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April 2017

Sunday, April 30:

From Right to Left, a Vet's Perspective (23 comments)

Day 13,Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike- Clashes in Hebron

Cinco de Mayo - a great battle, a great victory

Part 3 - How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for 'Unconventional Warfare' (2 comments)

The Progressive Resistance: "Woke" on Politics, Comatose on Marketing (14 comments)

Why So Many Still Adore Trump--Despite Everything (5 comments)

An optimistic perspective on a scary crisis: No US War on North Korea (14 comments)

What I Said at the Peace Hub of the Climate March (1 comments)

How will we avert asthma deaths without definitive diagnostics and universal access to effective treatment?

No one told me this job was so hard (4 comments)

"National Security": The Last Refuge of Vote-Buying Politicians (2 comments)

Trump: "I'm a nationalist and a globalist...and I'm the only decider" (1 comments)

Prediction: Marine Le Pen will win the French Presidency (27 comments)

Postcard from the End of America: New Haven (5 comments)

Saturday, April 29:

Puppies Need Justice Too (2 comments)

Gambhir isn't stopping at CRPF aid alone (1 comments)

Israel is Trying to Legitimize Airstrikes on Syria

Friday, April 28:

Gallipoli, Has Australia Learned Anything?

We May Be Headed to War. Thank the Media.

Trump Threats to WikiLeaks "Nuclear Option" Against the First Amendment (14 comments)

Israeli And Palestinian Women Must Raise The Banner Of Revolt

Reality TV Trump

Giving a Voice to the Real Targets of Crime vs. Silencing and Demonizing Immigrants

Obama's New Job: Guardian of Official Lies (3 comments)

Muslim profiling at US borders escalates during President Trump's first 100 days (1 comments)

Wall St. soars as Economy tanks: how Trump will respond to economic collapse (4 comments)

Building A World Beyond War: What Will It Take? -- David Swanson in Vermont (1 comments)

What could you have been thinking of, Nuclear Regulatory Commission? (1 comments)

Ashutosh, check your facts on Hindutva (1 comments)

Syria: Evidence-Based Analysis Versus Mainstream Propaganda Narratives (2 comments)

Part II - How Neocons Push for War by Cooking the Books (5 comments)

The Trump presidency: it should generate a thunderous WAKE UP call for all Americans (10 comments)

Berkeley Gets Trolled

Terrorizing the Vulnerable (61 comments)

Trump's Unconstitutional Assault on the Judiciary) (5 comments)

Why Don't We Hear This Question: What Does Kim Jong-un, North Korea's Supreme Commander, Want? (12 comments)

Trump's Tax Plan Bleeds Red Ink and Does Not Focus on Job Creation

Trump's fired National Security Adviser lied: the Tip of the Iceberg (4 comments)

The Lame Response of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Obama's $400,000 Wall Street Speaking Fee (29 comments)

The First 100 Days: Trump Builds His Wall (1 comments)

Thursday, April 27:

A Better Human Story (First in a Series) (20 comments)

Earth Day Denial that War Causes Climate Change (11 comments)

Win the Debate, Don't Shut It Down (9 comments)

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The U.S. Military Moves Deeper into Africa

What Happened to Compassion? (16 comments)

Nuclear Breakthrough Endangers the World (11 comments)

Bipartisan Russophobia is a dangerous distortion (19 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Hybrid War: Reactive Mismeasures: The New Yorker and the "New" Cold War Propaganda (Part 4) (3 comments)

Trump says sanctuary cities breed crime but they are the safest cities in the nation (7 comments)

Eight Years of Suffering for Joey (3 comments)

A Millionaire by Age 30? Here's How (6 comments)

mark! Lopez Fights for East Los Angeles, Wins Goldman Environmental Prize

Wednesday, April 26:

What's it mean to be a good American today? (27 comments)

I've Been Watching How the Ol' Cookie Crumbles

Trump's Hundred Days of Rage and Rapacity

Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State

Sagarika Ghose, which history books are you reading? (13 comments)

