:
Watch This Alarming Video of Ted Cruz Attacking Climate Change as a Religion (6 comments)
The Exxons of agriculture-- Fertilizer Companies (10 comments)
The lazy reporting around Detroit's anti-Israel billboard (1 comments)
China's 2020 vision (3 comments)
Happy Hours (25 comments)
Shaker Aamer, Known For Guantanamo Resistance, Released (4 comments)
An Open Letter To Chairwoman Yellen From the Savers of America (9 comments)
Major Media Blackout Mystery (5 comments)
Journalism and Government Corruption (1 comments)
Confronting the Obvious Truth: Palestinian Authority vs. the People (1 comments)
Judicial Killings: The Environment on Death Row (2 comments)
A total unknown throws his hat in the ring (2 comments)
Paola Masman: Think Trade Agreements Don't Affect You? Think Again... (8 comments)
Why Hillary Has a Lock on the Black Vote (6 comments)
Friday, October 30:
Adolf, Amin and Bibi (2 comments)
Culture and Conflict Resolution (2 comments)
Imagine If Exxon Had Told the Truth on Climate Change (1 comments)
David Brooks Praises Marco Rubio for Pushing 20-Year-Old Ideas on Welfare Reform
We Need to Put a Price on Carbon (3 comments)
Don't Put Killers on Cereal Boxes (4 comments)
Paul Ryan, R-Wall Street (1 comments)
Anti-Shia campaign: Blowback from Pakistan Part-II
The Caliph at the gates of Vienna (6 comments)
Dealing With the World As It Is to Make It More as It Should Be (32 comments)
Third Way panics over Bernie Sanders and the new American mainstream (19 comments)
Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a Profit (1 comments)
Have We Finally Moved Beyond GDP?
From 'Sustainable' to 'Regenerative'--The Future of Food (1 comments)
Who's Winning This Escalating Geopolitical Struggle Between The U.S. and Russia? (106 comments)
Anti-Israel Activism Criminalized in the Land of Charlie Hebdo and "Free Speech" (4 comments)
Anti-Shia campaign: Blow-back from Pakistan ( Part-1)
Thirty years of HIV epidemic in India: From despair to hope (1 comments)
Garza vs. McKesson: The Great Debate Over How the Democratic Party Will Liberate Black People (5 comments)
A Glimmer of Hope for Syria (2 comments)
Thursday, October 29:
Putin Makes Obama an Offer He Can't Refuse (9 comments)
Murderers Without Frontiers: An American Tradition (3 comments)
Palestinian Woman Shot: Israeli police alter story again (1 comments)
The China Conundrum, the Trump Effect, & a Reality Corporate America Fails to Grasp (29 comments)
Nightmare Alley (3 comments)
Terrorist money directly influences U.S. and international policy toward war with Iran (6 comments)
Netanyahu's having a better week in the Democratic Party than Hillary Clinton!
The Continuing Harassment of Planned Parenthood (7 comments)
Is The Occupation Behind The Current Violence? (2 comments)
The Senate, ignorant on cybersecurity, just passed a bill about it anyway (1 comments)
Instead of Pardoning a Turkey, Obama Should Free This Man (2 comments)
Put Killing of Industries AND Jobs On The Table (49 comments)
A GOP Debate Without a Winner -- Or Much of a Point (1 comments)
Death of a Dairy Cow (6 comments)
The Republicans' Secret (1 comments)
Making a Choice: APA Reform or Business As Usual?
