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January 2021

Sunday, January 31:

The Biden Administration's Landmark Day in the Climate Fight

Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges on the State of the American Empire (2 comments)

Weaponizing Diversity

The 1776 Commission Report

GameStop Attack on Hedge Funds is Occupy Wall Street 2.0-- With Teeth (10 comments)

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Crazy And So Is The Rest Of Congress: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix (5 comments)

Newspeak in the 21st Century: How to Become a Model Citizen in the New Era of Domestic Warfare

Canada pushes Guyana into conflict with Venezuela & helps multinationals grab its oil

Saturday, January 30:

It's Looking More Like the DC Coup Attempt Was an Inside Job (5 comments)

Indian Farmers, Citizenship, and Modi

Establishment Democrats Masquerading As Progressives (2 comments)

Planet Plastic

The Coronavirus Vaccine Fail and International Elites (1 comments)

Should President Biden Revoke Section 230? (2 comments)

The Sedition That Nobody's Talking About

Op-Ed Poem: The Hole in the Wall of the World (6 comments)

Friday, January 29:

Dr. Peter Hotez: "Globalized Anti-Science Movement" Threatens Pandemic Response & Public Health

The Republican Party's Iran-Level Superstitious Anti-Semitism: Greene claimed Jewish Space Laser started Cali Wildfires

100 seconds to midnight: the dissonance & madness of our present horror (6 comments)

teach voices from Syria Unit One (8 comments)

Robinhood: Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich (1 comments)

Why Macron rules out official apology for colonial atrocities in Algeria?

U.S.-Russia contradictions threaten the Baltic States

Time to Take the Mittens Off! (2 comments)

The GOP's Resentment Theater

Republicans in the Biden Era

Thursday, January 28:

Joe, the Honeymoon's Over (3 comments)

Fundamentalist Intolerance

What Can Save the World from Oligarchs? (1 comments)

Trump's Mind Rape of America (17 comments)

Where I've been this week (and where we all are now) (1 comments)

George Floyd "Narrated His Death," Says Attorney at International Inquiry

We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht (18 comments)

US Iran in stalemate on returning to the 2015 nuclear deal (1 comments)

Why We Can't Give Up on the Idea of a World Free From Nuclear Weapons

A 12-Step plan for Republicans (3 comments)

To break two-month old farmers protest: Modi govt. files criminal charges against 37 farmer leaders

GameStop Bottom-up Revolution Roils Stock Market-- Big as Capitol Riots (17 comments)

Pardon Me: What the Times Didn't Report (1 comments)

Will Biden End America's Global War on Children?

Not Guilty Again! And Not Just Because of Hard Nosed GOP Partisan Politics (3 comments)

Wednesday, January 27:

The U.S. ruling class grows anxious to maintain imperialist cultural hegemony

Experiencing "Little" Lies Every Day Makes Big Lies No Surprise (1 comments)

For Peace With North Korea, Biden Must End the US-South Korea Military Exercises (4 comments)

Trump and Fascism, A Retrospective Series, Part 2: Race is the Trump Card

Reflecting the Authoritarian Climate, Washington Will Remain Militarized Until At Least March (2 comments)

Biden to have Feds buy 650K Electric Vehicles, Promising rapid Fall in EV Prices (2 comments)

Indian farmer leaders condemn deadly violence but won't call off protests

The Next Major Party Won't be a Trump Production (3 comments)

Why Samantha Power should not hold public office (1 comments)

Freedom Rises Out of Discipline (7 comments)

Overcoming Delusion: Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness (1 comments)

Every mainstream. media outlet is helping Donald Trump's Impeachment Situation by Negative Framing (15 comments)

Get the Nuclear Weapons Out of Germany

Tuesday, January 26:

The Will to Believe: Americans and their Divine Masters (9 comments)

Enemies of the Deep State: The Government's War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap (3 comments)

Dear President Biden (from a progressive) (3 comments)

One Year Later-The Kobe Bryant I Still Remember

Normalization With Zionism: An Intro (1 comments)

Hundreds of 2021 Insurrectionists May Get Off while 700 Pentagon Protesters got arrested and jailed in 1967 (5 comments)

At Global Day of Action, Rep. Khanna Renews Support for War Powers Resolution to End War in Yemen (1 comments)

Campaign 'donations' are bribes and the 'Free' World ain't so free: Fixing Journalism's Lexicon to to Reflect Reality (8 comments)

