Ezili's HLLN on the decision to ban Haiti's largest political party from upcoming elections
As the old song goes, "They smile in your face...back-stabbers." The
Obama administration "artfully pursues a policy of smiles and
handshakes all around while undermining democratic forces through
proxies whenever the opportunity arises." Washington reserves its
rawest deceits for the small countries of the Americas like Honduras
and Haiti. (In Honduras and Haiti, the U.S. Rules by Proxy By Glen Ford, A Black Agenda Radio commentary)
The best or most glorious example of free, fair, democratic and pluralistic elections in Haiti was held 20-years ago on December 16, 1990 when the people of Haiti voted, en mass, for Haiti's first democratically elected President.
The people of Haiti took that election and turned it into a movement called the Lavalas Movement. It's purpose was for inclusion. Its purpose was so that Haiti's majority would get to use the assets of their own country to improve the public's condition - to have schools, authentic not Pepe education, to build roads, infrastructure, health care, job opportunities and Haitian dignity. But the colonizers and former slave-owning nations, headed by the super powerful United States, have been trying to take back control of Haiti since that December 16, 1990 election and return political power back into the hands of Haiti's Oligarchy who traditionally act as middlemen for US/Euro-transnational companies and wealth interests; to return poor Haitians to their lives of misery, indifference and neglect from their government and their representatives. After two US-sponsored coup d'etats and with the current US/UN occupation, this status quo is currently back in place and the colonizers cannot stop congratulating themselves on their great victory over the people of Haiti since said Blacks dared to democratically empower themselves on December 16, 1990.
Fanmi Lavalas, President Aristide's political party, the most popular and strongest political party in Haiti, was again, just banned from participating in elections. Gaillot Dorsinvil, President of the Haitian Provisional Electoral Council selected and operating at the whims of Rene Preval, said that Fanmi Lavalas' registration papers did not meet all legal requirements. (See below, Letter from Dr Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Former President of the Republic of Haiti/National Representative of Fanmi Lavalas to Gaillot Dorsinvil, president of the Haitian Provisional Electoral Council, November 18, 2009).
The US, UN, OAS and European Union, who have opposed the inclusion of Haiti's majority in participating in the national affairs of Haiti since the December 16, 1990 vote where, for the first time in Haiti's 200-year history, the people of Haiti overturned the reign of the few over the many, overturned US/Euro supported dictatorship/neocolonialism, to elect President Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti's first free and fair elections, are today, by-the-point-of- US/UN-guns, managing, once again, without any public outcry from the world community, to effectively and conclusively EXCLUDE the majority of Haiti's Blacks from the electoral process.
The OAS is making money off these sham elections by providing identification cards to Haitians. The UN is providing ballot box and polling-place security. The US is putting in $18million of US taxpayer dollars, which of course, as per usual, will go in the pockets of USAID/State Department/IRI/NED/CIA cronies for fees, salaries and administrative expenses.
The remaining, so-called "international community," will undoubtedly send international electoral observers, or even Jimmy Carter to certify how successful this upcoming February/March 2010 vote will be. Everything is set for the masturbation on Black pain. They've done it since dis-enfranchising Haiti's Black majority in 2004, imposing UN occupation and over 10,000 paternalistic foreign NGOs on the backs of defenseless Haitians. The UN is garnering over $600million a year in jobs for its UN soldiers and the NGO's are divvying up, amongst themselves, the over 70% of Haiti's national budget financed by the international community. What a racket!
The last elections, in April/June of 2009, where the Fanmi Lavalas political party was excluded, saw a turnout of from 3% to 11% in Haiti, depending on who you talk to.
Still, that the majority of Haitians are EXCLUDED from participating in elections is of no great concern to key stakeholders like UN Envoy Bill Clinton, George Soros, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.
In fact, these nations, their representatives and NGO heads continue to congratulate themselves, ad nausea, on how IMPROVED Haiti is now without the majority of Black Haitians participating in the Haitian government; continue to publish wonderful PR stories of the IMPROVEMENTS and good INVESTMENT CLIMATE in Haiti right now!
President Preval chauffeurs Special UN Envoy Bill Clinton around, all smiles, as the Haitian people flee to shark-infested waters on rickety, overcrowded boats where they drown or get deported back to starvation by Barack Obamas' Administration, smiles while Haiti dies of starvation, Clorox hunger, dies under the weight of high food/fuel prices, curable diseases or wrongful imprisonment in overcrowded UN/US-run prisons in Haiti. President Preval never mentions the UN rapes, the unfair free trade policies that have imposed starvation in Haiti, the coup d'etat killings or indefinite detentions. In fact, the Haitian Parliament, in a rare moment, raised the minimum wage from 70 gourdes (or $1.75 per day) to 200 gourdes (about $5 a day or .63 cents per hour). President Preval, citing the US-HOPE II Act, and his concern that US businesses would make too little a profit in Haiti, vetoed it. The HOPE Act allows for duty-free exports of clothing to the U.S. for 10 years. "Apparently a minimum wage of .63 cents per hour to desperately impoverished Haitians will hurt US consumers and big business. But 38 cents per hour (or $3 per day) is enough according to Haitian President Preval, although poor Haitians have to pay high US-prices to the mercenary families (Haitian Oligarchy) for imported US goods in Haiti- (rice, soap, oil, clothes, food, toothpaste, shampoo, all supplies, etc.)"
How did such a US/Euro "improvement" and massive Haiti dis-enfranchisement occur in Haiti?
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