"Holding the Powerful Accountable" -- At WXIA-TV 11 Alive in Atlanta! (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 28:
Bernie Sanders' "Democratic Socialism" (43 comments)
Why the Drug War Has Been a Forty-Year Lynching (1 comments)
Leslie Salzillo: Anonymous to expose 1,000 KKK members
The Paradox of Paul Ryan: Why the Tea Party's Right to be Wary
Are We Humans Destroying Our Own Nest? (6 comments)
Please, John Kasich, Make This Debate Matter by Calling Out Trump and Carson (2 comments)
Trade Deals Boosting Climate Change: The Food Factor (5 comments)
*Resurrect the Export-Import Bank
On Bernie Sanders's Foreign Policy (2 comments)
Drones are a National Security Nightmare (2 comments)
Thomas Riggins: The Inverted World of Niall Ferguson: On the Real Obama Doctrine (2 comments)
Seeing Syrian Crisis Through Russian Eyes (5 comments)
Is War Beautiful? (1 comments)
Stiglitz on Inequality: "The Great Divide" (6 comments)
India planned a covert military attack on a Pakistani nuclear reactor
Hillary Clinton Hasn't Learned a Thing from Iraq (13 comments)
How Obama Could Beat the Debt Ceiling and Go Out a Hero (12 comments)
Paola Masman: Made in America? (1 comments)
Hobby Lobby being investigated for smuggling a lot of ancient artifacts
Ben Carson Still Insists Jews Could Have Gunned Their Way out of the Holocaust (8 comments)
A Geo-political Realignment in the World? (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 27:
"Reckless, Dangerous, Irresponsible": US Warship Provokes Beijing in South China Sea (5 comments)
Does Ben Carson Believe Most Evangelical Voters Are Going to Hell? (2 comments)
Benghazi: Hillary Clinton and C.I.A. Crimes (10 comments)
Israel's False History Is Exposed, Then Embraced (16 comments)
Electing Trudeau Isn't Enough, We Need "Relentless Pressure From Below" (2 comments)
Snowball-Throwing, Climate-Denying Senator May Crash Paris Climate Talks (2 comments)
ISIS Sorts America's 'Allies' from Russia's 'Friends' (14 comments)
Of Smoke 'n Mirrors (Lost in the Wilderness) -- Part One (5 comments)
Gabon shows that 'African success stories' are not misnomers
American capitalism: A disaster with no 'moral center' (7 comments)
Beckwatch: Glenn as "The Brain", Ben Carson as "Pinky" (13 comments)
Turkey's recent strategies regarding the Syrian conflict (1 comments)
*Member of the Armed Services Committee Tells Truth to Power about Syria (33 comments)
Monday, October 26:
An Attempt At Engagement Falls Flat (2 comments)
The Presidential Battle of 2016 (5 comments)
Ecosystems Threatened By Increasing Regulation & Liability Costs (1 comments)
Fear of the Walking Dead: The American Police State Takes Aim (2 comments)
BBC Protects U.K.'s Close Ally Saudi Arabia With Incredibly Dishonest and Biased Editing
Battle of Aleppo is a must-win for Russia (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This "Political Revolution" Thing
Monopoly patent protections endanger middle class jobs (1 comments)
Tomgram: Nick Turse, Success, Failure, and the "Finest Warriors Who Ever Went Into Combat" (1 comments)
Yet Another Secret Trade Deal -- Are We Citizens Or Subjects? (1 comments)
Not Sorry Enough: Tony Blair Apologizes for Iraq War "Mistakes" (1 comments)
Why We're All Obliged to Help the Democrats Prevail (46 comments)
Commercials Urge Drone Operators -- "Refuse To Fly" (1 comments)
Bombshell Revelation From Benghazi Committee, And It's Not One The Republicans Wanted
Batsh*t Crazy GOP Dysfunction Started with John McCain's Bringing Sarah Palin (7 comments)
Chuck Todd attempts to do what Republicans couldn't to Hillary Clinton
To What Extent Are the Fed and Big Banks Criminal Enterprises? (27 comments)
Share like a Sherpa: Class Inequality in the "Sharing" Economy (2 comments)
Do You Want to See Polar Bears in 2050? (2 comments)
The Silly Season (3 comments)
The 24/7 Election and Media Carousel (4 comments)
Updated: Debt No More! How Biden can defeat Austerity Thugs by Using the Constitution and Debt-Free Money (10 comments)
America Needs a Social Revolution! (10 comments)
Sunday, October 25:
Prostitution: Being Raped for a Living (16 comments)
Tony Blair Is Sorry, A Little (4 comments)
Canadians assess aftermath of Harper holocaust (3 comments)
War and Peace -- revisited (5 comments)
An Idiotic GOP Is Looking at the Wrong Thing in Its Clinton Probe (1 comments)
Spread The Word: TPP Is Toxic Political Poison That Politicians Should Avoid (2 comments)
TPP Opposed by Most Likely Future Leaders of Both Parties-- How To Use That Now.
