Under false pretences
To get it's oil
And control a region
Thousands of people
Are injured or killed
In this illegal
And criminal endeavor
We are all complicit
Including the soldiers
Who do the dirty work
Of killing and control
The dirtiest thing of all
Is that we dramatise
Their dirty work
For Television
We turn an invasion
Meant to steal a product
Into a product
To entertain
We turn an entertainment
Into a way to accept
And support
The way our troops are
No matter the facts
Of the case
No matter the depth
Of the crime
"Ours is not to reason why"
"Ours is but to do or die"
"Kill em all!"
"And let God sort em out!"
No matter the ones
Who try to stay good
Or those who try to help
They still don't belong there
They still came under a lie
They still are a part of a theft
They still are part of a gang
That does not belong in Iraq
This is our true sickness
This is our dark truth
This is the truth
That will take us down
Every cocky crack
And sleazy joke
About women, gays, Muslims
Every stupid boondoggle, fubar
Frag-ass situation
Only serves to show
How morally bankrupt we are
It is not cute, or cleaver
Or manly, or brave
This generation of Americans
Wallowing in the shallow end
It is only a reflection
Of the culture we've created
The leadership we tolerate
And the children we raise
The, so called, enemy
Is no better than we are
But one thing I know is this:
We are no better than them
They lean on God
And reject the world
While we ignore God
And steal the world
Generations of young men
Worshipping false Gods
And following false leaders
Are traveling down false paths
Until we all come to a dead-end
Where we'll ask ourselves
The final question:
Generation what?