Rob Malley for Iran Envoy: A Test Case for Biden's Commitment to Diplomacy (3 comments)

The U.S. will lose the cold war with China. Then collapse will come for it. (3 comments)

Amid Ladakh standoff: Chinese, Indian troops in fresh skirmish on eastern border

Trump Could Still Be Jailed for Sedition Even if Not Convicted in the Senate (16 comments)

Monday, January 25:

The Leadership Institute -- Training Operation for Right-Wingers (1 comments)

Facebook Escalates Attack on Socialist Left (1 comments)

Trudeau needs to live up to rhetoric and sign UN Nuclear Ban Treaty

The "Insurrection" and Its Discontents: "American Exceptionalism" Revisited

Eric Garner's Mother Says We Must Push for Justice That Her Son Didn't Receive (1 comments)

Utopian deadlines and reality of Russian military industrial complex (1 comments)

CEO's Newfound Concern for Democracy is Bunk

Biden could curb right-wing extremism with one weird trick: Ending the U.S. "forever war" (3 comments)

Buzzed Cairo, Wrecked Alexandria and a Third-Class Train Ride (1 comments)

Sunday, January 24:

Outgrowing Religion, Nationalism, and Militarism (2 comments)

Only Rogue States Have Nuclear Weapons (1 comments)

Political Prisoners

Another round of Chinese, Indian marathon military talks fail to break Ladakh standoff

What Biden's Warmongering Will Actually Look Like (3 comments)

Timothy Snyder's 20 Lessons for Recovering Trump Voters (REVIEW ESSAY) (2 comments)

The Trial of Thousands Who Participated in the Vote-Counting Day Riot Is Not Practical (4 comments)

As A Democracy, Israel Shows No Moral Tenet: El-Halabi's outcry for justice

Rule of Law? Obsolete. Rule of Narrative? We'll see. (2 comments)

We Must Caution the Biden Administration From Continuing Trump's Imperialism Toward Venezuela

To Counter Climate Change, We Need to Stop Burning Things

The Great Reset is about compensating for capitalism's crises by leaning onto Big Tech

Israel continues its air strikes against Syria after Biden's inauguration: What's next?

If I Became President of the United States: Here's What I Would Do (5 comments)

Political "Unity" is Neither Necessary Nor Desirable (14 comments)

In Defense of DJ Trump (3 comments)

Saturday, January 23:

Come Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole -- (4 comments)

The Moronic Firing of Will Wilkinson Illustrates Why Fear and Bad Faith Mob Demands Reign Supreme (4 comments)

Freedom Rider: Why the Left Don't Protest (7 comments)

Congresswoman's interview makes clear we cannot forget insurrection nor allow guilty to go free

Epic! MSNBC's Tiffany Cross decimates Republican on what the GOP stands for.

Huawei CFO Meng Landed in Canada, Perry Mason Isn't Her Lawyer Nor is His Mythical Rule of Law.

The Time I Got Coffee With Hollywood Satanists

Here's the Key Flaw in a First Amendment Defense for Trump's Incitement

Yes, There is Evidence of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, but It Was Not by Democrats. (1 comments)

House Impeachment Alone Was Amazingly Effective At... (8 comments)

Friday, January 22:

Big Lies and Grievances (1 comments)

Biden keeps Indian-Americans with RSS-BJP links out (1 comments)

As Death Toll Tops 410,000, Biden Pushes "Wartime Effort" to Fight COVID. But Could More Be Done?

The Coming Second Civil War (1 comments)

Three Wednesdays In January

President Joseph R. Biden's Inaugural Address Highlighted

The first thing we do, let's kill all the Coal Plants: How Joe Biden can save the Planet

This is Not a Game (1 comments)

Biden's unity pitch alongside cabinet choices of warmongers and coup inciters (2 comments)

What Biden Can Do Without Congress (But Won't) (7 comments)

Pope's Words in Open Letter to Joe Biden (3 comments)

About Suffering: A Massacre of the Innocents in Yemen (4 comments)

Strip the Senate: Making V.P. Kamala Harris the Senate Majority Leader (8 comments)

The U.S. empire's very limited options for conquest (3 comments)

Putin is screwing Old Europe with a gas pipeline: NORD STREAM II

Russia is likely behind US unrest (2 comments)

