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Life Arts    H4'ed 11/1/10

Art: The reach

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   7 comments

Merlin Flower
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After meeting someone for the first time, though rare, you may name them on a whim. At times, you don't bother asking for a name, at times, the vibes work and you don't get any. Thus, the world knows the person through a particular name, while you have another. Coincidence or it could just be the correlation of the brain on some weird inner reasoning.

When I completed this painting, the name which propped into my head-the reach, along with the words of Robert Browning, "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?". Guess, the verse came first, followed by the obvious name.

I find a lot of similarities between poetry and painting-they both start with "p'-genius me! Ok, here's another: You could sit with a poem for a whole day and still fail to grasp the meaning and beauty. The same is true for painting, or any art for that matter. Another: Both, the result of lonely process. Listen, all you management brains, team work doesn't fit in. And another: Highly subjective, imaginative, pure- both are.

Met the English professor, who gives a different meaning to the same poem, to a different set of student, in a different year? Art is the same; you'll find a new meaning every time you gaze into one. Probably, the mystery is why we all seek art, poems for. Think I just made case against spending cuts on arts.

The angle, from which you see the painting, the straight view, isn't the one to perceive it. However, I could be wrong, but try the view with a tilt.

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Merlin Flower is an independent writer and artist.
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