The Weakness and Limits of a Jacksonian Foreign Policy (5 comments)

North Korea and Venezuela: case studies in how Starvation Propaganda is War Propaganda (13 comments)

Tuesday, April 25:

Hey Ireland, Your Ambassador Just Told Me You'll Do Anything Trump Wants (1 comments)

The Serialization of The 15% Solution: How the Repub. Relig. Right Took Control of the US: 1981-2022, Section 1: Chap. 2 (2 comments)

NYC Gun Permit Scandal: Graft is Inevitable in a Corrupt System (37 comments)

The Difference between Activity, Action and Expiration Dates: Trump (3 comments)

In Search of a Human-Centric Economy (2 comments)

The Iron Jaws of the Police State: Trump's America Is a Constitution-Free Zone (13 comments)

The Worst Presidential 100 Days Ever (1 comments)

The Looting Machine Called Capitalism

Talk Nation Radio: Deirdre Enright on Freeing Innocent People from Prison (1 comments)

Trump Is Creating an Authoritarian Dictatorship - Here's Why (16 comments)

Filmmaker Laura Poitras Doesn't Know If Military Is Done Investigating Her (1 comments)

Trump Didn't Change. We Did! (15 comments)

Amid human rights violation: Egyptian kangaroo court sentences 20 people to death (1 comments)

Monday, April 24:

A Dilemma For the Intelligence Agencies - An Analysis (1 comments)

First 100 Days: Trump and the Degradation of the Presidency

TRAPPED IN THE CUCKOO'S NEST: Donald Trump's 'Deep State' of Denial (33 comments)

Some Airline Issues (4 comments)

Mobilizing Progressive Resistance (13 comments)

The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day (4 comments)

9/11 Destroyed America

Giving NY's Governor a $783,000 Bribe Is Business as Usual for Rupert Murdoch (1 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Chameleon Presidency

A WWII Veteran Observes: The Choice Is Ours (3 comments)

Is The Lady A Tyger? On the Energetic Roots of the Phenomenon of War (1 comments)

"Trump: The 'Shift' and the Ruling Class" (4 comments)

What is "white supremacy"? A brief history of a term, and a movement, that continues to haunt America - (6 comments)

Sunday, April 23:

U.S. and Turkey Have Long been Aware of ISIS' Chemical Weapons (2 comments)

Federal Prison Wardens' Absurd Mismanagement Bonuses

An Irish Writer and a US Scholar Walk Into a Bar

Tax Reform: Two Places to Start (8 comments)

World Betterment Begins with Workplace Democracy (2 comments)

Why Turkish President Erdogan is Against US interests in the Middle East?

The Modern Distinction between Capitalism and Socialism (1 comments)

]The People's Plan For Transformation

Saturday, April 22:

Easter Sunday for Refugee Children of Syria (4 comments)

Shutting Down American-Style Authoritarianism (15 comments)

The F-35 and the Incinerating Ski Slope (3 comments)

What all the Hullaballoo is About (24 comments)

The EPA Mission (1 comments)

Department of Justice goes after Assange: from traitor to hero to traitor (45 comments)

Friday, April 21:

The Peace Commandment (2 comments)

March for Science (1 comments)

Is Trump Mad? Books, North Korea and a Psychiatric Panel (3 comments)

How U.S. Race Laws Inspired Nazis

Thomas Riggins: Putin's World: Part 3 of Reactive Mismeasures: The New Yorker and the "New" Cold-War Propaganda (2 comments)

DeVos Push for Education "Choice" in Florida, Boca Raton, and Nation Helps Few, Hurts Most (6 comments)

If This Is Freedom and Democracy, What Is Tyranny?