E-Signatures and Drone Strikes (3 comments)
Saturday, October 24:
Don't be fooled by "Inclusive Capitalism" It's still a disaster! (9 comments)
Hillary Clinton Speech at Iowa Jefferson Jackson Dinner- Full Video (3 comments)
Weep, Beloved Country (1 comments)
Where Are the Passionate Editors? (1 comments)
It's Time for the US to Return to "Socialist" Policies (4 comments)
How a High Dollar Speech Sends a former Israeli Prime Minister to US Federal Court on Claims of War Crimes (7 comments)
Translating Global Goals into local actions to fight NCDs (1 comments)
"Yugoslavia break-up was planned in advance" (80 comments)
Cancer Capitalism (9 comments)
Friday, October 23:
Not Everyone on the Benghazi Committee Was an Embarrassment (4 comments)
When the War Machine Was Young
The Empire of Chaos is in a Jam (4 comments)
How Cat Stevens Made Bill Murray's New Film Happen (1 comments)
Americans Stand Naked Before Injustice
Questions to Republicans Reflecting Chris Stevens' Values: The Perspective of a Friend (1 comments)
Ukraine- Cyber Mercenaries Attack (10 comments)
The Water Is Boiling Now And The Frog Doesn't Know It (3 comments)
Hey Democrats, Don't Pull an NDP -- Run as Progressives (6 comments)
Latest Report from Latakia, Syria (30 comments)
If Ever America Needed A People's Political Revolution It's Now (20 comments)
Veto Corleone Already in White House (2 comments)
Police murders waiting to happen: The Casual and Dangerous Overuse of Undercover Cops in America (2 comments)
Imitating Realness: Art and Authenticity
Bernie Sanders Greatest Fault (91 comments)
Thursday, October 22:
Pakistan's new toast: Army Chief Raheel Sharif
Painting Palestinians as Nazis, Netanyahu Incites a Wave of Vigilante Violence
Israel Calls a Man Its Soldiers Killed a "Terrorist": Until They Realized He Was an Israeli Jew
The 4 Big Lies About Immigrants -- And The Truth (7 comments)
Killing Off Community Banks -- Intended Consequence of Dodd-Frank? (7 comments)
Paul Ryan Was Already Rejected for a Leadership Position -- by the Voters (1 comments)
Benghazi Hearings to Sink Clinton have been a Stupendous Failure (4 comments)
Paul Ryan Wants to Shut Down the Government, Permanently (1 comments)
Living With Racism in the USA (1 comments)
Demands Increase For Investigating Exxon's Funding Of Climate Denial
The Downsides of Cheap Abundance
Are Republicans Evil? (3 comments)
Spoiled Rotten: Who Owns Your Vote?
The End of the Republican Party (7 comments)
A Political Platform Worth Fighting For (7 comments)
Wednesday, October 21:
Lawsuit Filed in US Court Against Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (1 comments)
Putin Forces Obama to Capitulate on Syria (61 comments)
What Clinton Got Wrong About Snowden (8 comments)
Clinton vs Sanders vs O'Malley On Fixing Banking (4 comments)
The Cost Germany Is Paying For Washington's Wars
Trump vs. Jeb (1 comments)
What Congress Should Ask Hillary Clinton (3 comments)
The Shape of the Imperial Cage (3 comments)
Faking the Terrorist Threat (1 comments)
Corrupt DEA Agent Sentenced to 78 Months, Casts Pall Over Silk Road Conviction
Beware the "Final" in Final Reports (1 comments)
Biden Won't Run. It Will Help Hillary
If I Were the Blue Collar Prince of America. (12 comments)
The Solar Revolution Is for Everyone
*The Federal Complaint Process - A First Person Account (1 comments)
Putin's actions in Syria, Do you really want to mess with us? (4 comments)
Neither Positive nor Negative but Balanced Voting (10 comments)
2030 Agenda: Development for whom?
Twenty-First-Century Fascism: Private Military Companies in Service to the Transnational Capitalist Class (30 comments)
Biden on the Brink! (8 comments)
U.S. Wants More "Usable" Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Tuesday, October 20:
Maria Bartiromo and the "Moral Imperative" of Capitalism (11 comments)
MH-17 Case: "Old" Journalism vs. "New" (31 comments)
Pakistan develops low-yield nuclear weapons to counter India's limited war doctrine (1 comments)
Dr. Strangelove is naked (2 comments)
Will The Crazed Neocons Bring Us Nuclear Winter?