In Defense of Civility

Who was Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh? (3 comments)

Thursday, January 21:

Reconciliation Pt. 2 - Easier Said Than Done (4 comments)

Dear Mr. President, We're With You (1 comments)

A Most Unusual Inaugural

Enough of the T***p! End the White House Trumpery! (2 comments)

Round Up the Usual Suspects; Don't Forget Putin (6 comments)

Joe Biden's Inauguration, and Amanda Gorman's Beacon

Hey Joe, Where You Goin' With That Pen in Your Hand? (2 comments)

Canada isolated in opposing nuclear weapons ban

Wednesday, January 20:

The Capitol, policing, rhetoric, and the left (1 comments)

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming (4 comments)

Joe Biden must put an end to business as usual. Here's where to start (9 comments)

Let's All Sing for Joy as the KKK/Evangelical "Pro-Life" Double-Impeached Mobster/Serial-Earth-Killer Flees Town (1 comments)

Don't Let President Biden "Make Us the Dupes of Our Hopes" (1 comments)

Biden Inauguration / Trump Exit Open Thread (40 comments)

Nagorno-Karabakh waits for a strong decision (1 comments)

Neoliberalism is why over 2 million people have died from Covid-19 (1 comments)

When they say "Normalcy"

The Deep State's Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes

The Neo-fascist Legacy of Donald Trump (9 comments)

OMG, the My Pillow Guy Tried to Advise Grifter-OTUS on Martial Law (7 comments)

Tuesday, January 19:

Martin Luther King and Friends Drowning In Irrelevance (1 comments)

Indian Mafia don Chhota Shakeel's death confirmed after a 4-year-long investigation

Follow the Money Right to the Republicans Who Challenged the Election (1 comments)

Military might of Putin's Russia - reality, lies and failures (2 comments)

10 Bold Moves Biden Can Make Without Congress (1 comments)

Treaty offers U.S. a way to push for ban on nuclear weapons (7 comments)

By "Force and Fraud":: Is This the End of the US Democracy Doctrine? (3 comments)

Donald Trump closes out his time in the White House with very on-brand obnoxiousness

Hedges: Why They Hate Us (5 comments)

The Failed Coup Attempt on January 6th, 2021, Closely Resembles the Failed "Business Plot of 1933." (2 comments)

The Trump/Biden Handoff: Back to Business as Usual, as Usual

Schools Are Not Props For A Hollywood Production

Trumpism Is Not an Economic Policy; The Word Does A Disservice to the Country (1 comments)

SONNET: A World of Whitesploitation Newscycled (1 comments)

Of Cotton and "Hands": Engaging River of Dark Dreams, Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom (1 comments)

Monday, January 18:

The perpetual-war paradigm can't ensure against the prospect of revolution in the imperial core

Lithuanians scare deployed Fort Hood soldiers

Hooray the King is Dead! Long Live the King! (2 comments)

Whose Reality Wins? (6 comments)

Supreme Court: Say No to the FCC and #SaveLocalNews!

School Board President's First Opponent Announces His Candidacy

Suicides Are Rising at A Dramatic Rate in America (3 comments)

Reconciliation: Toward a Unified World (12 comments)

Now That Democrats Hold the Majority, It's Time to Go Bold (3 comments)

MLK and Brando: America's Problem (2 comments)

The Great Slime-wall (2 comments)

A Brief but Portentous Insurrection (2 comments)

Jury Way Out on How Tough the Punishment for the Capitol Terrorists

Yale's Timothy Snyder on the Trump Terrorists at the Capitol

Let the people know, not Trump: Enough with the Goddamned Secrets! Open Up the Government Joe! (1 comments)

Why Biden Can't Govern from the Center (8 comments)

Not "Failure" - Intention (2 comments)

Covid Vaccine Pros and Cons, and How to Discover the Truth (6 comments)

Sophistication of fascist coup attempt coming to light (1 comments)

In Defense of Revolutionary Violence (22 comments)

Sunday, January 17:

A quiet walk midst an insurrection

Indian conspiracy behind 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack exposed (1 comments)

Russia - the new democratic hegemony

Hold Onto That Fear, by Michael Ferner

Will Trump's Grand Finale Be Conviction by the US Senate?

Yes, Trump Can Be Convicted by the Senate After January 20 (1 comments)

Karen Finney: "This is who we are." But her message to both Democrats & GOP was more profound.