I don't feel safe in this world no more ... I want to sail away to a distant shore and make like an apeman (4 comments)

Showing Real Love for Life on Earth Day (1 comments)

Panama Papers scandal: Pakistan Supreme Court verdict favors Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

IF Everyone agrees our elections are rigged, why does anyone bother to vote? (21 comments)

Can I Learn to Stop Worrying and Love This Bomb? (11 comments)

Reaching Out to Trump Voters (3 comments)

Thursday, April 20:

Maxine Waters Loses Her Mind to "Anti-Russia Dementia" -- Like the Rest of the Black Caucus (6 comments)

I Am A Syrian Living in Syria: "It was Never a Revolution nor a Civil War. The Terrorists are sent by your Government" (12 comments)

An Inevitable Post-Christian Middle East With or Without ISIS? (6 comments)

"Has North Korea Invaded Any Country?" (7 comments)

Liberty Lives in the Light: Illuminate + End "False-Flag" Terrorism (14 comments)

"Buy American, Hire American" is Anti-American (39 comments)

O'Reilly Got the Boot for Being a Sexual Reprobate, But Not for Being Anti-Black

The Destruction of Inlet Beach

Ecuador's Accomplishments under the 10 Years of Rafael Correa's Citizen's Revolution (4 comments)

China reinforces border claims within days of Dalai Lama's visit to India

Trump Vs. Kim Jong Un: two loose cannons, a monumental nightmare in the making (35 comments)

Wednesday, April 19:

A Must-Read in Trying Times: Chomsky's 'Requiem for the American Dream' (2 comments)

US military confrontation with North Korea averted for the present, carrier task force now headed for the Indian Ocean (2 comments)

Trump-- In North Korea You Will Be Murdering Human Beings! (24 comments)

The Republican civil war is the best thing happening (3 comments)

Stacking the Deck?

Pompeo vs. WikiLeaks: It's No Contest (4 comments)

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber

Why Hillary Clinton Really Lost (87 comments)

Tuesday, April 18:

Rennie Davis and Kirsten Liegmann: Information New To The World Is Arriving To Support A New Way Of Living On Earth

A Sane Solution To The Korean Nuclear Crisis (15 comments)

The Price of Resistance (10 comments)

Trump's Gotta Behave (8 comments)

New Evidence that Syrian Gas Story Was Fabricated (13 comments)

Monday, April 17:

Democracy vs Fascism: the ultimate choice (19 comments)

The ACA Lives: fix it not kill it (6 comments)

Run for Your Life: The American Police State Is Coming to Get You (4 comments)

Part I Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate, Abandon hope all ye who enter here -- Dante's Divine Comedy (1 comments)

On North Korea (2 comments)

Attack Against Syria and the Region Speaking Up (1 comments)

A Financial Toll Tax: Transform, Not Reform, the Tax System (2 comments)

Roman Zadorov affair and arbitrary arrests in Israel - serious violations of the right for Liberty

The seeming disconnect of the American people of a nuclear conflagration and the US perpetrating the unthinkable (2 comments)

The Threat Of Nuclear War Is Real Again (11 comments)

Putting the War in Syria in Full Context (3 comments)

Trump has killed 'beautiful little babies' in four countries (22 comments)

The road to world domination (4 comments)

Trump's 'Dog Daze'! (1 comments)

Ever feel like SCREAMING OUT, WHAT'S GOING ON??? (26 comments)

President Erdogan clinches victory in Turkish constitutional referendum

Above the Law? (2 comments)

The Perversity of the War on Terror: when terrorists become reliable sources (4 comments)

The Problem is Washington, Not North Korea (18 comments)

Truth, Lies and Donald Trump (2 comments)

Toward a Politics of Ungovernability: Shutting Down American-Style Authoritarianism (2 comments)

Embracing Evil: Christofascism's Love For Trump, Putin and Prince Tips Its Hand In The Game Of Religion and Poltics (1 comments)

Sunday, April 16:

Impeaching Trump is Not an Option--Yet (7 comments)

E-government in Israel -- transformation into the Post-truth Era

F the USA (22 comments)

On the Necessity of Disagreeable Women and Imperfect Critiques of Feminism (1 comments)

In Defense Of Skepticism Around Alleged Chemical Attack In Syria (8 comments)