Justin Trudeau Just Showed American Democrats How to Win the Next Election (8 comments)
A Clinton/Trump Ticket (16 comments)
Exxon Knew Everything There Was to Know About Climate Change by the Mid-1980s -- and Denied It
Why I Oppose the Genocide Prevention Act (3 comments)
Does Israel Need a New Law to Frisk and Search? (1 comments)
Germany Against Itself (6 comments)
The Terror (1 comments)
PLAUSIBLE NEWS: Blockbuster World War 3, The Sequel (Satire)
The Death of an American Political Prisoner (24 comments)
Biden Schmiden (1 comments)
The rise of famine in Somalia, Part I
Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police, Precrime and the War on Domestic 'Extremists' (3 comments)
A Discourse on Bernie Sanders' Policies (10 comments)
Monday, October 19:
George Will, Bernie Sanders, Freedom and Income Inequality
Extrapolating From the MSM Post CNN Debate Mass Hillary Lie Fest (43 comments)
Biden His Time (2 comments)
Biden Presidential Run Won't Stop Hillary
Jerusalem chaos is a warning of things to come (1 comments)
The Dem Debate Was Good For The Country. Let's Have More Of Them (4 comments)
Lawrence Lessig and the Lessons of Lowell
The Morality of a $15 Minimum (1 comments)
A Giant Raptor Fueled by Oil Circles the Earth
How Secure Do You Feel, John Q. Public? (5 comments)
Before It Is Too Late (1 comments)
Why I no longer support Candidate Sanders (44 comments)
Past Decade in Syria in 5 Minutes (6 comments)
GE-- Telling Us We're Stupid, as Well as Avoiding Paying Taxes (14 comments)
Bill McKibben Gets Arrested Exposing Exxon's "Unparalleled Evil" (7 comments)
What is the best kind of government for Iran? Zerocracy (10 comments)
No short-term stakes in Af-Pak region
An Embarrassment of "Churches". When "Christian" Is Blasphemous, Senseless ... and Violent. (6 comments)
Sunday, October 18:
Death by Fracking (7 comments)
"I would have stopped 9/11" says Trump. He's "pathetic" and "an actor," retorts Jeb Bush (16 comments)
Natylie Baldwin: Postcard from St. Petersburg (4 comments)
American History: Winners -- Losers -- Labels -- Decisions - Traditions! (1 comments)
Fox News: Giving the Nod to a Wannabe CIA Con Man (4 comments)
Why I Want to Shut Down Rikers (1 comments)
Cosby, Not Ebony Magazine, Fanned Stereotypes of the Black Family
A Night in New Hampshire Where Media Missed the Point! (6 comments)
Rolling Stone: Hillary Clinton's take on banks won't hold up (5 comments)
*At UN Syria Failed to Call for Nuremberg Justice re US Funded Terrorist Invasions (6 comments)
*Burma's Nationwide Ceasefire Accord looks like half-done
The Imaginary Cuban Troops in Syria (4 comments)
Hillary Talks Populist But Uses Neoliberal Code (8 comments)
The Buck Stops Where? (24 comments)
Saturday, October 17:
Drone Papers: Leaked Military Documents Expose US "Assassination Complex" (1 comments)
After One Good Debate, Democrats Need to Schedule a Lot More of Them (5 comments)
Obama Should Make Corporations Disclose Their Political Spending
Bernie Blew It: He Sold Out Instead of Confronting Clinton (14 comments)
Rebuilding Nature With Fire, Water @ Man
Beneath the new brand, the Liberal party leads Canada in the wrong direction (12 comments)
American hegemony and incoherence (2 comments)
Turkish Labour And The Turkish Political Challenge
The Despicable Duo: Donald Trump and Ben Carson (5 comments)
#BlackLivesMatter: Chat Partners with Hillary (19 comments)
Is Sanders' democratic socialism compatible with capitalism? (50 comments)
How A Truly Fear-ridden Average American Reacted to the Democratic Debate
Quantitative Easing Was a Bust; Let's Try Higher Wages Instead (2 comments)
Friday, October 16:
US Make-Believe in Syrian War (6 comments)
Wicked: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (4 comments)
Hillary Clinton's Duplicity and Media Complicity (16 comments)
The New Sustainable Development Goals and Global Schizophrenia (6 comments)
Videos challenge Israeli police account of shootings
TPP: Cutting 18,000 Tariffs? So what? (3 comments)
The Settlers' Prussia (2 comments)
13 Ways of Looking at the Deep State (6 comments)