America Has the Tinder to Ignite Social Uprising (2 comments)

The Artists' Rebellion (2 comments)

Thoughts on MLK Day 2021: Is There Hope? (4 comments)

Million names, abject failure: Time to Trash the Terrorist Watch List, a Police-State Frankenstein Gone Off the Rails (2 comments)

Trumpists Will Likely Win the War For Control of the GOP (1 comments)

Israel is losing the fight to obscure its apartheid character (1 comments)

King, "Americans Betrayed Their Country In Vietnam!" Now in Yemen Syria Libya Somalia Iraq Afghanistan (8 comments)

Losing It

Illogical Thinking Leading to Illogical Actions

The Trump Presidency in Six Words (1 comments)

Saturday, January 16:

Chomsky, Prouty and Me (11 comments)

The U.S. trend towards more war, repression, and inequality is going to continue indefinitely

Globalization: A Prose Poem

A Disintegrating Trump Administration?

An Attempted Coup, Not A Peaceful Protest

Reasons to Impeach Trump Post-presidency (14 comments)

Liz Cheney Has a World Class Sense of Dark Humor

Shocked. Shocked! Who Knew? Well, Practically Everyone. (1 comments)

"Organized" March to Capitol Was Not Permitted, Rally Organizers Warned White House (1 comments)

No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself (3 comments)

The movement to abolish nuclear weapons (1 comments)

Pompeo's Desperado Vandalism (5 comments)

Friday, January 15:

Raskolnikov's Dream Come True (8 comments)

A Closer Look at Russia's Constitutional Amendments

Is It Time for a Republican Party of Concord? An Update (1 comments)

Expanding Space Arms Control (1 comments)

Banana Republic-ans (2 comments)

The No Fly List: More Dangerous than the Capitol Rioters (1 comments)

Did An Elected Official Falsify A Public Record?

Trump Kicks His Dogs-- Maga-Moron Useful Idiots (16 comments)

Downplaying Trumpism Is Dangerous

Two Timeless Truths For Thrse Trying Times (5 comments)

(Re-)Joining the World

Will the Senate Confirm Coup Plotter Victoria Nuland? (4 comments)

9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail (13 comments)

Thoughts In Anticipation of the Next Event of Trumpian Insurrection (2 comments)

Where Will Biden Get the Money?

Should Trump and His Supporters Face 'Damnatio Memoriae'? (1 comments)

Why the Surprise When a Jailed White Terrorist Gets Kid Glove Treatment

Thursday, January 14:

The Revolution will be Televised (1 comments)

Afghan Peace talks are faltering amid surging violence

Trump and Fascism: A Retrospective Series, Part 1

Twitter's Ban on Trump will Deepen the US Tribal Divide (2 comments)

The GOP stood with Trump and against the Legitimacy of Biden: that's how Iraq Split up in 2014

Don't Dismiss US Coup

AddressThe Stagnation That Paved The Way For Trump (4 comments)

Charter Schools Are Not The Answer

Dana the chess player

Africa was the Amazon of the Slave Trade, and Jesus just the Uber Driver (4 comments)

The 6th of January (The Battle of New Old Beans) (1 comments)

American Coup (5 comments)

Trump's Congressional Co-Conspirators Are Just As Guilty as the President (2 comments)

The Security Planning Is Going in the Right Direction (6 comments)

Revolution: It CAN Happen Here

Some companies have funded sedition. So explains CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin on donation stoppage.

Wednesday, January 13:

Fears of proletarian revolution are behind the campaign to censor the internet (6 comments)

China and Pakistan form potent threat, warns Indian Army Chief

America, America. (4 comments)

Amy Coney Barrett Should Recuse Herself from Big Oil's Supreme Court Case

Just Like in a Banana Republic (4 comments)

A Tale Of Two Mobs

Hey MAGA Marchers: Where Was Coward Trump as You Died?