Hey, Hey, Donald Trump, How many Kids did you Kill today?? (42 comments)

Philip Farruggio: "In Trump We Trust"... With Monster Bombs (4 comments)

(Easter Sunday Homily) As the Bombs Fly, I Can't Say "Happy Easter." Can You? (5 comments)

Saturday, April 15:

Thank You For Your Service (13 comments)

President MOABA: Mother Of All Bullshit* Artists (8 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Cold War 2.0: The New Yorker and the "New" Cold-War Propaganda (13 comments)

A Government of Morons

The Anti-War Movement Must Oppose US War on Syria (3 comments)

Delegating Power to Generals? Trump's Historic Cowardice and Abrogation of Presidential Responsibility (36 comments)

US drops its most powerful non nuclear bomb on Afghanistan: Muslim lands are testing ground for dangerous weapons? (3 comments)

Will France Elect a Progressive? (3 comments)

Palestinian City On Lockdown as Illegal Settlers Celebrate

President Trump: Obey the Constitution! (16 comments)

Friday, April 14:

Dangerous Liaisons (5 comments)

Reform the Current Democrat Establishment? (13 comments)

Trump's attack on Syria; it's either a Wag the Dog or a False Flag operation (4 comments)

While the Media Slept (1 comments)

Michael Morrissey: Another Example of Real News Ignored (7 comments)

A Tale of Two School Districts

Lebanon's Outlawing of Palestinian Civil Rights Risks Igniting Powder Kegs

What Have We Done: Executive Power, Drones, and Trump?

Thursday, April 13:

Never-Ending War in the Time of Trump and How to Stop It (18 comments)

Are we passing notes here and accomplishing little? (17 comments)

Religion Vs Evolution: A Pragmatic Viewpoint (26 comments)

Wackos in Washington: Decapitating Heads of State is a Risky Business (15 comments)

Nearing A Total Drop Off the Cliff (3 comments)

Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?

"Safe Spaces," Notre Dame Edition: Who's Afraid of Mike Pence? (5 comments)

How to make the U.S. Healthcare System greater than ever before? (1 comments)

India-Pakistan relations worsen over espionage episode

Why Vault 7 Tools Used by Private Contractors Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild- It's the News- Part 2 (10 comments)

Fretting, Fuming Dragon

78 days to regain control (2 comments)

Push for War Highlights Need for Independent Media

Why do our leaders and the media accept conflicting lies about Syria? (23 comments)

What a State-Owned Bank Can Do for New Jersey (5 comments)

Wednesday, April 12:

Philip Farruggio: 2017 Amerika: A New Reich (4 comments)

Steven Jonas: Bush/Cheney, Trump, and Permanent War (6 comments)

Eric Trump explains that his father fired missiles because Ivanka was upset (3 comments)

To Pay For Health Care There Is Also The Amish Way, The American Way (2 comments)

Trump 20 Something Impulse: Ban -- Bomb -- Blame Obama (2 comments)

The United Airlines Incident Isn't Just About Airlines (5 comments)

Trump's Security Tab: A Good Case for Separation of Church and State (3 comments)

All Americans Should Have Access to Health Care (17 comments)

The Strange Love that arises when, together, we say NO to the lies that separate us (12 comments)

The DNC leadership just demonstrated, in Kansas, how they will lose in 2018 (50 comments)

Tuesday, April 11:

Philip Farruggio: The Drug War on Us... Through Painkillers! (2 comments)

Antiwar Movement: What Can We Do? | David Swanson (4 comments)

Korean Peninsula: A Step to Horror (3 comments)

Trump at The Movies: "Put an Amen to It"

Us Strikes on Syria Based on Another Lie (20 comments)

The Federal War on Drugs is Unconstitutional (19 comments)

Trudeau poodles empire (9 comments)

The Federal Reserve's missed mandate: jobs (2 comments)

Trump Should Rethink Syria Escalation (8 comments)

United Airlines Is A Metaphoric Symptom (18 comments)

The Bombs Of Springtime

Monday, April 10:

Don't Be a United Airlines Passenger (3 comments)

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse? (3 comments)

What the hell is going on? (4 comments)

A Message to the Democratic Party with a Small Reminder to Rand Paul

The "Assad Launched a Chemical Attack" Story Has Not Been Proved (1 comments)

Waiting for the next shoe to drop (2 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Dennis Kucinich on Opposing War on Syria

How Christ Was Betrayed And Murdered

The Death Of Truth And Love Of War (2 comments)

Donald Trump Has Been Played Like a Violin (56 comments)

Fake Liberals Neera Tanden and Howard Dean Attack Tulsi Gabbard (28 comments)

Russia-Baiting Pushed Trump to Attack Syria -- and Increases the Risks of Nuclear Annihilation (9 comments)

The Pandora's Box of War (15 comments)

Palm Sunday church bombings in Egypt kill 44, wound dozens

Trump Supporters Aren't Afraid, But You Should Be (2 comments)

George King: "The only question that really matters: Why?" "Why have we not Known?" (5 comments)

Sunday, April 9:

Palestinian assaulted and work tools confiscated during early morning raid by Israeli forces

Syrian Attack: Trump's Cuban Missile Moment (1 comments)

The Problem with the "Just for Show" Explanation of Trump's Missile Attack on Syria (23 comments)

Income Tax: No Honor Among Thieves (16 comments)

The Syria Conspiracy: Now Here's One I can Believe: (7 comments)

More Fake News From Washington

Thomas Riggins: Reactive Mismeasures: The New Yorker and the "New" Cold War Propaganda (Part 1) (1 comments)

Assad Is Not an Idiot (50 comments)

The Death of Truth: Part II...The Betrayal:Only Revolution can Save Us! (20 comments)

We Are the Parasite (15 comments)

Out of Control Military (3 comments)

Famine & Endless War Today--WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? (5 comments)

Obscured American: Rudy Dent a 9-11 First Responder (6 comments)

Saturday, April 8:

What To Do If The Stock Market Crashes?

The Thin Red Line

Vlad and Bashar: They Can't Beat the Rap, and They Can't Fight City Hall (1 comments)

Maskirovka vs. Fake News: A Fake False Flag in Syria? (62 comments)

Red Flags and False Flags: (1 comments)

Baby Victims -- Theirs & Ours: the Power of Photos (16 comments)

That They ARE Deplorable Bigots is MORE Important than Economic Populism (18 comments)

Michigan Legislature Needs to Raise Minimum Wage

Assad Had the Upper Hand So Why Would He Gas His Own People? (28 comments)

Friday, April 7:

Die-Hard Dems on "Russia's Meddling" (5 comments)

Trump's Syria Strategy (1 comments)

Pogo, We Need a Reminder!

Trump Comes In From The Cold, Gets Media Respect (2 comments)

Capitalism And American Politics (1 comments)

Washington Has Crossed Russia's Red Line

Peace on Earth or Earth in Pieces? (1 comments)

Call on Congress to Stop the Bombing of Syria (4 comments)

Of Missiles and Teachers (17 comments)

Here we go again: Another President Commits the Ultimate War Crime of Launching a War of Aggression (19 comments)

Abandoned and Deserted- A Cry from the Center (3 comments)

We're Asking The Wrong Questions About Syria (5 comments)

How The Media Paved the Way for Trump's Attack on Syria (3 comments)

"Beautiful Little Babies": What Hypocrisy! (10 comments)

Pope Francis meets 4 Imams to open a Christian-Muslim dialogue

Trump's Tomahawk "Statement" (92 comments)

Thursday, April 6:

Trump Has Surrendered; Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender?