AUSTERITY 101: The Three Reasons Republican Deficit Hawks Are Wrong (3 comments)
Reject Plan to Continue War on Afghanistan
Will the World Awaken? Prospects For the Sustainable Development Agenda Adopted by the United Nations (2 comments)
A New Snowden? Whistleblower Leaks Trove of Documents on Drones & Obama's Assassination Program (4 comments)
Glossip v. The Death Penalty: Does Oklahoma's Negligent Mock Execution Actionably Enhance Glossip's Lackey Claim? (2 comments)
Why Peace Activists Should Stop Cheering for Russian Bombs in Syria (4 comments)
Iran Boycotts World's Largest Book Fair
DNC Revealed as Un-democratic, Top-Down Authoritarian Election Rigging Fiefdom Run By Hillary Insiders (25 comments)
Thursday, October 15:
Why So Many Americans Still Say No to Sanders' Socialism (2 comments)
NYT Plays Games with MH-17 Tragedy (3 comments)
Gun Cultures -- An Analysis (11 comments)
Exxon's climate lie: "No corporation has ever done anything this big or bad" (4 comments)
Did Russia's Intervention Derail Turkey's Plan to Invade Syria? (17 comments)
Barbara Lee Is Still Right to Object to the Blank-Check Endless War in Afghanistan (1 comments)
It's the Cloture, Stupid! Bring Back the Filibuster to Restore 'Power of the Purse' (1 comments)
*Usual US Criminal Insanity! Presidential Heroes of Mostly Children Genocide in Vietnam? John Kerry's Ass (2 comments)
Lessons from the Syrian inferno (2 comments)
It's Time For The Press To Break Up With Gowdy's Benghazi Committee (1 comments)
Media Coverage Drives Gun Violence (2 comments)
A day in the life of a Peace Corps Volunteer
Lessons for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
John Kiriakou: The Sad Fate of America's Whistleblowers (2 comments)
Syria: A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Explode (56 comments)
10 Takeaways From the Democratic Debate
TPP: Trading people for profit
Hillary and Wikipedia Slam Russia
Wednesday, October 14:
The Kunduz Hospital Atrocity (3 comments)
Bernie and Hillary: It is a New Day (22 comments)
Paola Masman: Why Does The Media Refuse To Talk About The TPP? (4 comments)
Syria and the drumbeat of World War III (2 comments)
Rehab or the playoffs? CC made the right choice (1 comments)
Pundits Thought Clinton Beat Sanders -- but Did Viewers? (3 comments)
Adelson will mold Rubio into "perfect little puppet"
Fracking Fraud: Natural Gas Dodgery (1 comments)
VFP in Chile Protesting U.S. Funded Military Base Fuerte Aguayo
Public vs Private Practices (2 comments)
A Parallel Crescent To Stop Iran In Its Tracks (3 comments)
Hillary Clinton's Top-Down Trifecta May Not Be Enough to Beat Bernie's Bottom-up Power (16 comments)
The "A" Word That Terrifies Washington (6 comments)
What Became of the Vikings? (1 comments)
The Democratic Debate Wasn't (10 comments)
U.S. Government Decides Voting Is Less Important Than a Military Draft (2 comments)
Putin's gamble succeeding in Syria? (1 comments)
Smashing the Abbas icon of Palestinian non -- violence (1 comments)
Dogs not barking: Netanyahu and Harper (1 comments)
Canada's Republican-Style Government Exploits Christian Fundamentalist Ideology (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 13:
When Peace Activists Met With the U.S. Institute of Peace (8 comments)
MH-17: The Dog Still Not Barking (4 comments)
Did Netanyahu Play the Holocaust Card One Time too Many? (3 comments)
Getting the Export-Import Bank to Pay Dividends
Prescription for Afghan Hospital Bombing: Independent Investigation and US Troop Withdrawal
Video shows police tasing a bloody, restrained Matthew Ajibade in the testicles before his death (1 comments)
As unrest grows in Israel and Palestine, Netanyahu seeks scapegoats (1 comments)
Say hello to my cruise missiles (3 comments)
We Need a Different National Conversation (1 comments)
How Will Sanders and Trump face their Howard Dean Moments (12 comments)
Pulpit Gun Pimps: Evangelical vs Catholic Edition (1 comments)
Afghanistan and Iraq: Lessons for the Imperial (9 comments)
Monday, October 12:
The Presidential Debate Question No One Is Asking: "Are You a Capitalist?" (10 comments)