Katy Tur corners John Bolton: The lies & insurrection are not just Trump but Ted Cruz & others. (4 comments)

McConnell Hates Trump,But I disagree on when it started (19 comments)

A Nation Imploding: Digital Tyranny, Insurrection and Martial Law (1 comments)

The Political Class: At War with Each Other and on the Rest of Us (3 comments)

Trump insurrection and failed resurrection (35 comments)

Expulsion - A Question of Constitutional Law (4 comments)

America Condemns One Violent Mob While Celebrating Another (5 comments)

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Take Justice to The Next Level

The Country's Dilemma is Remarkably Familiar. (1 comments)

India's Supreme Court issues another controversial pro-Modi decision

Neighbor Against Neighbor - When Terror Comes Home (13 comments)

Tuesday, January 12:

Denouncing Republican Evils Can't Do Much for the Biden Presidency Without Demanding Progressive Policies (3 comments)

The armed Accelerationists are Coming: Neo-Nazis and Boogaloo Bois plan another Insurrection Jan. 20 (2 comments)

The Trump Chronicles, 2020, Part 2

JOHN KIRIAKOU: Biden's Nominee for CIA Director (1 comments)

Senator Tester makes it clear he could support Ted Cruz & Josh Hawley's expulsion from Senate.

Biden's team will exploit this chaos to manufacture consent for more surveillance, censorship, & war (3 comments)

RAY McGOVERN: Can Burns Change the CIA?

Hitting Hannity Where It Hurts: Working the Cable Angle

Unequal Justice: Use Both the 25th Amendment and Impeachment to Hold Trump Accountable -

Storming the Capitol January 6th, Trump inciting them to take action now Congressional Dems grandstanding on the matter

The Trump Administration's Parting Outrage Against Cuba (1 comments)

Monday, January 11:

Right-Wing Media is a Danger to Democracy. Ban it Now! (19 comments)

Will the GOP Try the "Wicked Witch's Guards Gambit" to Cut Loose Trump? (1 comments)

Sam Harris' false equivalence (1 comments)

Impeach Trump Immediately

Is Big Tech Too Powerful? Chris Hedges & Ramesh Srinivasan Debate Twitter & Facebook Banning Trump (1 comments)

The Mythocracy of Democracy (1 comments)

In the Middle of the Rubicon

Accountability for the Attempted Coup (2 comments)

'Lies, lies, lies': Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech about Trump and fellow Republicans goes viral (1 comments)

'Loved' terrorists get thrown under Trump bus, are now seriously groveling for mercy (2 comments)

The USSR's demise shows that communists must never stop defending Actually Existing Socialism (4 comments)

January 6-What A Day! Hallelujah for the Failed Coup in Washington (4 comments)

Is Giuliani a Speech-Maker or a Criminal Instigator?

Dystopians R' Us (12 comments)

Despite Saudi pressure, Imran Khan reaffirms Pakistan has no plans to recognize Israel (1 comments)

Trump's secretary of defense is either incompetent or a traitor. He must be removed (6 comments)

How to Beat a Capitol Police Officer With an American Flag Pole (1 comments)

"Journalists" Who Smear Assange Are Pure Scum (3 comments)

No, it wasn't like the sixties. Not even close. Apples and bananas. (1 comments)

Unmatched Cairo (1 comments)

60 Minutes Republican-appeasing Leslie Stahl creates false equivalence in Nancy Pelosi interview

Sunday, January 10:

Redirect Law Enforcement Against the Right (5 comments)

Do not act surprised. White Supremacy Is part of U.S. History

The Return of the "Know Nothing Party" (1 comments)

For Julian Assange, Freedom Is in View (6 comments)

Message to Democrats: Help people fast. Advice to Joe Manchin (D-WV), stand down.

Defending Apartheid

The Fire This Time (7 comments)

Wait, What Happened to the Narrative? (7 comments)

Political Violence: The Politicians Doth Protest Too Much

The Gods of Plagio and Their Furious Enforcers (1 comments)

He Tried: Trump's White Supremacy Was The Match That Lit Wednesday's American Reichstag Fire

25 Organizations: Victoria Nuland's Nomination Should Be Rejected

Michael Moore: Members of Congress and Their Staffers Aided and Abetted Capitol Rioters (1 comments)

Restoring the Threat of Impeachment for Future Office Holders

Saturday, January 9:

How Deeply Is Anti-Semitism Ingrained In Los Angeles? (1 comments)

The US and UK may not will Assange's death, but everything they are doing makes it more likely (3 comments)

I Showed Raffensperger Evidence of Wrongful Voter Purges. He Ignored It.