Top 10 Lies, Damn Lies, and Lies About Syria (9 comments)

This Israeli Memoir Will Shake Up Jewish Liberals (2 comments)

Use Latest Tragedy in Syria to End the War, Not Escalate It (3 comments)

Vladimir Putin as Emanuel Goldstein (13 comments)

Instant Runoff - Balanced once Again (3 comments)

Gorsuch, Like Thomas, Will Get His Big Payback

Hebron Palestine Faces More Closures by Israeli Occupation Forces

GOP Filibuster Ban Taints Gorsuch Appointment, Shows Dem Guts (10 comments)

Republicans currently in the driver's seat but Democrats are sitting in the catbird seat (4 comments)

Wednesday, April 5:

The Death of Truth..ISIS, Trump, and Sanders agree Assad is a war criminal (16 comments)

Spirits of Revolutionaries (10 comments)

Who is to be Sacrificed to the Oligarchs? (2 comments)

The Silent Cries of Hiding Children: Fifty Years After MLK's Riverside Church Speech

President Trump welcomes Egyptian dictator, the butcher of Cairo (3 comments)

Inter-sectoral and well-coordinated battle to #endTB is imperative to deliver on Agenda 2030 (1 comments)

Something may be amiss immediately blaming Syrian government for Sarin gas attack (63 comments)

An alternative take on alternative facts (2 comments)

Bannon Booted From National Security Council (7 comments)

Collusion, Treason, Trump and Putin (13 comments)

Animal Lives Matter (2 comments)

USDA Stands Up for Animal Abusers (1 comments)

US Must Adjust its Plan to Liberate Raqqa

Un-Trump the Budget (2 comments)

Michael Uhl: A piece of cake and a pin for your service: Commemorate This! (3 comments)

Tuesday, April 4:

Trump's DOI Pick Reverses Rule Protecting Us From Lead

"Putinism", Through the U.S. Lenses (89 comments)

CPEC and the Economics Magnitude (1 comments)

USDA Wildlife Services Needs to Stop Killing Wildlife, Killing Pets, Harming Humans (3 comments)

Want Privacy? Washington Isn't Where You'll Find It. (1 comments)

Èzili Dantò: By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of National Groups (12 comments)

The World's Best Economist

Swamping the Supremes: "Qualifications," New Confirmation Politics, and the Gorsuch Restoration of Judicial Plutocracy (1 comments)

YOU ARE brainwashed, like the rest of us. Here's how... listen up, please! (33 comments)

When Government Evil Triumphs, Freedom Falls (20 comments)

Iraq rejects displaying Kurdish flag in Kirkuk fearing establishment of Greater Kurdistan

Christians Aboard the Trump-Train (19 comments)

Remembering Past Wars . . . and Preventing the Next!

Monday, April 3:

The State of Michigan Harasses Food-Stamp Recipients

Serialization of The 15% Solution: Section 1: Setting the Stage. Chap. 1

Trump like Nixon is headed into the abyss of guilt though possibly innocent (1 comments)

Humpty Dumpty and a Message of Hope (1 comments)

Framing Our March Signs to Persuade (1 comments)

SCOTUS: The Nuclear Option is Not Enough (3 comments)

U.S. Out of Korea (4 comments)

Sunday, April 2:

Israel Responds with Violence Against Palestinian "Land Day" Commemoration (1 comments)

Philip Farruggio: "It's My Party... (1 comments)

Freedom Rider: Is Trump the DNC Hacker? (23 comments)

"Sanctuary Cities" and Black Community Control of the Police (1 comments)

On Disinviting Controversial Speakers From Campus Events

Is the Russian Government Insouciant? -

The Superrich Have Profited From a Broken System--And Their Money Alone Won't Fix It (12 comments)

Congress Must Investigate Collusion Between Monsanto and the EPA, Now (2 comments)

Fake News Is The Norm (8 comments)

Why This Isn't the Time for the Public Option or Medicare for Some (23 comments)

"Storms make trees take deeper roots": Insights of a cancer survivor with indomitable spirit

Saturday, April 1:

Philip Farruggio: The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but ourselves...Cassius

Coalition's Air Strikes Kill Civilians in Syria and Iraq (1 comments)

Is there a Cure For Big Pharma? (27 comments)

12 Things President Trump Should Know About Trade


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