A Walk Down Memory Lane (1 comments)
Of course, it is an intifada: This is what you must know (2 comments)
Put Drug Treatment Into National Conversation
Needling Obama for More Wars (5 comments)
How Will Bernie Show His Toughness? Certainly Not Like Chris Christy (3 comments)
Èzili Dantò: Abolish Christopher Columbus Day, Stop Imperialism (24 comments)
Recognizing Neocon Failure Shows Obama Has Come To His Senses
Privatized NSA Army is Attacking YOU! (2 comments)
Climate Denial (13 comments)
Kunduz hospital attack was no mistake: US Dispatched a Murderous AC-130 Airborne Gunship to Attack a Hospital (14 comments)
How Pro-Israel Fanatics Have Teamed up with Right-Wing Operatives to Crush Free Speech on Campus (3 comments)
The Rise of Shallow, Demonstrative Religion (45 comments)
How Do You Prepare a Child for Life in the American Police State? (2 comments)
Five Years is Five Years Too Long: Free Julian Assange! (7 comments)
*Budgetarily Marginalizing Kennedys, Generals Zinni, McChrystal, Pope Francis, and the New Deal Ethic? (1 comments)
Canada's degenerate treatment of First Nations peoples is a weakness that diminishes us at home and abroad. (9 comments)
Anti-Islam, anti-Muslim rallies 'Fizzle' nationwide (1 comments)
Mass Murders are Good for Business (2 comments)
Sunday, October 11:
"A Pipeline Straight to Jail" (6 comments)
Bernie Drones and Bernie Volunteers (19 comments)
How CNN Shapes Political Debate (6 comments)
Tell Washington to Get Lost (4 comments)
A Solution to the Quagmire in the Middle East (8 comments)
Battle Lines Are Being Drawn for First Democratic Debate (2 comments)
Fascists are NOT Insignificant, Wherever You Find Them (3 comments)
Closed Circuits: Media Mooks and the Freedom Caucus Myth (2 comments)
The 'US Way of War' from Columbus to Kunduz (5 comments)
Neoliberal Carnism is Cooking Us All and We're Lining Up To Be Served (1 comments)
Whole Thinking--a Bottom-up, Systemic Mind-- to See an Oppressive System (39 comments)
Did a Mass Killer Get it Right in Blaming the Media? (1 comments)
Depraved Indifference Should Not Be Considered "Winning Baseball" (1 comments)
The Rube Goldberg Machine (1 comments)
Saturday, October 10:
The Obscenity of Our War (3 comments)
The World is a Traffic Jam (3 comments)
Go Ahead, Back Hillary Clinton and Forget All About Her Record (2 comments)
Amnesty International Once Again Refuses to Oppose War (1 comments)
Obama's Two-Faced Foreign Policy (4 comments)
Video and Audio of Pilots Who Bombed Hospital (2 comments)
A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred
How Do You Cover The Gun "Debate" When One Side Spouts Nonsense? (20 comments)
Call to kick polluters out of climate talks
Transnational Corporate Rights Override Human Rights And "Life Capital" (5 comments)
Democracy Sold-- To 158 Families (12 comments)
*Top Psychiatrist's Stunning Announcement about Gun Violence (16 comments)
The REAL Reason Saudi Arabia Hates Iran (21 comments)
Obama's Justice: Holder Fought Prisoner Release, Lynch Backtracks on Killer Cops (1 comments)
Friday, October 9:
House Tea Partiers to the World: Burn, Baby, Burn
Putin's "Endgame" in Syria (7 comments)
Switching Sides in the "War on Terrorism" (87 comments)
Flint, MI: The Making of A U.S. Sacrifice Zone (4 comments)
Weisburd's World: American Jihadi Targeting Americans and EU! (3 comments)
America Urgently Needs an Unbalanced Budget (13 comments)
Hillary, Bernie, and the Banks (4 comments)
Columbus Lives (1 comments)
Leader without Glory (2 comments)
Ramadi (1 comments)
America's Veterans Under Seige by Feds
Russia is new sheriff in Middle East town (82 comments)
The Pornography of Hatred (1 comments)
Anti-Muslim protests can be a positive force to bring Americans Together (2 comments)
Attempting to Obtain Information Through a Looking Glass (3 comments)
It's time the US drop its hypocritical stance on Djibouti (3 comments)
Too Big to Fail: No Bailout for Biodiversity
Kevin McCarthy's Exit Proves What We Already Know -- the GOP Is Completely Dysfunctional (3 comments)