The Capitol Riot Won't Change A Darn Thing

Fear among World Citizens (3 comments)

Lindsey Graham harassed at airport: called "traitor" and "garbage human being" by pro-Trumpers

Everything about the Trump insurrection was planned ... except failing

Our Best Chance to Slow Global Warming Comes in the Next Nine Years

Riot Repeat in Washington, DC? Not Likely, But Possible (5 comments)

Call Them Terrorists (111 comments)

When The Illusion Fails

The LAUSD's 2020 Report Card

What's the point of being first when even the president doesn't believe the vaccine's effectiveness? (1 comments)

Sputnik V could turn out to be more dangerous than Covid-19

The first will be the last: the curse of Sputnik

Why isn't NDP critic Randall Garrison questioning $200 billion navy procurement? (2 comments)

Capitol Occupation: Attempted Coup and Inaugural Rehearsal

Republicans Will Enthusiastically Impeach Trump (4 comments)

The Boot Is Coming Down Hard And Fast (13 comments)

Can Justice Finally Overtake Trump, Its Most Defiant Fugitive? (1 comments)

By Wrongly Calling The Capitol Rabble 'Terrorists' Joe Biden Will Likely Create Some (4 comments)

Should Progressives Be Inspired by the DC Rioters? (46 comments)

Friday, January 8:

Sizable Indian soldiers moved from Kashmir to China border

Russian Orthodox Church spreads COVID-19 with a silver spoon

Donald Trump Has Been the Worst President in the History of the United States

Committing War Crimes to Please U.S. Politicians: The Case of Denmark (3 comments)

Trump's Vilest Legacy: A Comment on Professor Reich's "broken window" (2 comments)

To become a revolutionary militant, you must abandon the attachment to bourgeois concerns (2 comments)

A Washington Convulsion Complicates Biden's Task

2021 New Year's Resolutions (1 comments)

The Origins of America's Secret Police (3 comments)

Prepare for the new "Domestic Terrorism Bill" (6 comments)

25th, Impeachment, Pence, Senators Possibilities (4 comments)

While Railing Against Trump Coup, Biden Appoints Chief Ukraine Coup-Plotter Victoria Nuland (2 comments)

Open Thread: What Will the Rioters' Assault on the Capitol Be Called? (26 comments)

Did Trump Walk Into a Trap? - Larry Wilkerson (6 comments)

Violence in the Capitol, Dangers in the Aftermath (1 comments)

Our "Schmuck" Godfather Threatens Us All

Trump's Fascism and Republican Responsibility

Organizing Made the Victories in Georgia Possible

A New Era

Thursday, January 7:

Open Thread: Why are Trump's Cabinet Members Quitting? (3 comments)

This Week in the US: The Model Nation for no Nation Anymore (1 comments)

Wisconsin's assembly speaker supports Indian farmers' protests

Neighborhood Council Expresses Concern About Over-Due Bills and Fraud

The Beer Belly Putsch: A Sign of Things to Come

Is Democracy Worth Saving? (17 comments)

Indian media claims: Turkey-Pakistan in discussion over nuclear weapon program

Donald Trump Must Be Removed From the White House IMMEDIATELY. (4 comments)

Defeating McConnell: The Real Stakes of the Georgia Runoffs

The Extraordinarily Unstable Situation in Our Nation's Capital

Bezos One of the World's Top Richest Men or Richest Miser When It Comes to the Poor

What 25th Amendment Presidential Removal Requires (1 comments)

Infamy Yet Again on 1/6/21: Envying the Dead (4 comments)

Let the Twenties Roar Free (1 comments)

Pussygate to Peachgate: O, Just Shut It, DJ, On Your Way Out (3 comments)

Oh, My, No (a sing-a-long after Neil Young's "Ohio") (1 comments)

Democracy Counts in Georgia; D.C. in Chaos

Capitol Police Complicit in Capitol Insurrection Riot? (8 comments)

Wednesday, January 6:

Private military companies are another way that late-stage capitalism is eating itself

Republican Legislators Blame Seditious Insurrection on Covid Frustration (1 comments)

Proof Negative: It Is, We The People Who Are Responsible

In 2021, the Best Way to Fight Neofascist Republicans Is to Fight Neoliberal Democrats (3 comments)

McConnell Flushed (2 comments)

CNN: We Are Watching an Attempt At Sedition-- A Coup-- as Capitol is Taken Over (126 comments)

What last night proved (14 comments)

Biden Appoints Merrick Garland to be US Attorney General (2 comments)

Peace in the Persian Gulf (4 comments)

Tuesday, January 5:

Biden's Troubling Appointments (3 comments)

Trump leaves a stain, if not a brand

What prompts Saudi Arabia to end blockade on Qatar? (2 comments)

What to Expect in 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation and More Tyranny

Will Trump Ignite His Reichstag Fire on January 6?