*Bernie holds the potential to erase the divide between right and left (8 comments)
Ben Carsons ignorant about constitution (1 comments)
Sen. Sanders: Call for Independent Investigation of Attack on Doctors Without Borders (2 comments)
Criticism of CNN's Democratic Debate Panel
*In UN of Appearances Latin Americans Don't Call for Nuremberg Prosecution - In 2009 Gaddafi Did (6 comments)
Nobel Peace Prize for Peace (2 comments)
An Open Application for the Position of Speaker of the House (3 comments)
Listen to Syrians: The Media Jackals and the People's Narrative (2 comments)
Thursday, October 8:
The Billionaire Hypocrisy of Helping the Poor (30 comments)
Clinton's Opposition To TPP Marks "A Critical Turning Point" (1 comments)
The Snowden effect: new privacy wins await after data transfer ruling
The Doctors Without Borders bombing is a symptom of foreign occupation (1 comments)
Why the U.S. Owns the Rise of Islamic State and the Syria Disaster (4 comments)
Here's How the Man Murdoch Calls a "Real Black President" Will Govern (6 comments)
Watch Climate Denier Ted Cruz Bully Sierra Club President in Senate Hearing (4 comments)
Portugal: European Left Batting 1,000 (1 comments)
The Second Amendment's Fake History (18 comments)
Identity News, Color Blues, & Ethnic Dues, Part One
The Deadly Epidemic of Mass Murders Spreading Across America (8 comments)
Bipolar America (4 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Why a US Congressional Special Investigative Committee (CSIC) must be created to investigate the MSF hospital bombing
Wednesday, October 7:
War Party's New Line: Vladimir Putin is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (46 comments)
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Are You Nuts? (2 comments)
Another Bombed Hospital, Another day in the Empire. (1 comments)
Comfortably Numb (2 comments)
Hajj tragedies to be dealt with bravely, openly (3 comments)
The NATO-Russia face off in Syria (5 comments)
The TPP Prioritizes the "Rights" of Corporations Over Workers, the Environment, and Democracy (2 comments)
The Absence Of Real Commitment To Peace (4 comments)
Thank You Donald Trump (1 comments)
Dialogues for justice, public interest and the common good
Why No True Democrat Should Support Hillary Clinton (2 comments)
TPP plots to cripple China (12 comments)
Why Is the U.S. Refusing An Independent Investigation If Its Hospital Airstrike Was An "Accident"? (12 comments)
Obama Boots Syrian Peace Chance (5 comments)
How do Residents of Lakatia Feel about Russian Presence? (20 comments)
*Shades of Vietnam: The Horrors of COLLATERAL DAMAGE Once Again! (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 6:
How Putin will Win in Syria (8 comments)
Flagless Germany (5 comments)
Why is Donald Trump's tax plan ridiculed but the TPP deal gets a pass?
Enormous, Humongous August Trade Deficit Welcomes TPP (2 comments)
John Kiriakou: Carly Fiorina Just Doesn't "Get It" on Torture (4 comments)
The Making of a Sociopathic Killer: A List of Risk Factors for School Shooters (23 comments)
"It Is Very Heavy Here Right Now" (1 comments)
In Brief: "Lone Nuts" and Natural Fruit; Moscow Murk (1 comments)
Shifting the blame (1 comments)
A Bold Proposal For Comprehensive Gun Regulation (27 comments)
This 2016 Presidential Campaign Bites: Bite Back
Privatization Is The problem, Not The Solution (4 comments)
Sanders vs. Clinton on Gun Control? Bring It. (24 comments)
The Second Amendment: What Does It Actually Say and Mean? (35 comments)
Damn, Bullies and Gun Violence have breached our Nation (2 comments)
Beau Biden's Dying Wish to Joe-- Don't Let The White House Revert to the Clintons (7 comments)
Misrepresentation of the Colombian Conflict (1 comments)
Netanyahu seeks to impose a new reality at Al Aqsa (2 comments)
Slavs and the Yellow Peril are "n****Rs, brutes and beasts", in the eyes of Western empire (44 comments)
Natylie Baldwin: My Arrival in Moscow (2 comments)
Anti-Muslim protests across America and Muslim Response (3 comments)
Can Corporatized Universities Allow Criticism of Israel?
Monday, October 5:
On the Age-Old Tradition of Not Caring (2 comments)
The Radically Changing Story of the U.S. Airstrike on Afghan Hospital: From Mistake to Justification (6 comments)
Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit
The Incomprehensible Idea: What Opposing All Wars Means (10 comments)
A Union Leader Who Always Knew Which Side He Was On
Is the media learning to respect Bernie Sanders? (4 comments)
Vladimir Putin,The Adult in the Room (10 comments)
Somebody who never went to college helps children of brick kiln workers enter college
Don't Put Privatizer And Payday Lender Lobbyist On The USPS Board
Cut, Cut, Cut, and More Cuts (Part II) (7 comments)
Anti-Muslim protests scheduled nationwide for Oct 9th & 10th (2 comments)
*The root of violence in our present community life
I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria (2 comments)
Thomas Riggins: Afghan Hospital Bombing: Its Meaning (16 comments)
'Neutralizing' John Lennon: One Man Against the 'Monster' (2 comments)
Obama's Betrayal Moves Forward-- Eleven Nations Agree on TPP (80 comments)
The LGBT "Francis vs Kim Davis" September Scores Are In! Guess Who Won! (1 comments)
Sunday, October 4:
Sanders Rallies Springfield, Ma. to the Campaign for Revolutionary Change (8 comments)
Local Resistance Can Overthrow Our Political Masters (24 comments)
The Russian Bear Growls (4 comments)
The Hope Behind Putin's Syria Help (6 comments)
War Party Hates Putin -- Loves al-Qaeda (3 comments)
Alabama Toughens Rules for Voting While Black (1 comments)
GMO Propaganda and the Sociology of Science (9 comments)
*At UN General Debate Iran Fails to Call for Nuremberg Justice (1 comments)
Ruminations of an Afghan Girl Burning to Death in a Hospital Bed (4 comments)
The Oregon Massacre Won't Shake NRA Stranglehold (4 comments)
"STUFF HAPPENS": The World According to Jeb Bush (2 comments)
Islamophobia: Why Do We Hate Them? (20 comments)
Putin's Lightning War in Syria (29 comments)
Saturday, October 3:
In the Public Interest: Monsanto and Its Promoters vs. Freedom of Information (1 comments)
Amid the Crowing of the GOP and Clinton, Sanders Is on the Rise (3 comments)
One Day After Warning Russia of Civilian Casualties, the U.S. Bombs a Hospital in Afghanistan (1 comments)
Why Bernie and Hillary Must Address America's Dying Nuke Reactors (7 comments)
US Tax Dollars and Ukraine's Finance Minister (1 comments)
Washington Post Won't Let Journalistic Integrity Stand in the Way of Scaring You Away From Sanders (6 comments)
When Did 'Regime Change' Replace 'Free and Fair Elections'? (12 comments)
Join hands to make the dream of smoke-free society, a reality!
The Gun Always Wins (3 comments)
Maldives tryst with Islamist militancy and Chinese shadow
Robert M. Nelson: Of scientists and charlatans: Noted Argentine Chemist Warns of Climate Disaster (2 comments)
*The "Latest" Gun Massacre? (2 comments)
Friday, October 2:
*Missouri to execute innocent autistic man October 6. Ferguson prosecutor responsible. (2 comments)
A Syria/Berliner ensemble (8 comments)
Nasser and I (5 comments)
Why the Washington Post's Attack on Bernie Sanders is Bunk (1 comments)
In a Perfect World (7 comments)
Town Officals Try To Develop a Public Wetlands
Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy
Putin to the rescue again, Part II (1 comments)
Archaic Sports, Done Today Would Be Douchebaggery-- Add Shooting (28 comments)
Dotting I's and Crossing T's at the Elysee Palace (2 comments)
A Jolly Good Empire (2 comments)
"Corporate Welfare:" Kidnapped and Brainwashed (10 comments)
Is Putin Right? (32 comments)
The Forgotten Refugee Crisis in Ukraine
Hillary Offers Syria a Libyan-Iraqi-Style Paradise (3 comments)
Why Hillary Won't Fail (4 comments)
Sanders vs. Clinton: Who Has the Best Plan for College Students? (4 comments)
Arizona Congressmen Steal Apache Sacred Land and Natural Treasure for Foreign Mining Corporations (1 comments)
Putin's Blitz Leaves Washington Rankled and Confused (1 comments)
Thursday, October 1:
Should US Ally with Al Qaeda in Syria? (9 comments)
On Michael Savage Calling Bernie Sanders a "Liberal Weasel Jew" (2 comments)
The Next One, part 43,876 (1 comments)
Are you ready for the two-headed coalition? (6 comments)
Rouhani's dual messages and Iran's security strategy
Road to Damascus: An Odd Quack of Truth from the Telegraph (4 comments)
Sanders Is Crowdfunding a Campaign, but That Doesn't Diminish the Need for Campaign Reform
Hannity Doubles Down: The Phony Benghazi Scandal Committee Fox Built Was "Political"
A $15/hr living wage, not a minimum wage (1 comments)
Houston Prosecutors Pay Witnesses, Hide Payments (2 comments)
Private Prisons: Bernie Sanders is Right
The Demise of the Mad Hatter (2 comments)
Black Lives Matter: The Problem of Citizenship (9 comments)
A Book Review: A Normal Nuclear Pakistan (2 comments)
Pope Francis Criticizes Capitalism as a "Putrid, Rotten System" (37 comments)
Nuclear Electricity Generation Belongs to the Past Not the Future
Why Bernie Sanders May Not Win New York: The Problem With Archaic Election Laws (4 comments)
40 percent Republicans want to outlaw Islam in America
Lavrov's Press Conference A Boon for Journos (2 comments)
U.S. Bombs Somehow Keep Falling in the Places Where Obama "Ended Two Wars" (12 comments)
He Said, She Said: An Election Dilemma (11 comments)