The Effects of Unopposed Power Have Been the Deaths of Millions (10 comments)

Why no skepticism of governmental pronouncements in this time of the covid pandemic?

Stealing Georgia: Raffensperger is No Hero (1 comments)

A Treaty to Ban the Political Use of Religion (1 comments)

Rumblings of the Resurgent Confederacy and the Criminal Antics of the Mafia Don (1 comments)

Yes, Dr. Fauci, You DO Need to Have Some Humility Here (11 comments)

Towards a More Mature Democracy (16 comments)

Security situation deteriorates in Pakistan's volatile Balochistan province

Chris Hedges: The Empire is Not Done with Julian Assange (20 comments)

Monday, January 4:

What will happen when global warming creates pandemics far worse than COVID-19?

Reversing Evolution--Man Learns From Monkey

Several reasons why Covid-19 stats are Overblown (28 comments)

Here's why the SoHo Karen's aren't Behind Bars (4 comments)

Threat to Journalism Remains Despite Rejection of Assange Extradition (2 comments)

Tragedies, Farces and Trump's Coup d'e'tat: The History of an Idea

Tape reveals Trump gangster methods in pursuing election coup (3 comments)

The socialist movement's long-term advantage is that there can't be capitalism in one country (2 comments)

Every. Vote. Counts.

UFO: The New American Religion (5 comments)

My Petition Is Now At The Core Of Our National Discussion (1 comments)

"Brave School World" to Track Student Data for Social Credit: From Bill Gates to BigQuery, From Blockchain to Hashgraph (1 comments)

Sunday, January 3:

Police Target Hockey in Canada As Viral Hysteria Intensifies (1 comments)

The Suppression of Alternative Medicine is Killing Us (9 comments)

Why invent conspiracies when you have the neocons starting the Iraq war -- Heather Cox Richardson (3 comments)

Let's Be Absolutely Clear What's At Stake In The Assange Case (13 comments)

Turkey's defense industry keeps growing in 2020

What liberals need to understand (Response to Jimmy Dore)

Chuck Todd blunts GOP Sen: You didn't have the guts, to tell the truth, that this election was fair.

Sedition (2 comments)

The numbers add up for 'child-side' tax policies (1 comments)

Campaign to revive the Confederacy; watch the next few days (9 comments)

Happy Holidays! You're On Your Own.

The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) Applauds Bipartisan National Defense Authorization Legislation

As anti-colonial struggle escalates, the U.S. is using Covid-19 as a weapon in colonial genocide (9 comments)

Saturday, January 2:

Why Are We Not Uprising? How Many More Deaths Will It Take? (24 comments)

Howard Richards: Embrace Communities to Save Humanity and the Planet

What I Learned Last Year (19 comments)

The 15% Solution: What it Was --- and Is

The Apartheid Pandemic: As 10% of Israelis get Covid Vaccine, Zero Occupied Palestinians have -- Will wait Months (3 comments)

"It Was a Stupid War Anyone Who Went Was a Sucker" A US President Reportedly Enlightened Americans (7 comments)

Deep, Positive Stories For the Future (25 comments)

Manhattan district attorney escalates Trump financial probe

The Coronavirus in Mississippi: How It's Affecting Us, and What We Must Do

Friday, January 1:

Georgians - Go Vote for a Long Overdue Raise!

A Farewell to 2020 and a Glance at the Two Most Populous Countries in the World

Even While It Was Happening, It Wasn't Happening

Canada's alliances prove the country is an imperialist power (1 comments)

The New "Legal Normal" Creates Dangerous Precedents

New York Times Joins Trump's Anti-China Crusade

Who Will Protect Georgia's Vote Count?

Civil Rights Groups Fight Back Against Georgia's Voter Purges

Fox News reporter gets owned again by Georgia Democratic Senate Candidate Ossoff. Free ad time?

Good Riddance to a Terrible Year (1 comments)

Georgia Closes Black Polling Stations;White Polls Open for Early Voting (5 comments)

A Confederacy of Losers (19 comments)

American Muslims in 2020 (1 comments)


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